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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
worker · woke · Word · work · workers
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minimum energy (usually measured in electron volts) needed to remove an electron from a solid to a point immediately outside the solid surface
The work intensity of a household is the ratio of the total number of months that all working-age household members have worked during the income reference year and the total number of months the same household members theoretically could have worked in the same period.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
sufficiently worked product
táirge leoroibrithe
hour of work; hour worked
uair oibre
day not worked; day off; non-working day
lá saor
hour actually worked
uaireanta oibre iarbhír
Globally Networked Customs; GNC
Líonra Domhanda na Seirbhísí Custaim
Bar Broken Center Work Prebake; center work pre-bake cell technology with bar brake; Centre Worked Prebake; Centre Worked Pre-bake Technology; CWPB
teicneolaíocht réamhbhácáilte lárshaoirsithe
Electronic Simple European Networked Services; e-SENS
e-SENS; Seirbhísí Líonraithe Simplí Leictreonacha Eorpacha
connected government; joined-up government; networked government; whole of government
cur chuige idirghníomhaireachta; cur chuige uile-rialtais
networked robot
róbat líonraithe