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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Torthaí beachta Exact matches
GAbreithniú fir
gu breithnithe, iol breithnithe
breithniú ar dhul chun cinn
taking stock of progress
Bád agus daoine a choinneáil go dtí go ndéanfar breithniú ar imeachtaí FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
Detention of boat and persons pending adjudication of proceedings
Ar gach ordú chun breithniú a neamhniú FOINSE: I.R. 1980
On every order for annulment of adjudication
GAbreithniúchán fir1
gu breithniúcháin, ai breithniúcháin, gi breithniúchán
breithniú fir
gu breithnithe, iol breithnithe
breathnú fir
gu breathnaithe, iol breathnuithe
ENconsideration s
pl considerations
go nglacfar an Bille leis an bhreithniú deiridh a dhéanamh air
go nglacfar an Bille chun an breithniú deiridh a dhéanamh air
that the Bill be received for final consideration
leis an Bhille a bhreithniú ar Thuarascáil
for the consideration of the Bill on Report
ag fanacht ar bhreathnú an bhoird
awaiting consideration by board
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
GAbreithnigh br
abr breithniú, aidbhr breithnithe
Cás a éisteacht agus a shocrú trí nós imeachta breithiúnach
To hear and settle by judicial procedure
...agus luafar san fhógrán sin an tráth chun éilimh a bhreithniú. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
...and in such advertisement the time for adjudicating on claims shall be stated
...*(go dtí go ndéanfaidh an Chúirt breithniú ar an iarratas ar *... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997_leath 2
...*(until the application for a maintenance order is adjudicated upon),...
GAbreithnigh br
abr breithniú, aidbhr breithnithe
(b) go mbreithneofar rannpháirtí ina fhéimheach, nó go dtiocfaidh sé chun bheith dócmhainneach nó go ndéanfaidh sé aon dlúthshocraíocht nó comhshocraíocht lena chreidiúnaithe nó aon tsannadh ar mhaithe leo, sócmhainní, nó FOINSE: I.R. 1980
( b ) the subscriber is adjudged bankrupt or becomes insolvent or makes any composition or arrangement with or assignment for the benefit of his creditors,
AGUS DE BHRÍ GO nDÉANAIMSE ANOIS, ag an suí sin agus ag gníomhú dom i bhfeidhmiú mo dhualgas mar Bhreitheamh den sórt sin agus ina bhfeidhmiú sin amháin, leis seo a bhreithniú go gcimeofar an duine sin chun príosúin go ceann tréimhse ...................... lá mar gheall ar an díspeagadh sin, FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
AND WHEREAS I DO NOW, at the said sitting and acting solely in execution of my duties as such Judge, hereby adjudge that the said person for that contempt be committed to prison for the period of .............. days,
GAmeáigh br
abr meá, aidbhr meáite
breithnigh br
abr breithniú, aidbhr breithnithe
Rinne an chomh-aireacht breithniú ar an cheist.
Rinne an chomh-aireacht breithniú ar an gceist.
The cabinet deliberated on the matter.
leis an Bhille a bhreithniú ar Thuarascáil
chun an Bille a bhreithniú ar Thuarascáil
for the consideration of the Bill on Report
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
to adjudicate
breithniú a dhéanamh
limited submission; restricted adjudication
breithniú srianta
open adjudication; public adjudication
breithniú poiblí
consideration of the substance of the application
breithniú ar shubstaint an iarratais
be placed in bankruptcy
arna bhreithniú ina fhéimheach; arna breithniú ina féimheach
additional consideration
breithniú breise