▼ Gnó
▼ Business
▼ Riarachán
▼ Administration
Cleachtais agus Nósanna Imeachta
Practices and Procedures
Próiseas Tairisceana
Tender Process
Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
(Information technology, law)
Out-tasking involves the outsourcing of certain tasks within a particular business process
(ar ghluaisrothar)
Iarrtar ar theachtairí gluaisrothair a gclogad a bhaint roimh theacht isteach
Couriers, please remove your helmets before entering
(cineál cumarsáide)
(type of communication)
An bhféadfainn teachtaireacht a thabhairt dó/di?
Can I give him/her a message?
Gheobhaidh sé/sí an teachtaireacht.
He/she will get the message.
Tabharfaidh mé teachtaireacht dó/di.
I’ll give him/her a message.
Beidh ar an gComhairle na comhaltaí tofa agus féadfaidh toscairí eile iad a ionadú.
The Council shall consist of the elected members who may be represented by other delegates.
gníomhaíochtaí chun aithne a chur ar do chomhthoscairí
activities to get to know your fellow delegates
At present, owing to the cross-pillar elements of the SIS II system, the legal framework of SIS II is composed of first pillar regulations and third pillar decisions
ag fanacht ar threoracha
awaiting instructions
seo í an fhoirm agus na treoracha
here is the form and the directions
The details of how patients will report suspected ADRs are not yet clear; pilot schemes will be run to determine the best system. A logical step forward would be to initiate a regional pilot of direct patient reporting; this has already proved a successful way to evaluate different surveillance schemes for paediatric ADRs.7
An tuarascáil a thugtar d'úinéir naíonra ag míniú toradh na cigireachta agus déanamh cur síos ar aon neamh-chomhlíonadh a chaithfear a chur ina cheart