Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
(colour of wood)
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
additional tone of lower pitch heard when two loud tones are sounded together, as in violin double stopping (CT)
ton breise, agus é níos ísle, a chloistear nuair a sheinntear dhá thon arda i dteannta a chéile, le linn stopadh dúbailte ar an veidhlín, mar shampla (CT)
alternative term for combination tone (CT)
malairt téarma ar comhthon (CT)
GAcomhartha fir4 déthonach ilmhinicíochtaí▼
gu comhartha dhéthonaigh ilmhinicíochtaí, ai comharthaí déthonacha ilmhinicíochtaí
string-instrument harmonic, resembling a high-pitched pure note (CT)
armónach ar théaduirlis, agus é an-chosúil le nóta ard glan (CT)
He is speaking in a hectoring tone.
Tá sé ag labhairt de ghlór mursanta.
difference perceived in timbre, due to harmonic overtone frequencies, between a note of a particular pitch played on e.g. a woodwind instrument and the same note played on a string instrument (CT)
tionchar minicíochtaí forthoin armónacha ar cháilíocht na fuaime, an difríocht idir nóta ar airde áirithe a sheinntear ar ghaothuirlis adhmaid, abair, agus an nóta céanna á sheinm ar théaduirlis (CT)
dissonant chord (on piano, mostly) consisting of at least three adjacent notes with no more than a semitone between pairs (CT)
corda (pianó, de ghnáth), é díshondach agus trí nóta chomharsanacha ann ar a laghad, agus gan ach leath-thon idir péirí nótaí (CT)
Adults must be accompanied by a child/children, except those using the Tone Zone area
Is gá do gach duine fásta a bheith i gcomhluadar linbh/leanaí, ach amháin iad siúd atá ag baint úsáid as an Spás Tonála
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
precious metals and stones
miotail lómhara agus clocha lómhara
crushed or broken stone; flint
breochloch; cloch bhrúite
serosa; serous membrane; tunica serosa; visceral peritoneum
seicin shéiriúil
Greenland thornless blackberry; stone bramble
sú na mban mín
Norway king crab; stone king crab
ríphortán cloiche
KCM; Murray king crab; Subantarctic stone crab
ríphortán Murray
acetone oil
ola aicéatóin
limestone flour
plúr aolchloiche
ACCE; active calcium carbonate equivalent; active carbonate; active lime; active limestone
aolchloch ghníomhach
Central Asian stone marten
cat crainn clochra Himiléach
acetone bodies; ketone bodies; ketones
2-propanone; acetone; dimethyl ketone; dimethylformaldehyde; propan-2-one; propanone; β-ketopropane
aicéatón; própánón
dolomite limestone; dolomite rock; dolostone; magnesian limestone
aolchloch dholaimíteach
fruit kernel; fruit stone
cnó toradh
pumice; pumice stone
performance and schedule milestones
garspriocanna feidhmíochta agus sceidil
rock wool; stone wool
olann charraige
buzz saw noise; combination tone noise; multiple pure tone noise
torann sáibh chiorclaigh
lime; limestone
Wheatstone bridge; Wheatstone databridge
droichead Wheatstone
anthracite; blind coal; coal; hard coal; stone coal
iron ore; ironstone
amhiarann; iarnchloch
intraperitoneal injection
instealladh inpheireatóineach
emery; polishing stone
stone fruit
blue stone; blue vitriol; copper sulphate pentahydrate; copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate; cupric sulphate pentahydrate
cloch ghorm; peintihiodráit sulfáit chopair
close-cut halftone
dlúthghearradh leath-thoin
milestone chart
cairt na ngarspriocanna
milestone schedule
sceideal na ngarspriocanna
phenobarbital; phenobarbitone
anthracite; blind coal; hard coal; stone coal
beech marten; stone marten
cat crainn clochra
delta-gluconolactone; D-gluconic acid delta-lactone; D-glucono-1,5-lactone; GDL; glucono-delta-lactone; gluconolactone; glucono-δ-lactone
GDL; glúcón-deilte-lachtón
SMA thin surfacing; stone mastic asphalt thin surfacing
caoldhromchlú d'asfalt maisteogach cloiche; caoldhromchlú SMA
polished stone value test; PSV test
triail luach na gcloichíní snasta
Stepping Stone Agreement; stepping stone Economic Partnership Agreement; stepping stone EPA
comhaontú comhpháirtíochta eacnamaíche eatramhach; Comhaontú eatramhach um Chomhpháirtíocht Eacnamaíochta
BPW; Buffered Peptone Water
BPW; uisce peaptóin maolánaithe
beef extract-glucose-peptone-serum
úsc mairteola-glúcóis-peaptóin-séirim
beef extract-glucose-peptone-serum medium; BGPS medium
meán BGPS; meán d’úsc mairteola-glúcóis-peaptóin-séirim
cysteine-peptone-liver infusion maltose
iondoirteadh maltóis de chistéin, peaptón agus ae; maltóis cistéin-peaptón-ae iondoirteadh
CPLM medium; cysteine-peptone-liver infusion maltose medium
meán CPLM
air diffuser stone; air stone; airstone aerator; diffuser stone; diffuser-stone aerator
aerchloch; aerthóir cloiche idirleatóra; cloch idirleatóra
go hinpheireatóineach
PD; peritoneal dialysis
scagdhealú peireatóinéim
red stone; redstone
cloch rua
cloch mhíle (bain2)
loose-stone wall
balla fuar (fir4)
cloch mullaigh (bain2)
coping stone
cloch mhullaigh (bain2)
cloch fhaobhair (bain2)
cloch shneachta (bain2)
stone bridge
droichead cloiche (fir1)