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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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On a certificate under Order 36, Rule 39, of the Rules of the Superior Courts
Ar dheimhniú faoi Ordú 36, Riail 39, de Rialacha na nUaschúirteanna FOINSE: I.R. 1981
GAuaschúirt bain2
gu uaschúirte, ai uaschúirteanna
On a certificate under Order 36, Rule 39, of the Rules of the Superior Courts
Ar dheimhniú faoi Ordú 36, Riail 39, de Rialacha na nUaschúirteanna FOINSE: I.R. 1981
The service of a superior court document may be effected—
Féadfar doiciméad uaschúirte a sheirbheáil— [Acht 14/2008]
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
immediate superior; immediate superior of the official; official's immediate superior
garoifigeach uachtarach an oifigigh
reference for footnotes; reference mark; superior figure
marc tagartha
best interests of the child; child's best interests; superior interests of the child; welfare of the child
leas an linbh; leas an pháiste
air superiority
aerbharr (fir1, gu: aerbhairr, ai: aerbharra, gi: aerbharr)
disobedience to superior officer
easumhlaíocht d'oifigeach uachtarach (bain3)
fire superiority
barr lámhaigh (fir1)
immediate superior officer
garoifigeach uachtarach (fir1)
superior officer
oifigeach uachtarach (fir1)
ard- (réimír)
barr- (réimír)
uachtarach (a1)
superior volume of fire
barrthoirt lámhaigh (bain2)
barr (fir1, gu: bairr, ai: barra, gi: barr)
gain fire superiority
bain amach barr lámhaigh (br)
a concentration of superior force and fire-power at the decisive place
barr nirt agus cumhachta lámhaigh a chomhchruinniú san áit chinnteach
superiority of 3 to 1 in infantry
barr 3 in aghaidh 1 i gcoisithe
achieve and maintain superiority of fire
beir agus coimeád barr lamhaigh