Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
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(of glue)
Matamaitic » Loighic & Tacartheoiric Is ionann aontas (nó suim) na dtacar A agus B agus tacar na mball sin a bhaineann le ceann ar a laghad den dá thacar. Is mar a chéile é do líon níos mó de thacair, fiú do líon éigríochta.
Mathematics » Logic & Set Theory The union (or sum) of the sets A and B is the set of those elements which belong to at least one of the sets. Similarly, for a greater (even infinite) number of sets.
An t-ainm a thugtar ar mhír de thacar. (Ríomhaireacht) 1. Aidhm, aonán nó coincheap a bhfuil na hairíonna aige/aici atá sainiúil do thacar. 2. Luach paraiméadair i liosta luachanna paraiméadar. 3. An t-aonad is lú sonraí i dtábla nó in eagar. 4. (Loighic) An gaol idir ball agus tacar a léirítear sa ráiteas is ball den tacar X é x agus a scríobhtar mar x ∈ X. Glactar leis gur gaol neamhshainithe é seo.
The name given to an item in a set. (Computing) 1. An object, entity, or concept having the properties that define a set. 2. A parameter value in a list of parameter values. 3. The smallest unit of data in a table or array. . (Logic) The relationship between an element and a set indicated by the statement x is an element of the set X and written as x ∈ X. This is taken as an undefined relationship.
is ball den tacar y é x
tá x ina bhall den tacar y
x is an element of the set y
Matamaitic » Loighic & Tacartheoiric Chun gur ball de thacar fírinne abairte oscailte é ball x atá ina bhall den uilethacar is gá agus is leor gur tairiscint fhíor atá mar thoradh ar é a chur in ionad na hathróige.
Mathematics » Logic & Set Theory An element x which is a member of the universal set, is an element of the truth set of an open sentence if and only if its substitution results in a true proposition.
bunú coiste
the setting up of a committee
comhbheartú nó comhordú gníomhaíochtaí, cumasc gníomhaíochtaí atá ann agus bunú gníomhaíochtaí comhpháirteacha a áireamh orthu
to include concertation or co-ordination of activities, fusion of existing activities and establishment of joint activities
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Sa tsamhail CODASYL, sonraíocht gaolmhaireachta idir dhá chineál taifid.
Computers, Computer Science In the CODASYL model, a specification of an association between two record types.
GAcomhlánú fir coibhneasta dhá thacar▼
gu comhlánaithe choibhneasta dhá thacar, ai comhlánuithe coibhneasta dhá thacar
Matamaitic » Loighic & Tacartheoiric Is ionann an difríocht (nó an comhlánú coibhneasta) idir na tacair A agus B agus tacar na mball sin de A nach bhfuil i B.
Mathematics » Logic & Set Theory The difference (or relative complement) of the sets A and B is the set of those elements of A which do not belong to B.
# difríocht idir dhá thacar · difference of two sets#
cuireann x coiste ar bun
x sets up a committee
(trial, action)
Chun éisteacht sholamh a fháil don iarratas sin, féadfar é a chur síos lena éisteacht ag aon suí den Chúirt laistigh den Chuaird FOINSE: Uimh. 510 de 2001
For the purpose of obtaining an expeditious hearing of such application, the same may be set down for hearing at any sitting of the Court within the Circuit
Tabharfar fógra trialach sula gcuirfear an chaingean síos i gcomhair trialach.
Notice of trial shall be given before setting down the action for trial.
nó féadfar an t-ábhar a chur síos i gcomhair trialach FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 510 de 2001
or the matter may be set down for trial
(plane, plough or saw)
slí a chur ar phlána
set a plane
slí a chur ar chéachta
set a plough
slí a chur ar shábh
set a saw
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Tacar de tháirgí a bhfuil gaol loighciúil eatarthu, a éilíonn riar agus iniúchadh
Computers, Computer Science A logically related set of products, requiring management and audit.
(of land)
Matamaitic » Loighic & Tacartheoiric Is ionann an difríocht (nó an comhlánú coibhneasta) idir na tacair A agus B agus tacar na mball sin de A nach bhfuil i B.
Mathematics » Logic & Set Theory The difference (or relative complement) of the sets A and B is the set of those elements of A which do not belong to B.
# comhlánú coibhneasta dhá thacar · relative complement of two sets