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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
heal · seal · Seál · shea · shell
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GAfanacht fir3
gu fanachta
tréimhse bain4 in úsáid/in use
gu tréimhse, iol tréimhsí
cuairt bain2 in úsáid/in use
gu cuairte, iol cuairteanna
seal fir3 in úsáid/in use
gu seala, iol sealanna
ENstay s
Tá an ráta ag 2 (b) inmhuirearaithe ar gach fanacht de sheacht lá, nó de chuid de sheacht lá sa chuan. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
The rate at 2(b) is chargeable for each stay in the harbour of seven days or part thereof.
Bheadh feidhm ag na muirir thuas maidir le tréimhse nach faide ná 7 lá. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
The above charges would obtain for a stay not exceeding 7 days.
chun críocha Choinbhinsiún 1949, marcanna aitheantais a shannadh de réir aon ordachán a thabharfaidh an tAire ó am go ham do leantóirí a bheidh duine le linn dó cuairt shealadach a thabhairt lasmuigh den Stát ar tí a thabhairt amach as an Stát. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
for the purposes of the Convention of 1949 to assign, in accordance with any directions given from time to time by the Minister, identification marks to trailers about to be brought out of the State by a person making a temporary stay out of the State.
ceanglóidh an Bord ar an duine lena mbaineann dearbhú roimh ré a thabhairt don Bhord sa bhfoirm a chinnfidh an Bord, maidir lena sheirbhísí a chur ar fáil i gcás go mbeidh sé i gceist leo seal a chaitheamh sa Stát FOINSE: I.R. 1980
the Board shall require the person concerned to make a prior declaration to the Board in the form to be determined by the Board, concerning the provision of his services where they involve a temporary stay in the State
O'Grady a bhí ag ceann na meithle i dtosach ach ghlac Cancellara seal ag bun an tríú hard.
O’Grady led the bunch from early on but Cancellara took over at the base of the third climb.
dul i gceann ó dhuine
take over from someone
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
provisional anti-dumping duty; provisional duty
dleacht frithdhumpála shealadach
first come, first served basis; first come first served
bonn "tagadh do sheal mar a tháinig tú féin"
early foreign language acquisition; early foreign language learning; early language learning; early second language acquisition; early second language learning; early stages foreign language learning; early-stage foreign language acquisition; early-stage foreign language learning
luathshealbhú dara teanga
financial holding company; financial holding undertaking
cuideachta shealbhaíochta airgeadais
temporary storage of goods
stóráil shealadach earraí
member of the temporary staff; temporary agent; temporary servant; temporary staff member
foireann shealadach
to hold any political or administrative office
oifig pholaitíochta nó riaracháin a shealbhú
New Zealand
an Nua-Shéalainn
SCNWA; Sealing Commission for the Northwest Atlantic
Coimisiún um Shealgaireacht Rónta an Atlantaigh Thiar Thuaidh
New Zealand brown teal
praslacha dhonn Nua-Shéalannach
products obtained by hunting or fishing
táirgí a fhaightear trí shealgaireacht nó trí iascaireacht
temporary warehousing
trádstóráil shealadach
provisional anti-dumping duty
dleacht frithdhumpála shealadach
temporary protection; temporary protection of displaced persons
cosaint shealadach; cosaint shealadach daoine easáitithe
sand flounder
leith ghainimh Nua-Shéalannach
LOR; red rock lobster
cráifisc Nua-Shéalannach; gliomach carraige dearg
New Zealand dredge oyster
oisre leathan Nua-Shéalannach
New Zealand scallop
muirín Nua-Shéalannach
pass; pass for the transfer of persons enjoying temporary protection
<i>laissez-passer</i> d'aistriú daoine atá faoi chosaint shealadach; laissez-passer
HASS; high-activity sealed radioactive source; high-activity sealed source
foinse radaighníomhach shéalaithe ardghníomhaíochta
provisional countervailing duty
dleacht frithchúitimh shealadach
temporary allocation scheme
scéim shealadach leithdháileacháin
holding period
tréimhse shealbhaíochta
seal the original of the judgment
an breithiúnas bunaidh a shéalú; an bunbhreithiúnas a shéalú
seal papers and documents
páipéir agus doiciméid a shéalú
shareholder of the ECB
scairshealbhóir BCE
provisional duty paid or payable
dleacht shealadach íoctha nó iníoctha
temporary-use spare unit
aonad spártha le haghaidh úsáid shealadach
stop-gap advertising
fógraíocht shealadach
voting right of nominee shareholders
an ceart vótála ag an scairshealbhóir ainmnitheach; an ceart vótála atá ag an scairshealbhóir is ainmnitheach; ceart vótála scairshealbhóra ainmnithigh
net assets; net worth; owners' equity; shareholders' equity; shareholders' funds; stockholders' equity
ciste scairshealbhóirí; cothromas úinéirí; glanluach; glansócmhainní
temporary residence; temporary stay
fanacht shealadach
marketable security; temporary investment
infheistíocht shealadach; urrús indíolta
air seal
three-shift working
obair thrí sheal
two-shift working
obair dhá sheal
shareholders surplus
barrachas scairshealbhóirí
blocked loans from shareholders
