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Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Algartam a dhéanann an chuimhne a dhlúthú tríd an bpoll is lú ina n-oirfidh deighleán ar leith a roghnú as liosta de sheoltaí agus de thoisí na bpoll go léir.
Computers, Computer Science An algorithm for compacting memory which chooses the smallest hole, from a list of the addresses and sizes of all holes, into which the needed segment will fit.
Airgeadas Tairiscint ina dtoilíonn an frithgheallaí an méid is féidir den tairiscint a dháileadh agus aon scaireanna neamhdhíolta a thabhairt ar ais don eisitheoir.
Finance Offering in which the underwriter agrees to distribute as much of the offering as possible and to return any unsold shares to the issuer.
interactive tool developed by the OECD that allows people to compare countries’ levels of well-being based on 11 dimensions of well-being
# suiteáil ardaitheora · lift installation # slabhra ardaithe · lifting chain#
an chonair táirgthe ó thús deireadh
the well-to-gate production pathway