Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
...the Court may at any time, for such reasons as it thinks fit and on such conditions as it thinks reasonable, permit any particular fact or facts to be proved by affidavit or permit the affidavit of any witness to be read at the hearing.
...féadfaidh an Chúirt, tráth ar bith, ar cibé cúiseanna is cuí léi agus ar cibé coinníollacha is réasúnach léi, a cheadú aon fhíoras nó fíorais áirithe a chruthú trí mhionnscríbhinn nó a cheadú mionnscríbhinn aon fhinné a léamh ag an éisteacht. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
...and such document shall, until the contrary is shown, be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated.
...agus beidh an doiciméad sin, go dtí go léireofar a mhalairt, mar fhianaise leordhóthanach ar na fíorais a bheidh sonraithe ann, FOINSE: I.R. 1980
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
(part of life)
A fact that is central to the case before the courts and on which the outcome of the case, or part of the outcome, depends
Fíric atá lárnach i gcás cúirte agus ar a bhfuil toradh an cháis, nó cuid den toradh, ag brath
AND WHEREAS the applicant claims that on the day of 19 , the respondent obtained from the Court by misrepresentation or concealment of material facts an order for the recovery of possession of the dwelling from the applicant,
AGUS DE BHRÍ go n-éilíonn an t-iarratasóir gur trí mhífhaisnéis nó trí fhíorais ábhartha a cheilt a fuair an freagróir ordú ón gCúirt, an lá de 19 , chun seilbh a aisghabháil ar an teaghais ón iarratasóir, FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997_leath 2
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
abiotic factor
toisc aibitheach
pulmonary surfactant; surfactant
OEM; original equipment manufacturer
déantúsóir buntrealaimh; OEM
fact-finding journey; fact-finding mission
misean aimsithe fíoras
correction factor; corrective factor; weighting
fachtóir ceartaitheach; fachtóir ceartúcháin; ualú
olfactory impairment; smell impairment
lagú boltanach
in-bond assembly plant; in-bond factory; in-bond plant; maquila; maquiladora
monarcha chóimeála faoi bhanna
Global Manufacturing Principles; GMP
Prionsabail Dhomhanda Monaraíochta
Convention on International Factoring
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Fachtóireacht Idirnáisiúnta
factor analysis
anailís fachtóirí; anailís tosca
factory farm; industrial holding; intensive farm
feirm mhonarchan
pull factor
toisc tarraingthe
reduction coefficient; reduction factor
comhéifeacht an laghdaithe
to evaluate (factor)
meas (fachtóir); meas (toisc)
ex factory; ex works; EXW
díreach ón monarcha
AFCASOLE; Association of Soluble Coffee Manufacturers of the Countries of the European Union
AFCASOLE; Comhlachas Monaróirí Caife Intuaslagtha Thíortha an Aontais Eorpaigh
advance factory
findings of fact
cinntí fíorais
half-finished product; semi-finished product; semi-manufactured product
táirge leathmhonaraithe
factoring; non-recourse factoring; true factoring
fachtóireacht neamhiontaofa
manufacture of goods
monarú earraí
to manufacture
factor of production
tosca táirgeachta
progressive factor of 15%
fachtóir céimnitheach 15%
to record that fact
taifead an fíoras sin
reconsignment (manufactured tobacco)
athchoinsíniú (tobac monaraithe)
fact-finding mission; FFM
FFM; misean aimsithe fíricí
debt collection and factoring
bailiú fiach agus fachtóireacht
misallocation of resources; resource misallocation; unsatisfactory allocation of resources
mí-leithdháileadh acmhainní
Convention concerning Statistics of Wages and Hours of Work in the Principal Mining and Manufacturing Industries, Including Building and Construction, and in Agriculture; Convention concerning Statistics of Wages and Hours of Work, 1938
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Staitisticí a bhaineann le Pá agus le hUaireanta Oibre sna Príomhthionscail Mianadóireachta agus Déantúsaíochta lena n-áirítear an Fhoirgníocht agus an Tógáil, agus sa Talmhaíocht
adjustment coefficient; conversion factor
comhéifeacht oiriúnaithe; fachtóir coinbhéartachta
quasi-factoring; recourse factoring
fachtóireacht iontaofa
manufacturing defect
fabht sa déantúsaíocht
International Convention Prohibiting the Use of White Phosphorus in the Manufacture of Matches
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta lena dToirmisctear Úsáid an Fhosfair Bháin le linn Lasáin a Mhonarú
mechanical factors
toisc mheicniúil
the minimum germinating factor
an fachtóir ginidithe is íosta
decisive factor
fíoras is de chineál cinntitheach; toisc chinntitheach
manufacturing industry; manufacturing sector
tionscal déantúsaíochta
to conceal facts or falsify evidence
fíorais a cheilt nó fianaise a fhalsú
raw or unmanufactured tobacco
tobac neamh-mhonaraithe no amh
factice derived from oils
faictís díorthaithe ó olaí
