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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAméid fir4
gu méid, iol méideanna
suim bain2
gu suime, iol suimeanna
an méid atá le tobhach
amount to be levied
Beidh an méid de bhreis ar na méideanna a iontráltar.
The amount shall be additional to the amounts entered.
suim airgid atá 50% níos mó ná an méid a shonraítear ar an bhfógra
an amount 50% greater than the amount specified in the notice
ní hionann na suimeanna
amounts differ
suim airgid atá 50% níos mó ná sin
a sum of money 50% greater than that
GAsuim bain2
gu suime, iol suimeanna
ENsum s
Matamaitic » Céimseata » Céimseata Chomhordanáideach 1. Toradh suimithe. 2. (i leith sraithe éigríochta) Teorainn sheicheamh na bpáirtsuimeanna i sraith éigríochta, is é sin teorainn shuim na gcéad n-téarmaí sa tsraith, de réir mar a dhruideann n leis an éigríoch.
Mathematics » Geometry » Coordinate Geometry 1. The result of an addition. 2. (of an infinite series) The limit of the sequence of partial sums of an infinite series, i.e. the limit of the sum of the first n terms of the series, as n approaches infinity.
Faigh suim x.
Find the sum of x.
an tsuim iomlán atá le cruinniú
total sum to be raised
GAsuim bain2
gu suime, iol suimeanna
aontas fir1
gu aontais, ai aontais, gi aontas
Matamaitic » Loighic & Tacartheoiric Is ionann aontas dhá thairiscint p agus q agus NÓ loighciúil p agus q. (Bunachair shonraí) Gaol amháin a chruthú ó dhá ghaol, atá comhdhéanta de gach uile chodach i gceachtar den dá chodach nó sa dá cheann.
Mathematics » Logic & Set Theory The disjunction of two propositions p and q is the logical OR of p and q. (Databases) The creation of one relation from two relations, which is composed of every tuple of either one of the two relations, or of both.
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Matamaitic » Loighic & Tacartheoiric Is ionann aontas (nó suim) na dtacar A agus B agus tacar na mball sin a bhaineann le ceann ar a laghad den dá thacar. Is mar a chéile é do líon níos mó de thacair, fiú do líon éigríochta.
Mathematics » Logic & Set Theory The union (or sum) of the sets A and B is the set of those elements which belong to at least one of the sets. Similarly, for a greater (even infinite) number of sets.
folaíonn "pionós" aon fhíneáil nó suim phionósach eile agus, má ordaítear fíneáil a íoc, aon chúiteamh, costais nó caiteachais, i dteannta na fíneála sin; FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
"penalty" includes any fine or other penal sum and, where a fine is ordered to be paid, any compensation, costs or expenses, in addition to such fine;
Is é an t-oifigeach ar a bhfuil cúram bainistíochta na Príomh-Oifige de thuras na huaire an t-oifigeach cuí chun taifid a dhéanamh agus chun cuntas a thabhairt ar na fíneálacha nó ar na suimeanna pionósacha a ghearr an Chúirt. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
The officer having the management of the Central Office for the time being shall be the proper officer to make entries and render accounts of all fines or penal sums imposed by the Court.
GAsuim bain2 sheiceála
gu suime seiceála
Sonra beag is ea suim sheiceála a dhíorthaítear ó bhloc sonraí digiteacha chun críche earráidí a d’fhéadfadh a bheith tugtha isteach le linn dó a bheith á aistriú nó a stóráil a bhrath. Baintear úsáid as suimeanna seiceála astu féin go minic chun sláine sonraí a fhíorú acu ní bhítear ag brath orthu chun barántúlacht sonraí a fhíorú.
