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‘EU-wide platform for international recruitment through which skilled third-country nationals could express their interest in migrating to the EU and could be identified by EU migration authorities and employers based on their need.’
Matamaitic » Loighic & Tacartheoiric Is ionann aontas dhá thairiscint p agus q agus NÓ loighciúil p agus q. (Bunachair shonraí) Gaol amháin a chruthú ó dhá ghaol, atá comhdhéanta de gach uile chodach i gceachtar den dá chodach nó sa dá cheann.
Mathematics » Logic & Set Theory The disjunction of two propositions p and q is the logical OR of p and q. (Databases) The creation of one relation from two relations, which is composed of every tuple of either one of the two relations, or of both.