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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAcuideachta bain4 reachtaíocht/legislation
gu cuideachta, iol cuideachtaí
comhlacht fir3 in úsáid/in use
gu comhlachta, iol comhlachtaí
Gnó » Fiontraíocht & Forbairt Fiontar corparáideach atá ina aonán dlíthiúil ar leith ó na haonáin dlíthiúla atá ina mbaill de; oibríonn sé mar aonad singil amháin agus bíonn na baill go léir páirteach ina rath.
Business » Enterprise & Development A corporate enterprise that has a legal entity separate from that of its members; it operates as one single unit, in the success of which all the members participate.
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
Athens Piraeus Water Supply Company; Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company; EYDAP SA
Cuideachta na hAithne um Sholáthar Uisce agus Séarachais
associated company
cuideachta chomhlachaithe
company limited by guarantee; guarantee company
cuideachta faoi theorainn ráthaíochta; cuideachta ráthaíochta
dissolution; winding-up
díscaoileadh cuideachtaí
Convention for the Establishment of a European Company for the Financing of Railway Rolling Stock (EUROFIMA)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cuideachta Eorpach a bhunú chun stoc rothra iarnróid a mhaoiniú (EUROFIMA)
Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Personality of Foreign Companies, Firms, Associations and Foundations
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pearsantacht Dhlítheanach Cuideachtaí, Gnólachtaí, Comhlachas agus Fondúireachtaí Coigríche a Aithint
limited company
cuideachta theoranta
flag airline carrier; flag carrier; flagship carrier
cuideachta aerlíne náisiúnta
merger between companies or firms
cumasc idir cuideachtaí nó gnólachtaí
company migration; delocalisation; delocalisation of a company; migration of undertakings
dí-chomhchruinniú cuideachta
single-member private limited liability company
cuideachta phríobháideach theoranta aonbhaill
European company; European public limited-liability company; SE; Societas Europaea
cuideachta Eorpach; SE
associated company; associated undertaking; related company
cuideachta chomhlachaithe
PLC; public company limited by shares; public limited company; public limited liability company; stock corporation
cpt; cuideachta phoiblí faoi theorainn scaireanna; cuideachta phoiblí theoranta
insurance company; insurance entity
cuideachta árachais
investment company; investment fund
cuideachta infheistíochta
financial holding company; financial holding undertaking
cuideachta shealbhaíochta airgeadais
company limited by shares; joint stock company; JSC
cuideachta chomhstoic; cuideachta faoi theorainn scaireanna
limited company; private company limited by shares; private limited company; private limited liability company
cuideachta phríobháideach faoi dhliteanas teoranta; cuideachta phríobháideach faoi theorainn scaireanna; cuideachta phríobháideach theoranta; cuideachta theoranta
guarantee company
cuideachta ráthaíochta
company being acquired
cuideachta atá á fáil
Convention on the Constitution of the European Company for the Chemical Processing of Irradiated Fuels - EUROCHEMIC
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le bunú na Cuideachta Eorpaí chun Breoslaí Ionradaithe a Phróiseáil go Ceimiceach - EUROCHEMIC
mergers of public limited liability companies
cumasc cuideachtaí poiblí faoi dhliteanas teoranta
the law of companies and other bodies corporate or unincorporate
dlí cuideachtaí agus comhlachtaí corpaithe nó neamhchorpraithe eile
liability for the obligations of the company
dliteanas i leith oibleagáidí na cuideachta
Working Party on Company Law
an Mheitheal um Dhlí na gCuideachtaí
European Convention on Establishment of Companies
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Bunú Cuideachtaí
SAS; simplified joint stock company
cuideachta chomhstoic shimplithe
First Company Law Directive
an Chéad Treoir maidir le Dlí na gCuideachtaí
non-listed company
cuideachta neamhliostaithe
AMC; asset management company; asset management corporation
cuideachta bhainistíochta sócmhainní
insurance holding company
cuideachta sealbhaíochta árachais
mixed activity insurance holding company
cuideachta sealbhaíochta árachais atá ag plé le gníomhaíochtaí measctha
startup; start-up; start-up company; start-up firm
cuideachta nuathionscanta; gnólacht nuathionscanta
energy saving company; energy service company; ESCO
cuideachta choigilte fuinnimh; cuideachta spárála fuinnimh
ultimate holding company; ultimate parent; ultimate parent company; ultimate parent entity; ultimate parent undertaking
cuideachta sealbhaíochta deiridh; máthairchuideachta deiridh
innovative company; innovative enterprise
cuideachta nuálaíoch
Companies Registration Office; CRO
an Oifig um Chlárú Cuideachtaí
mid-cap; mid-cap company; middle-capitalisation company
cuideachta lárchaidhpe; cuideachta lárchaipitlithe; cuideachta meánchaipitlithe; fiontar meánchaipitlithe
mixed financial holding company
cuideachta sealbhaíochta airgeadais mheasctha
skinning company
cuideachta feannta
reduction of the company's capital
laghdú ar chaipiteal na cuideachta
trust company
cuideachta iontaobhais
