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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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plants derived from nuclear stock, propagated and maintained under conditions ensuring freedom from infection
'... ciallaíonn “speicis bhainteacha” aon iasc a thagann ón éiceachóras céanna leis an stoc ar leas coiteann é agus a dhéanann seilg ar an stoc sin, a ndéanann an stoc sin seilg air, a théann in iomaíocht leis le haghaidh bia agus spáis mhaireachtála nó atá sa limistéar céanna iascaireachta agus a shaothraítear nó a thógtar isteach go taismeach san iascach céanna nó sna hiascaigh chéanna...'
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
GAcúlstoc fir1
gu cúlstoic, ai cúlstoic, gi cúlstoc
Seanstoc leabhar i leabharlann. Lebhair iad nach gcuirtear ar fáil go poiblí. Cuirtear in áit faoi leith iad. Má éilíonn duine éigin leabhar ón stoc is féidir é a fháil.
ENbought-out stock s
pl bought-out stocks
GAstoc fir1 láncheannaithe
ai stoic láncheannaithe
stoc fir1 ceannaithe thar barr amach
ai stoic ceannaithe thar barr amach
ENbuffer stock s
pl buffer stocks
GAcúlstoc fir1
gu cúlstoic, ai cúlstoic, gi cúlstoc
GAgnáthstoc fir1
gu gnáthstoic, ai gnáthstoic, gi gnáthstoc
Finance Equity claims held by the residual owners of the firm, who are the last to receive any distribution of earnings or assets.
Airgeadas Éilimh chothromais atá i seilbh úinéirí iarmharacha an ghnólachta, arb iad na daoine deireanacha iad a gheobhadh aon dáileadh de thuilleamh nó de shócmhainní.
GAstoc fir1 státchiste
gu stoic státchiste
Finance Shares of stock that have been issued and then repurchased by a firm.
Airgeadas Scaireanna stoic a d'eisigh gnólacht agus a d'athcheannaigh siad ina dhiaidh sin.
animals which have been killed by euthanasia with or without a definite diagnosis or which have died, including stillborn and unborn animals, on a farm or on any premises or during transport, but which have not been slaughtered for human consumption
ainmhithe a maraíodh leis an eotanáis le nó gan diagnóis chinnte, nó marbh-bhreitheanna, nó a fuair bás ar fheirm, ar áitreabh feirme nó le linn iompair ach nár maraíodh i gcomhair bia do dhaoine
GAstoc fir1 fáis
gu stoic fáis
Finance Stock that has had substantial growth in the past and is expected to in the future.
Airgeadas Stoc a d'fhás go daingean roimhe seo agus a bhfuiltear ag súil go bhfásfaidh sé tuilleadh sa todhchaí.
ENguaranteed stock s
pl guaranteed stocks
GAstoc fir1 ráthaithe
ai stoic ráthaithe
stoc fir1 faoi ráthaíocht
ai stoic faoi ráthaíocht
Finance The most broadly based of the US indices, covering all common shares listed on the exchange.
Airgeadas An t-innéacs leis an mbonn is leithne as measc innéacsanna Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, ag cumhdach na ngnáthscaireanna go léir atá liostaithe ar an malartán.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
amhábhar; bunábhar
Conference on the Human Environment; Earth Summit; Stockholm Conference; UNCHE; United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an Timpeallacht Dhaonna; Comhdháil Stócólm
SIPRI; Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Institiúid Idirnáisiúnta Stócólm um Thaighde ar an tSíocháin; SIPRI
livestock production; livestock rearing; stockfarming
feirmeoireacht stoic; togáil stoic
single-stock future; SSF; universal stock future
todhchaíocht stoic uilíoch
retail brokerage; retail stockbroking
bróicéireacht mhiondíola
fallen stock
stoc a fuair bás
growing stock; standing timber
stoc fáis
stock utilisation register
clár maidir le húsáid stoic
intervention stock
stoc idirghabhála
grandparent flock; grandparent stock
stoc síolraíochta den dara glúin
joint stock; shared fishing stock; shared stock
stoc roinnte
consignment stock
stoc ar coinsíneacht
drawing stock; wire rod
slat sreinge
Regional Agreement for the European Broadcasting Area; Stockholm Convention
an Comhaontú Réigiúnach maidir le Limistéar Craolacháin na hEorpa; Coinbhinsiún Stócólm
state of stocks; state of the stocks
staid na stoc éisc
