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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
ord · sword · ward · wold · wood
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GAeochairfhocal fir1
gu eochairfhocail, ai eochairfhocail, gi eochairfhocal
Computers, Computer Science In programming languages, a lexical unit that, in certain contexts, characterizes some language construct; for example, in some contexts, IF characterizes an if-statement. A keyword normally has the form of an identifier. 2. One of the predefined words of an artificial language. 3. A name or symbol that identifies a parameter.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht 1. I dteangacha ríomhchlárúcháin, aonad léacsach a sheasann do chomhstruchtúr teanga éigin i gcomhthéacsanna áirithe; mar shampla, seasann MÁ do ráiteas a thosódh le má. Bíonn eochairfhocal i bhfoirm aitheantóra de ghnáth. 2. Ceann de na focail réamhshainithe i dteanga shaorga. 3. Ainm nó siombail a dhéanann paraiméadar a shainaithint.
ENoperative word s
pl operative words
GAfocal fir1 oibríoch
ai focail oibríocha
operative words in a conveyance
na focail oibríocha i dtíolacas
GAfóir bain5 ghiotánra
gu fóireach giotánra, iol fóireacha giotánra
Computers, Computer Science Any storage position at which data must be aligned for certain processing operations in the System/370 computing system.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Aon suíomh sa stóras ag a gcaitear sonraí a ailíniú le haghaidh oibríochtaí áirithe próiseála sa chóras ríomhaireachta System/370.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
word mark
exact wording
foclaíocht bheacht
(their) words written and spoken
a bhfocail labhartha nó scríofa
Chinese paddlefish; Chinese swordfish
iasc céaslashrónach Síneach
jack bean; sword bean
an tseacphónaire
leathfhocal; treoirfhocal
word-of-mouth advertising
fógraíocht ó bhéal
address of welcome; word of welcome
focal fáilte
signal word
focal comhartha
keyword advertising; search advertising; search engine advertising
fógraíocht ar innill chuardaigh; fógraíocht inneall cuardaigh
Residence permit bearing the words 'skills and expertise'
cárta cónaithe ‘scileanna agus oilteacht’
claíomh (fir1, gu: claímh, ai: claimhte, gi: claimhte)
back of sword
cúl claímh (fir1)
word of command
focal ordaithe (fir1, gu: focail ordaithe)
cautionary word of command
focal ordaithe rabhaidh (fir1)
executive word of command
focal ordaithe feidhmiúcháin (fir1)
wrist exercise [Swordsmanship]
freachnamh caol láimhe (fir1)
wrist exercise [Swordsmanship]
freachnamh lámhailt (fir1)
double-wrist exercise [Swordsmanship]
freachnamh dúbailte lámhailt (fir1)
carry swords
iompair claimhte (br)
catch word
leathfhocal (fir1, gu: leathfhocail, ai: leathfhocail, gi: leathfhocal)
catch word
treoirfhocal (fir1, gu: treoirfhocail, ai: treoirfhocail, gi: treoirfhocal)
drawn sword
claíomh ar nochtadh (fir1)
sword exercise mounted
freachnamh claímh ar mhuin capaill (fir1)
sword frog
bradán claímh (fir1)
guard of the sword
coimeád an chlaímh (fir)
sword knot
scothóg claímh (bain2)
manual of sword
lámhleabhar an chlaímh (fir1)
point of sword
dias claímh (bain2)
the 'render' from the 'carry' [Swordsmanship]
claimhte 'ar iompar' a thíolacadh
sword slit
scoilt don chlaíomh (bain2)
pommel of sword
úll claímh (fir1)
the present from carry [Swordsmanship]
claimhte ar iompar a thairiscint
nósfhocal (fir1)
sword bar
barra claímh (fir4)
scoilt don chlaíomh (bain2)
sheathed sword
claíomh i ndúbailt (fir1)
shoe of sword
bróigín an chlaímh (fir4)
draw swords
nocht claimhte (br)
render swords
tíolaic claimhte (br)
rest on swords
luigh ar chlaimhte (br)
reverse swords
aisiompaigh claimhte (br)
sheath a sword
cuir claíomh sa dúbailt (br)
sword drill
druil chlaímh (bain2)
the hand is 'in tierce' [Swordsmanship]
tá an lámh 'ar teirt' (fr.dob.)
Sord (fir1, gu: Shoird)
brollach (fir1, gu: brollaigh, ai: brollaigh, gi: brollach)
code word
códfhocal (fir1, gu: códfhocail, ai: códfhocail, gi: códfhocal)
eochairfhocal (fir1, gu: eochairfhocail, ai: eochairfhocail, gi: eochairfhocal)
focal faire (fir1, gu: focail faire)
bear swords at the carry
coimeád claimhte ar iompar
bear swords at the reverse
coimeád claimhte ar aisiompú
bring swords to the position of the carry
cuir claimhte ar iompar
bring swords to the position of the cross
cuir claimhte ar cros
bring swords to the present
cuir claimhte ar tairscint
bring swords to the render
cuir claimhte ar tíolacadh
cautionary word of command
focal ordaithe rabhaidh
with the point of the sword inclined to the right front
agus dias an chlaímh claonta leath fó dheis
arm and sword pointing to the right front
géag agus claíomh ag pointeáil leath fó dheis
with the point of the sword inclined to the right front
agus dias an chlaímh claonta chun tosaigh fó dheis
arm and sword pointing to the right front
géag agus claíomh ag pointeáil chun tosaigh agus fó dheis
shoulder swords
claimhte a chur le gualainn
change swords from the reverse
claimhte ar aisiompú a aistriú
describe a circle clockwise with the sword
rianaigh ciorcal deiseal le claíomh
draw a sword partially from the scabbard
leathnocht claíomh as an truaill
hold the sword 'in tierce'
cóimeád an claíomh 'ar teirt'
return swords
aischuir claimhte
Order from the Carry (Manual of the sword)
suigh claimhte ar iompar
the hand is in quarter (Manual of the sword)
tá an lámh ar ceathrú
the 'shoulder' from the ‘carry’ (Manual of the sword)
claimhte 'ar iompar' a chur 'le gualainn'
the 'slope' from the 'carry' (Manual of the sword)
claimhte 'ar iompar'a chlaonadh
the 'stand at ease' from the 'order' (Manual of the sword)
gabháil ó chlaimhte 'ar suí' go 'seasamh as áis '
report at the 'carry' (Manual of the sword)
cur in iúl 'ar iompar'
resume the position of the 'carry' (Manual of the sword)
claimhte a athchur 'ar iompar'