iasachtaí bactha ó scairshealbhóirí; iasachtaí stoptha ó scairshealbhóirí
sealed radioactive source; sealed source
foinse shéalaithe; foinse shéalaithe radaighníomhach
casual staff; temporary staff
foireann ócáideach; foireann shealadach
temporary effect
éifeacht shealadach
unsealed radioactive material; unsealed source
foinse neamhshéalaithe
temporary staff
foireann shealadach
notice of shareholders meeting
fógra faoi chruinniú scairshealbhóirí
split turn
dualgas dhá sheal
accession number
uimhir shealbhaithe
noyau dur; stable shareholders
croíghrúpa scairshealbhóirí cobhsaí
contractual obligation of the policy holder
an oibleagáid chonarthach atá ar shealbhóir an pholasaí
provision restricting the policy holder's rights
foráil lena ndéantar cearta shealbhóir an pholasaí a shrianadh
non-repossession risk
riosca neamh-athshealbhaithe
New Zealand dollar; NZD
dollar na Nua-Shéalainne; NZD
provisional payment
íocaíocht shealadach
temporary difference
difríocht shealadach
Agreement between the European Union and New Zealand on the participation of New Zealand in the European Union military crisis management operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Operation Althea)
an Comhaontú idir an tAontas Eorpach agus an Nua-Shéalainn maidir le rannpháirtíocht na Nua-Shéalainne in oibríocht bainistithe géarchéime míleata an Aontais Eorpaigh sa Bhoisnia-Heirseagaivéin (Oibríocht Althea)
parent financial holding company in a Member State
máthairchuideachta shealbhaíochta airgeadais i mBallstát
EU parent financial holding company; Union parent financial holding company
máthairchuideachta shealbhaíochta airgeadais san AE
Temporary Rural Development Instrument; Transitional Rural Development Instrument; TRDI
Ionstraim Shealadach le haghaidh Forbairt Tuaithe
equity; equity capital; shareholders' equity
caipiteal cothromais; cothromas; cothromas scairshealbhóirí
temporary migration
imirce shealadach
temporary storage of waste
stóráil shealadach dramhaíola
temporary employment; temporary work
fostaíocht shealadach; obair shealadach
washer distorting groove
eitre shéalach
Directive on minimum standards for giving temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons and on measures promoting a balance of efforts between Member States in receiving such persons and bearing the consequences thereof; Temporary Protection Directive
an Treoir maidir le caighdeáin íosta le cosaint shealadach a thabhairt i gcás mórphlódú isteach de dhaoine asáitithe agus maidir le bearta lena gcuirtear cothromaíocht chun cinn idir iarrachtaí idir Bhallstáit i dtaca leis na daoine sin a ghlacadh agus le; an Treoir um Chosaint Shealadach
deductible temporary difference
difríocht shealadach inasbhainte
expropriation of major assets
díshealbhú mórshócmhainní
held for resale
arna shealbhú le hathdhíol
held for trading
arna shealbhú le trádáil
income taxes—changes in the tax status of an enterprise or its shareholders
cánacha ioncaim-athruithe ar stádas cánach fiontair nó a scairshealbhóirí
shareholders' equity
ciste scairshealbhóirí
taxable temporary difference
difríocht shealadach incháinithe
disused sealed source
foinse shéalaithe thréigthe
parent mixed financial holding company in a Member State
máthairchuideachta shealbhaíochta airgeadais mheasctha i mBallstát
EU parent mixed financial holding company; Union parent mixed financial holding company
máthairchuideachta shealbhaíochta airgeadais mheasctha san Aontas
declaration for temporary storage; temporary storage declaration
dearbhú stórais shealadaigh
creator of a seal
cruthaitheoir ríomhshéala
advanced electronic seal
ríomhshéala ardleibhéil
qualified electronic seal
ríomhshéala cáilithe
electronic seal
electronic seal creation data
sonraí um chruthú ríomhshéala
qualified certificate for electronic seal
deimhniú cáilithe le haghaidh ríomhshéala
foreclosure; mortgage possession; mortgage repossession; repossession
Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand
Toscaireacht don chaidreamh leis an Astráil agus leis an Nua-Shéalainn
Unit for Asia, Australia and New Zealand
An tAonad don Áise, don Astráil agus don Nua-Shéalainn
direct holding system; direct securities holding system
córas díreach um shealbhú urrús
indirect holding system
córas indíreach um shealbhú urrús; córas sealúchais indírigh
shareholder engagement
rannpháirtíocht scairshealbhóra
shareholder identification
aitheantas scairshealbhóra; sainaithint scairbhealbhóra
temporary protection
cosaint shealadach
nominee shareholder
scairshealbhóir ainmnitheach
qualified electronic seal creation device
gléas cruthaithe ríomhshéala cáilithe
tax holiday
díolúine shealadach ó cháin; saoire chánach
self-limiting infection
ionfhabhtú a thugann a sheal
kangaroo apple; New Zealand nightshade; poroporo
fuath Nua-Shéalannach
Southern hake
colmóir deisceartach; colmóir na Nua-Shéalainne
temporary commissioned rank
céim choimisiúnta shealadach (bain2)
temporary non-commissioned rank
céim neamhchoimisiúnta shealadach (bain2)
díshealbhú (fir, gu: díshealbhaithe, ai: díshealbhuithe, gi: díshealbhuithe)
New Zealand
an Nua-Shéalainn (bain2, gu: na Nua-Shéalainne)
occupy a position
suíomh a shealbhú
overholding of married quarters
ceathrúna do lucht pósta a róshealbhú