Convention for the Establishment of a European Company for the Financing of Railway Rolling Stock (EUROFIMA)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cuideachta Eorpach a bhunú chun stoc rothra iarnróid a mhaoiniú (EUROFIMA)
rootstock; stock
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention; Biological Weapons Convention; BTWC; BWC; Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAirm Bhitheolaíocha agus Thocsaine; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh agus Stoc-Charnadh Arm Baictéareolaíoch (Bitheolaíoch) agus Tocsaine agus maidir lena nDíothú; BTWC
spawning-stock biomass; SSB
bithmhais stoic sceithigh; SSB
artificial restocking
athstocáil shaorga
recovery of stocks; restoration of stocks; stock recovery
aisghabháil stoc; athbhunú stoc
breeding stock; spawning stock
stoc pórúcháin; stoc sceite
livestock unit; LSU; LU
aonad beostoic
PLC; public company limited by shares; public limited company; public limited liability company; stock corporation
cpt; cuideachta phoiblí faoi theorainn scaireanna; cuideachta phoiblí theoranta
stock farming; stockfarming
feirmeoireacht stoic; tógáil stoic
feedstock; raw material
company limited by shares; joint stock company; JSC
cuideachta chomhstoic; cuideachta faoi theorainn scaireanna
stock (products)
stoc (táirgí)
stock index forward; stock index future; stock index futures contract
conradh todhchaíochtaí innéacsanna stoic; todhchaíocht innéacsanna stoic
to keep a stock-account
cuntas stoic a choinneáil
fish stock; stock
stoc; stoc éisc
method of financing the stocks
modh maoinithe na stoc
spreading of livestock effluents
leathadh eisilteach beostoic
railway rolling stock
rothra iarnróid
SO; stock option
céadrogha ar scaireanna
Irish Livestock and Meat Board
CBF; Córas Beostoic agus Feola
Chemical Weapons Convention; Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction; CWC
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh, Stoc-Charnadh agus Úsáid Arm Ceimiceach agus maidir lena nDíothú; an Coinbhinsiún um Airm Cheimiceacha; CWC
SAS; simplified joint stock company
cuideachta chomhstoic shimplithe
1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement; 1995 United Nations agreement concerning the conservation and management of straddling stocks and highly migratory fish stocks; Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks; UN Fish Stocks Agreement; UNFSA
an Comhaontú maidir le Forálacha Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le Dlí na Farraige an 10 Nollaig 1982 i ndáil le Caomhnú agus le Bainistiú Stoc Éisc Traslimistéir agus Stoc Éisc Mór-imirceach a chur chun feidhme; UNFSA
BTWC Review Conference; Review Conference of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention; Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention; Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction
Comhdháil Athbhreithnithe an Choinbhinsiúin maidir le hAirm Bhitheolaíocha agus Toscaine; Comhdháil Athbhreithnithe de na Stáit is Páirtithe sa Choinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh agus Stoc-Charnadh Arm Baictéareolaíoch (Bitheolaíoch) agus Toscaine agus maidir lena nDíothú
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction; Mine Ban Treaty; Ottawa Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Úsáid, Stoc-Charnadh, Táirgeadh agus Aistriú Mianach Frithphearsanra agus maidir lena nDíothú; Coinbhinsiún Ottawa
carbon stock
stoc carbóin
SFA; stock-flow adjustment
coigeartú sreabhaidh i leith stoic
Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowance; HLCA
LCBS; Liúntas Cúiteach Beostoic Sléibhe
index fund; index-tracking fund; stock index fund; tracker; tracker fund; tracking fund
ciste rianúcháin
POP Convention; Stockholm Convention; Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
Coinbhinsiún Stócólm ar Thruailleáin Orgánacha Mharthanacha
fish stock assessment; stock assessment
measúnú stoc; stocmheasúnú
Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean; WCPF Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Stoic Éisc Mhórimirceacha san Aigéan Ciúin Iartharach agus san Aigéan Ciúin Láir a Chaomhnú agus a Bhainistiú
