Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
Cead a thabhairt ionas go dtarlóidh rud éigin
To give permission to allow something to happen
(a) i gcás ina dtabharfaidh an mháthair a toiliú i scríbhinn leis an athair a cheapadh ina chaomhnóir, [FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001]
(a) The mother consents in writing to the appointment of the father as guardian
Déanfaidh cosantóir, nach mbeidh aturnae nó abhcóide ag feidhmiú dó nó di, a thoileoidh le foraithne a dhéanamh ina choinne nó ina coinne, toiliú a shíniú ... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997
A defendant, not being represented by solicitor or counsel, who consents to a decree being made against him or her shall sign a consent ...
tugann tuairisc do choiste
tuairiscíonn do choiste
reports to committee
tuairiscíonn go bhfuil dul chun cinn déanta
reports progress
tuairiscíonn Bille
reports a Bill
tugann tuairisc ar chruinniú
tuairiscíonn cruinniú
reports a meeting
tuairiscíonn do choiste
reports to committee
déan forbairtí breise a thuairisciú le do thoil
report further developments in course please
(to a place)
(of style)
imreoir é atá tugtha don chosaint
he is a very defensive player
foireann iad atá tugtha don chosaint
they are a very defensive team
(of player, of team)
imreoir é atá tugtha don ionsaí
he is a very attacking player
foireann iad atá tugtha don ionsaí
they are a very attacking team