charge deducted by the debtor company
muirear arna asbhaint ag an gcuideachta is féichiúnaí
company listed on a stock exchange; company whose shares are officially listed on stock exchanges; listed company; publicly listed company; publicly traded company; quoted company
cuideachta arna liostú ar stocmhalartán; cuideachta liostaithe
company's management costs
costais bhainistíochta na cuideachta
real value of company's assets
fíorluach shócmhainní na cuideachta
transfer to company in consideration of shares
aistriú go cuideachta i gcomaoin scaireanna
company's main corporation tax liability
dliteanas comhiomlán na cuideachta maidir le cáin chorparáide
company director
stiúrthóir cuideachta
recent extract from the register of companies
sliocht a baineadh le déanaí as clár na gcuideachtaí
management company
cuideachta bhainistíochta
general trading company
cuideachta thrádála ginearálta
trading company
cuideachta thrádála
reinsurance company; reinsurance undertaking
cuideachta athárachais; gnóthas athárachais
liner shipping company
cuideachta loingseoireachta línéir
barter company
cuideachta bhabhtála
agro-industrial company
cuideachta agraithionscail
associated company
cuideachta chomhlachaithe
holding company
cuideachta sealbhaíochta
investment company
cuideachta infheistíochta
company card
cárta cuideachta
captive insurance company
cuideachta árachais faoi chuing
company in liquidation
cuideachta atá faoi leachtú
company formation
foirmiú cuideachta
Gp; group of companies
grúpa cuideachtaí
mixed-economy company; mixed-ownership company
cuideachta geilleagair measctha; cuideachta infheistíochta measctha; cuideachta úinéireachta measctha
one-person business; one-person company; one-person corporation; single-member company; sole proprietorship
cuideachta aonbhaill; dílseánacht aonair
company agreement; company-level agreement
comhaontú ar leibhéal cuideachta; comhaontú cuideachta
strategical environmental planification of the company
pleanáil straitéiseach chomhshaoil na cuideachta
franchising company
cuideachta shaincheadúcháin
franchised company; franchised corporation; franchised society
cuideachta shaincheadaithe
branched company; company with subsidiaries
cuideachta bhrainseach
mixed-activity holding company
cuideachta sealbhaíochta gníomhaíochtaí measctha
financial holding company
cuideachta sealbhaíochta airgeadais; cuideachta sealbhaíochta bainc
CEIC; closed fund; closed-end fund; closed-end investment company; closed-end investment fund; investment company with fixed capital
cuideachta infheistíochta a bhfuil caipiteal seasta aici
value added tax collected by the company
cáin bhreisluacha arna cruinniú ag an gcuideachta; cáin láimhdeachais arna cruinniú ag an gcuideachta
public service conglomerate
ilcuideachta seirbhíse poiblí
increase of the company's authorized capital
méadú ar chaipiteal údaraithe na cuideachta
working capital fund; working capital of a company
ciste caipitil cuideachta
company image
íomhá na cuideachta
offshore business; offshore company
cuideachta eischósta
offeror company
cuideachta thairgeora
company-specific risk; diversifiable risk; idiosyncratic risk; residual risk; unsystematic risk
riosca cuideachta-shonrach; riosca iarmharach
company representative
ionadaí cuideachta
brass plate company; dummy company; front company; letterbox company; money box company; paper company; shell company; shell corporation
cuideachta chaoch
company law; corporate law
dlí na gcuideachtaí
Dutch development bank; FMO; Netherlands Development Finance Company
Cuideachta Airgeadais na hÍsiltíre um Fhorbairt; FMO
company policy
beartas na cuideachta
home multinational
cuideachta ilnáisiúnta baile
socially responsible company
cuideachta atá freagrach go sóisialta
low-cost company
cuideachta ísealchostais
bond insurer; credit enhancer; monoline; monoline insurance company; monoline insurer; monoliner
cuideachta árachais aonlíne
TCSP; trust and company service provider; trust or company service provider
soláthraí seirbhíse iontaobhais nó cuideachta
financial company
cuideachta airgeadais
Finnish residential housing companies
cuideachtaí tithíocht chónaithe na Fionlainne
non-member third-country reinsurance undertaking
cuideachta athárachais tríú tíortha; gnóthas athárachais tríú tíortha
UCITS management company
cuideachta bhainistíochta GCUI
insurance company
cuideachta árachais
mutual insurance company
cuideachta árachais fhrithpháirteach
company domicile
sainchónaí cuideachta
personal investment company; PIC; private investment company
cuideachta infheistíochta phearsanta
derivative product company; DPC
cuideachta táirgí díorthacha
unlisted company
cuideachta neamhliostaithe
company board; corporate board
bord cuideachta
Derivative Product Company
cuideachta táirgí díorthacha
Company Action Level
leibhéal gníomhaíochta cuideachta
cash management company; CMC
cuideachta bainistíochta airgid
TNC; Transportation Network Company
cuideachta líonra iompair
InnovFin MidCap Growth Finance
InnovFin — Maoiniú um Fhás Cuideachtaí Meánchaipitlithe
InnovFin MidCap Guarantee
InnovFin — Ráthaíocht Cuideachtaí Meánchaipitlithe
SOE; state-owned company; state-owned enterprise
cuideachta faoi úinéireacht stáit