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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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ENdelay s
GAmoill bain2
gu moille, iol moilleanna
The time period allowed by agreement of the parties or by law to do something.
An tréimhse ama a cheadaítear de réir an dlí nó de réir comhaontú idir na páirtithe chun rud éigin a dhéanamh.
IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the reasons for the non-execution of the request or for the delay in executing it are as follows;—
DEIMHNÍTEAR LEIS SEO gurb iad seo a leanas na cúiseanna nár comhalladh an iarraidh nó leis an moill a bhain lena comhalladh:— FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997_leath 2
(1) The address of a telegram shall be sufficient, and such as not to cause difficulty or delay in delivery.
(1) Beidh seoladh sách iomlán ar an teileagram i dtreo nach mbainfidh deacracht ná moill lena sheachadadh.FOINSE: I.R. 1980
ENdelayed cap FRN abbr
pl delayed cap FRNs
GAnóta fir4 ráta chomhlúthaigh faoi chaidhp iarchurtha
ai nótaí ráta chomhlúthaigh faoi chaidhp iarchurtha
Finance Similar structure to capped FRNs except the coupon cap is not effective immediately.
Airgeadas Struchtúr atá cosúil le FRN caidhpeáilte ach nach bhfuil éifeacht láithreach le caidhp an chúpóin.
GAmoillaga fir4 geata
ai moillagaí geataí
Computers, Computer Science Chips have a finite gate delay, which includes both the signal propagation time through the chip and the switching time.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Bíonn moillaga críochta geata ag sliseanna, ar a n-áirítear am forleathantais an chomhartha tríd an slis agus an t-am lasctha.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
charge card; deferred debit card; delayed debit card
cárta muirir
delayed type hypersensitivity; DTH
tíopa hipiríogaireachta moillithe
delayed coking
cócú moillithe
delayed opening
oscailt mhoillithe
delayed neurotoxicity
néarthocsaineacht mhoillithe
D.B.; delayed broadcast
craolachán moillithe
delayed death
bás moillithe
delayed toxicity
tocsaineacht mhoillithe
delayed occurrence of toxic effect; delayed toxic effect
comharthaí moillithe d''éifeacht thocsaineach; éifeacht thocsaineach mhoillithe
delayed neurotoxicant
substaint néarthocsaineach mhoillithe
delayed neurotoxic response
freagairt néarthocsaineach mhoillithe; frithluail néarthocsaineach mhoillithe
delayed polyneuropathy; OP-induced peripheral neuropathy; organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy
néarapaite imeallach orgánafosfáit-ionduchtaithe; polainéarapaite mhoillithe
DCU; delayed coker; delayed coker unit
cóicéir moillithe
delayed gamma
gamma moillithe (s)