Torthaí beachta
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Auxilliary glossaries
ACAA; Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of industrial products
ACAA; an Comhaontú maidir le Measúnú Comhréireachta agus Glactha de Tháirgí Tionsclaíocha
acceptance of an inheritance; acceptance of the succession
oidhreacht a ghlacadh
express acceptance of an inheritance
glacadh go sainráite le hoidhreacht
upon acceptance of these proposals the dividend per share will amount to..
ar na tograí seo a glacadh beidh an díbhinn in aghaidh na scaire in ionannas le ...; ar na tograí seo a glacadh is é ... an díbhinn in aghaidh na scaire
acceptance of documents
glacadh le doiciméid
divorce based on acceptance of the principle of the breakdown of the marriage
accept a customs declaration; acceptance of a customs declaration
glac le dearbhú custaim