deep-sea fish stock; deep-sea stock
stoc domhainfharraige; stoc éisc domhainfharraige
Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean; WCPFC; Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
Coimisiún chun Stoic Éisc Mór-Imirceach san Aigéan Ciúin Iartharach agus san Aigéan Ciúin Láir a Chaomhnú agus a Bhainistiú; Coimisiún Iascaigh don Aigéan Ciúin Iartharach agus don Aigéan Ciúin Láir
bond lending; securities lending; share lending; stock lending
iasacht urrús
stock solution
parent stock chick
sicín iolrúcháin
poultry stock
stoc éanlaithe
conservation of fish stocks; conservation of fisheries resources; conservation of fishery resources
caomhnú na n-acmhainní iascaigh
rational management of fish stocks
bainistíocht réasúnach ar stoic éisc
complex of stocks
coimpléasc stoc
interdependence of stocks
idirthuilleamaíocht stoc
stock of fish occurring within the areas of fisheries jurisdiction
stoc éisc atá i limistéir iascaigh an dlínse
stock of common interest
stoc éisc leasa choitinn
dwarfing rootstock
fréamhstoc mionaidithe
forestry and stock raising
saothrú foraoiseachta agus tógáil stoic
agriculture and stockraising
talmhaíocht agus tógáil stoic
capital increase; increase of capital; increase of capital stock; new issue of capital
méadú caipitil
bearer share; bearer stock; transferable share
scair iompróra
share certificate; stock certificate
equity warrant; stock purchase warrant; stock warrant; warrant
barántas ceannaithe stoc; deimhniú céadrogha
watering of capital; watering of stock
caolú stoic
option; share option; stock option
callable capital stock
stoc caipitil inghlaoite
original capital stock
stoc caipitil bunaidh
review of capital stock
athbhreithniú ar stoc caipitil
increase in the capital stock
méadú ar an stoc caipitiúil
B-share; preference share; preference stock; preferred share; preferred stock; senior share
stoc tosaíochta
own shares; treasury stocks
scaireanna dílse
dividend in specie; scrip dividend; stock dividend
díbhinn stoic
destocking; liquidation of stocks; running-down of stocks; stock disposal
leachtú stoic
theoretical stock
stoc teoiriciúil
actual stock
stoc iarbhír
stock shrinkage
crapadh stoic
products from intervention stocks
táirgí as stoic idirghabhála
A-share; common share; common stock; ordinary share; ordinary stock
equity market; share market; stock market
margadh cothromais; stocmhargadh
stock exchange
flotation; flotation on the stock market; going public; initial public offering; IPO; stock market launch
tairiscint tosaigh don phobal; TTP
building stock
stoc foirgnimh
profit relating to stock
brabús a bhaineann le stoc
exchange of shares; stock switch
malartú scaireanna
company listed on a stock exchange; company whose shares are officially listed on stock exchanges; listed company; publicly listed company; publicly traded company; quoted company
cuideachta arna liostú ar stocmhalartán; cuideachta liostaithe
writing down of stocks
díluacháil stoic
equity index; stock price index
innéacs cothromais
stock market index future; stock-index future contract
conradh todhchaíochtaí innéacsanna stoic
capital stock; fixed capital stock
stoc caipitil
stock cycle
timthriall na stoc
base oil; base stock; lubricant base stock
admission of securities to official stock exchange listing; admission of securities to quotation
glacadh le hurrúis ar liostú oifigiúil an stocmhalartáin
oil stock; reserve oil stock
cúlstoc ola
livestock farming
feirmeoireacht stoic; tógáil stoic
homeopathic stock
stoc hoiméapatach
stock in hand
stoc ar láimh
commercial stocks
stoc tráchtála
goat plague; infection with peste des petits ruminants virus; Kata; ovine rinderpest; pest of sheep and goats; pest of small ruminants; peste des petits ruminants; plague of small ruminants; pneumoenteritis complex; PPR; pseudorinderpest; sheep and goat plague; small stock plague; stomatitis-pneumoenteritis syndrome
plá na n-athchogantach beag
broker; stock broker; stockbroker
authorised capital; authorized capital; authorized capital stock; authorized stock; registered capital
caipiteal údaraithe