A checksum is a small-sized datum derived from a block of digital data for the purpose of detecting errors that may have been introduced during its transmission or storage. By themselves, checksums are often used to verify data integrity but are not relied upon to verify data authenticity.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
SCA; suim chúiteach aontachais
outstanding amount; outstanding balance
méid amuigh; suim gan íoc
analogous amount
suim den chineál sin
regulatory amount
suim rialaitheach
CA; compensatory amount
suim chúiteach
MCA; monetary compensatory amount; monetary compensatory amounts
suim chúiteach airgid
to convert (amount)
comhshóigh (suim)
fixing the level of the amount
socrú leibhéal na suime
corrective amount
suim cheartaitheach
regulatory amount
suim rialaitheach
the compensatory amount deducted from the import charge
an tsuim chúiteach a bhaintear den mhuirear allmhairiúcháin
fixing the compensatory amounts
socrú na suimeanna cúiteacha
a sum equivalent to the deduction
suim is comhionann leis an tsuim asbhainte
position risk
riosca an tsuímh
Protocol on the location of the seats of the institutions and of certain bodies and departments of the European Communities and of Europol; Protocol on the location of the seats of the institutions and of certain bodies, offices, agencies and departments of the European Union
Prótacal maidir le suímh institiúidí an Aontais Eorpaigh, suímh comhlachtaí, oifigí, gníomhaireachtaí agus ranna áirithe de chuid an Aontais Eorpaigh a shocrú; Prótacal maidir le suímh institiúidí na gComhphobal Eorpach, suímh eagras agus ranna áirithe de chuid na gComhphobal Eorpach agus suíomh Europol a shocrú
addition reaction
imoibriú suimiúcháin
SEEA; System of Environmental-Economic Accounts; System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting
Córas na gCuntas Comhshaoil agus Eacnamaíoch Suimeáilte
sum due as a result of irregularities
suim atá dlite de thoradh neamhrialtachtaí
receivables and payables
suimeanna infhaighte agus iníoctha
repayment of due
aisíocaíocht suimeanna dlite
positive monetary compensatory amounts
suimeanna cúiteacha airgeadaíochta dearfacha
ESA; European System of Integrated Economic Accounts; European System of Integrated National Accounts
CEC; CECES; Córas Eorpach na gCuntas Eacnamaíoch Suimeáilte
aggregate; grand total; sum total
comhiomlán; lánsuim
polyaddition product; polyadduct
táirge polasuimithe
control totals
deimhniú de réir na n-iomlán; rialú de réir na suimeanna
capitalized sum
suim chaipitlithe
cement; cementate
stroighin; suimint
cinntiú suímh
integrating accelerometer
méadar luasghéaraithe suimeála
amounts written off bond loan premiums
suimeanna díscríofa de phréimheanna iasachtaí bannaí
additional payment liability; call liability; liability to pay an additional amount
dliteanas suim bhreise a íoc
addition polymerisation
polaiméiriú suimiúcháin
amount to be deducted
suim atá le hasbhaint
suim sheiceála
position limit
teorainn suímh
amounts uncalled in respect of shares held
suimeanna neamhghlaoite i leith scaireanna sealbhaithe
amounts due to and from employees
suimeanna dlite d'fhostaithe agus dlite uathu
amounts due to or from Government
suimeanna dlite don Rialtas nó dlite uaidh
second site mutation
claochlú an dara suímh; claochlú dara suímh
amount paid
suim íoctha
retention for the period
suim a coinníodh don tréimhse
accretive; relutive
fás suimitheach
locational competition
iomaíocht suímh
capital-sum option
rogha suime caipitil
unamortised amount
suim gan amúchadh
site representative
ionadaí láithreáin; ionadaí suímh
failure to pay the amounts due
loiceadh na suimeanna dlite a íoc; mainneachtain na suimeanna dlite a íoc
general market interest level
leibhéal spéise ginearálta sa mhargadh; leibhéal suime ginearálta sa mhargadh
active management of the position
bainistíocht ghníomhach an tsuímh
angular position deviation
diall an tsuímh uilligh
integrating sphere; Ulbricht sphere
sféar suimeála; sféar Ulbricht
peak integration
suimeáil buaiceanna
risk weight for a securitisation position; securitisation risk weight
ualú priacal i leith suímh urrúsúcháin
integral distribution curve
cuar dáileacháin suimeálach; dáilchuar suimeálach
carrying amount
suim ghlanluacha
integral foreign operation
oibríocht eachtrach suimeálach
suimeanna iníoctha
error sum of squares; residual sum of squares; RSS; sum of residual squares
suim chearnóga na n-iarmhar
amounts recognised [in the balance sheet and income statement]
suimeanna aitheanta [sa chlár comhardaithe agus sa ráiteas ioncaim]
location data
sonraí suímh
closing a position; position squaring
slánú suímh; suíomh a scor
SAM; situation awareness mode
mód feasachta suímh
certificate for website authentication
deimhniú cáilithe le haghaidh fíordheimhniú suímh ghréasáin
location effect
éifeacht i leith suímh
national transposition instrument
ionstraim náisiúnta trasuímh
integrated irradiance; integrated solar irradiance
grian-ionradantas suimeáilte; ionradantas suimeáilte
change of position
athrú suímh (fir)
position correction
ceartú suímh (fir)
dummy position
simleadh suímh (fir1)
suim (bain2, gu: suime, ai: suimeanna, gi: suimeanna)
reconnaissance for section positions
taiscéalaíocht le haghaidh suímh ghasra (bain3)
sum recoverable from the applicant
suim is inghnóthaithe ón iarratasóir (bain2)
suíomh (fir1, gu: suímh, ai: suíomhanna, gi: suíomhanna)
suim (bain2, gu: suime, ai: suimeanna, gi: suimeanna)
suíomh (fir1, gu: suímh, ai: suíomhanna, gi: suíomhanna)
move into position
gluais chun suímh (br)
suimint (bain2, gu: suiminte)
a sum accruing due
suim ag fabhrú dlite
he has a great interest in hurling
tá suim mhór san iomáint aige
allot a sum voluntarily from his pay
leithroinn go saorálach suim as a phá
maintain interest
coimeád suim
maintain interest
cothaigh suim
rouse and maintain the interest of the men
múscail agus coimeád beo suim na bhfear
interest in those under instruction
suim iontusan atá faoi theagasc
debit a sum to the account of 'A'
suim airgid a fhéichiúnú do chuntas 'A'