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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
GAfreastal fir1
gu freastail
seirbheáil bain3
gu seirbheála
(gníomhaíocht i gcúrsaí spóirt)
(action in sport)
an chéad seirbheáil
first service
Is botún an tseirbheáil.
Botún seirbheála atá ann.
The service is a fault.
Ní áireofar an tseirbheáil.
Service shall not count.
cailliúint na seirbhíse
cailliúint an fhreastail
loss of service
buaigh an tseirbhís
win the service
seirbhís caillte
service lost
GAseirbheáil br
abr seirbheáil, aidbhr seirbheáilte
ENserve v
(deliver a legal document, summons)
Sheirbheáil an póilín an toghairm.
The police officer served the summons.
Sheirbheáil an garda an toghairm.
The garda served the summons.
GAseirbheáil br
abr seirbheáil, aidbhr seirbheáilte
freastail br
abr freastal, aidbhr freastalta
ENserve v
Briseadh cluiche seirbheála Hewitt den chéad uair agus é ag seirbheáil don bháire.
Hewitt's serve was broken for the first time when serving for the match.
seirbheáil don bháire; freastail don bháire
to serve for the match
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Beidh deimhniú seirbheála arna chomhlánú agus arna chur ar aghaidh faoi Airteagal 6 de Choinbhinsiún na Háige ag Údarás Láir an Stáit chun a ndírítear é nó ag aon údarás a bheidh ainmnithe aige chun na críche sin ina fhianaise prima facie ar na fíorais a bheidh luaite ann. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
A certificate of service completed and forwarded under Article 6 of The Hague Convention by the Central Authority of the State addressed or any authority which it may have designated for that purpose shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein
Ráiteas faoi mhionn a dheimhníonn gur seirbheáladh toghairm dlí, agus a deir cén t-am, cén dáta, agus cén chaoi ar seirbheáladh í
A sworn statement that certifies that a notice, summons or other legal writ has been served and which gives the date, time and manner of the serving of same
Mionnófar mionnscríbhinn seirbheála gach Bille Shibhialta um an Dlí Teaghlaigh agus comhdófar san Oifig í. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 200
An affidavit of service of every Family Law Civil Bill shall be sworn and shall be filed in the Office
Tá Riail 3 (c) den Ordú seo gan dochar do chumhacht na Cúirte chun ordú a dhéanamh le haghaidh seirbheála ionadaí. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
Rule 3 (c) hereof is without prejudice to the power of the Court to make an order for substituted service
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
service; service of process
seirbheáil próisis
before the application has been served
sula seirbheáiltear an t-iarratas
to give an address for service of process
tabhair seoladh le haghaidh seirbheáil próisis; tabhair seoladh le haghaidh seirbheála próisis
the service is effected...(court documents)
déanfar an tseirbheáil...(doiciméid chúirte)
to serve
serve legal documents
doiciméad dlí a sheirbheáil; seirbheáil doiciméid dlí
service of the application on the defendant
seirbheáil an iarratais ar an gcosantóir
service duly effected
seirbheáil a dhéanamh go cuí; seirbheáilte go cuí
service for the purpose of the proceedings
seirbheáil chun críche na n-imeachtaí
service; service of a document
seirbheáil doiciméid
service of documents
seirbheáil doiciméad