bonded capital; debenture capital; debenture stock
stoc caipitil
annual accounts book; stock book
leabhar na gcuntas bliantúil; leabhar stoic
net assets; net worth; owners' equity; shareholders' equity; shareholders' funds; stockholders' equity
ciste scairshealbhóirí; cothromas úinéirí; glanluach; glansócmhainní
breeding flock; breeding stock
stoc síolraíochta
cattle show; livestock exhibition
seó eallaigh; taispeántas beostoic
cattle trade; trade in livestock
trádáil i mbeostoc
livestock statistics
staitisticí beostoic
mother plant; parent plant; stock plant
máithreach phlandaí
livestock manure; manure
aoileach; eisilteach beostoic
farm manure; farm yard manure; farmyard manure; livestock manure
livestock show
seó beostoic
weakening of stockbuilding
lagú ar charnadh stoic; lagú ar stoc-charnadh
brood fish; broodstock
stoc goir
stock number
uimhir stoic
stock of know-how
taisce fios gnó
capital stock; share capital
farm waste; livestock waste
dramhaíl feirme
stock return obligation
oibleagáid stoc a aischur
underlier; underlying; underlying asset; underlying security; underlying stock
bunsócmhainn; sócmhainn fholuiteach
index option; stock-index option
rogha ar innéacs stocmhargaidh; rogha stoc-innéacs
beginning inventory; initial inventory; initial stock; inventory brought forward from previous year; opening inventory; opening stock; starting inventory
stoc tosaigh
additional paid-in capital; APIC; issue premium; premium on capital stock; share premium
regulated provisions relating to stocks
soláthairtí rialáilte a bhaineann le stoic
stocks and work-in-progress
stoic agus obair idir lámha
stocks originating from fixed assets
stoic a eascraíonn as sócmhainní dochta
stocks of goods purchased for resale
stoic earraí arna gceannach lena n-athdhíol
regulated provisions-stocks
soláthairtí rialáilte-stoic
valuation of change in stocks
luacháil ar athrú sna stoic
rolling stock unit
aonad rothstoic
mate; stock rail
stock exchange turnover tax; tax on stock exchange transactions
cáin ar idirbhearta stocmhalartáin
livestock; livestock numbers; livestock population
stockbuilding; stock-building; stock-piling
stock of commodities
stoc tráchtearraí
rudder main piece; rudder stock; rudderstock
stoc stiúrach
maintenance of rolling stock
cothabháil an rothstoic
bin card; inventory card; inventory record; stock order card; stock record card
cárta stoic
vine; vine-stock
crann fíniúna
planting stock
stoc le cur
reafforestation; reforestation; restocking
stocking level; tree density
leibhéal stocála
equity fund; stock fund
ciste cothromais
push down stock; push down store
stoc brú anuas; stór brú anuas
inventory control; stock control
rialú fardail; rialú stoic
stockout; stockoutage
anás stoic
Eastern Public Livestock Market
Margadh Poiblí Beostoic an Oirthir
convertible preference share; convertible preferred stock; CPS
scair thosaíochta in-chomhshóite
buyback; share buyback; share repurchase; stock buyback
aischeannach; aischeannach scaireanna; athcheannach stoic
convertible bond; convertible debenture; convertible loan stock; convertible note
banna in-chomhshóite
stoc marbh
stock book; warehouse book
exhaustion of stocks
ídiú stoc
physical stock
stoc fisiceach
net stock; nett stock
glanstoc; stoc glan
pipeline stock
stoc píblíne
straddling fish stocks; straddling fishery resources; straddling stocks
stoc éisc traslimistéir
Malta Stock Exchange; MSE
MSE; Stocmhalartán Mhálta
stock of road vehicles
stoc feithiclí bóthair
grandparent stock chicks
sicín síolraíochta
grazing livestock; grazing stock
stock culture
public stocks
stoic phoiblí
stock standard solution
buntuaslagán caighdeánach
parent breeder flock; parent flock; parent stock
small pelagic species; small pelagic stocks; small pelagics
speiceas peiligeach beag
normal carryover stock
gnáthstoc le tabhairt ar aghaidh
stock financing
maoiniú stoic
forest carbon stock
stoc carbóin foraoise
Post-Hague Programme; Stockholm Programme
Clár Stócólm
individual stock
stoc aonair
master cell stock; MCS
stoc máistircheall
parental stock
share compensation benefits; stock compensation benefits
sochair i bhfoirm cúiteamh scaireanna
share compensation plans; stock compensation plans
pleananna cúitimh scaireanna
reverse share split; reverse stock split
ais-scoilteadh scaireanna
stock exchange listing
liostú an stocmhalartáin
‘rolling stock’ subsystem
fochóras rothstoic
regional stock exchange
stocmhalartán réigiúnach
soil carbon stock
stoc carbóin na hithreach
foundation stock
inward FDI position; inward FDI stock; inward foreign direct investment position; inward foreign direct investment stock; inward position; inward stock
stoc isteach
outward FDI stock; outward foreign direct investment stock; outward stock
stoc amach
aquaculture stock
stoc dobharshaothraithe
vaccine master seed-stock
máistir-shíolstoc vacsaíne
Luxembourg Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Railway Rolling Stock; Luxembourg Rail Protocol; Rail Protocol; Railway Protocol
Prótacal Iarnróid; Prótacal Lucsamburg a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar Leasanna Idirnáisiúnta i dTrealamh Soghluaiste ar nithe a bhaineann go sonrach le Cúrsaí Rothstoc Iarnróid
Decentralised Cooperation Stock Exchange
an Stocmhalartán um Chomhar Díláraithe
physical security and stockpile management; physical security and stockpile management of arms; PSSM
PSSM; slándáil fhisiciúil agus bainistíocht stoc-charn armán
stock within safe biological limits
stoc laistigh de theorainneacha bitheolaíocha sábháilte
single stock dividend future
todhchaíocht díbhinní aonstoic
stockpile management; weapons stockpile management
bainistiú stoc-charn armán
unsecured stockpiles; unsecured stockpiles of arms and ammunition
stoc-chairn arm agus armlóin gan slándáil; stoc-chairn gan slándáil
data-rich stock
stoc éisc ar mhórán sonraí
data-limited stock; data-poor stock; DLS
stoc éisc ar bheagán sonraí
net migrant stock
glanlíon na n-imirceach
weak salmon stock
stoc lag brádáin
weak population; weak stock
stoc lag
gross capital stock; gross fixed capital stock
ollstoc caipitil
net capital stock; net fixed capital stock
glanstoc caipitil
global stocktake
athbhreithniú domhanda
Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury
Stoc Maoine Talmhaíochta an Státchiste
call-off stock
stoc ar glao
European hake; hake; southern stock of European hake
colmóir; Merluccius merluccius
Review Conference of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction; Special Session of the Conference of the States Parties to Review the Operation of the Chemical Weapons Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction
seisiún speisialta den Chomhdháil Athbhreithnithe ag na Stáit is Páirtithe sa Choinbhinsiún ar oibríocht arm ceimiceach maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh agus Stoc-Charnadh Arm agus úsáid arm ceimiceach agus maidir lena nDíothú
butt stock
stoc boise (fir1)
certificate of stocktaking
deimhniú stocáirimh (fir)
stock fore-end
urstoc (fir1, gu: urstoic, ai: urstoic, gi: urstoc)
stock fore-end spring and stud
tuailm agus stoda urstoic (bain2)
stock on hands
stoc ar lámh (fir1)
item of stock
earra stoic (fir4)
requisition for non-stock items
foréileamh ar earraí nach earraí ar stoc (fir1)
stock book
stocleabhar (fir1, gu: stocleabhair, ai: stocleabhair, gi: stocleabhar)
stock pin
stocbhiorán (fir1, gu: stocbhioráin, ai: stocbhioráin, gi: stocbhiorán)
stock pin for butt swivel
stocbhiorán do bhos sclóine (fir1)
right side of stock
leathstoc deas (fir1)
left side of stock
leathstoc clé (fir1)
stock screw
scriú stoic (fir4)
stock screw nut
cnó scriú stoic (fir4)
store stock
stoc stórais (fir1)
stocktaking board
bord stocáirimh (fir1)
stocktaking procedure
nós imeachta stocáirimh (fir1)
stocktaking schedule
sceideal stocáirimh (fir1)
sonnach (fir1, gu: sonnaigh, ai: sonnaigh, gi: sonnach)
stocking-up of rifle
stocnú muscaeid (fir)
stoc-charnadh (fir, gu: stoc-charntha)
stock on hands
stoc ar láimh (fir1)
gearrthóir scriúnna (fir3)
stoc (fir1, gu: stoic, ai: stoic, gi: stoc)
stock fore-end
urstoc (fir1, gu: urstoic, ai: urstoic, gi: urstoc)
stocáireamh (fir1, gu: stocáirimh)
Stócólm (fir4, gu: Stócólm)
check stocks
promh stoic
verification of stock
stoc a fhíorú