statement of the facts of the case
ráiteas d'fhíorais an cháis
ACEA; EAMA; European Automobile Manufacturers' Association
ACEA; Comhlachas Mhonaróirí Gluaisteán na hEorpa
push factor
toisc bhrú
invoke no-fault liability of the manufacturer
dliteanas gan locht an déantóra a agairt
tyre manufacturer's licence
ceadúnas déantóra bonn
Common Understanding on the principles of international cooperation in research and development activities in the domain of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems between the European Community and the United States of America, Japan, Australia, Canada and the
Comhthuiscint maidir le prionsabail an chomhair idirnáisiúnta i ngníomhaíochtaí taighde agus forbartha i réimse na gCóras Monaraíochta Cliste idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, an tSeapáin, an Astráil, Ceanada agus na baill sin de
fact sheet; factsheet
bileog eolais; bileog fíricí
connecting factor; linking factor
just satisfaction
sásamh cóir
CIFTA; Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials
an Coinbhinsiún Idir-Mheiriceánach i gcoinne déantúsaíocht neamhdhleathach agus gáinneáil arm tine, armlón, pléascán, agus ábhar gaolmhar
Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime; UN Firearms Protocol; UNFP
Prótacal i gcoinne monarú aindleathach agus gáinneáil arm tine, a bpáirteanna, a gcomhpháirteanna agus a n-armlón lena bhforlíontar Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe i gcoinne coireacht eagraithe trasnáisiúnta
linear reduction factor
fachtóir laghdaithe línigh
Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association; JATMA
Comhlachas na Seapáine um Dhéantúsóirí Bonn Gluaisteáin
LH-RH; LRF; LRH; luteinising hormone releasing factor; luteinising hormone-releasing hormone; luteinising releasing hormone
hormón scaoilte hormóin lúitéinithigh
follicle stimulating releasing factor; follicle-stimulating hormone releasing factor; follicle-stimulating hormone releasing hormone; FRF; FSH-releasing factor; FSHRF; FSH-RF; FSHRH
hormón scaoilte hormóin fhalacailspreagthaigh
SPF; sun protection factor; sunburn protection factor
fachtóir cosanta ar an ngrian; FCG
manufacturer of powdered sugar
monaróir siúcra phúdaraithe
manufacturer of candy sugar
monaróir siúcra candaí
Manufacturer of lump sugar
monaróir cnapshiúcra
ex-factory price; EXW price; ex-works price
praghas díreach ón monarcha
alcohol for the manufacture of vinegar; vinegar alcohol
alcól le haghaidh ullmhú fínéagair
factory cheese
cáis mhonarchan
EF; elongation factor
fachtóir fadúcháin
colony stimulating factor; CSF
toisc spreagtha cille
antibiotic resistance plasmid; drug-resistance factor; resistance factor; resistance plasmid; R-factor; R-factor plasmid; R-plasmid
ergonomics; human engineering; human factors; human factors engineering
anti-pernicious anaemia factor; cobalamin; cyanocobalamin; vitamin B12
cianacóbalaimín; cóbalaimín; fachtóir in aghaidh ainéime dhíobhálach; vitimín B12
manufacturing formula; master formula
factor endowment
dearlaic tosca
value added in manufacture
breisluach sa déantúsaíocht
Capital recovery factor
comhéifeacht um aisghabháil chaipitil
Net factor service income
glanioncam ó sholáthar seirbhísí
Single factorial terms of trade
téarmaí aon-iolránacha trádála
summary of the facts
achoimre ar na fíorais
fact to be proved
fíoras atá le cruthú
indication of the facts about which the witness is to be examined
léiriú ar na fíorais faoina gceisteofar an finné
proof of certain facts by witnesses
ordú d''fhinnéithe fíricí áirithe a chruthú
factory ship; factory vessel
long phróiseála
antihaemophilic factor B; Christmas factor; coagulation factor IX; factor IX; plasma thromboplastic component; plasma thromboplastin antecedent; PTA
fachtóir Christmas
thyroliberin; thyrotropin releasing hormone; thyrotropin-releasing factor; TRF; TRH
hormón scaoilte tíreatróifine
packing factor
cóimheas dlúis
emission factor
fachtóir astaíochta
distribution of manufactured tabacco
dáileachán tobac mhonaraithe
monopoly for manufactured tobacco
monaplacht in earraí monaraithe tobac
fact-finding trip
cuairt faisnéise
manufacturer's engine code
cód innill an mhonaróra
time utilisation factor of a thermal unit; time utilization factor of a thermal unit
fachtóir úsáid ama aonaid theirmigh
instantaneous availability factor
toisc infhaighteachta meandraí
instantaneous unavailability factor
toisc dho-úsáidteachta meandraí
availability factor over a specified period
toisc infhaighteachta in imeacht tréimhse sonraithe
manufactured tobacco
tobac monaraithe
unmanufactured tobacco
tobac neamh-mhonaraithe
coagulation factor II; thrombin
clotting factor II; coagulation factor II; factor II; prothrombin
consumer dissatisfaction
míshástacht tomhaltóirí
BCF; bioconcentration factor
BCF; fachtóir tiúchana bithí
accord and satisfaction
comhaontú agus sásamh
factory burden expenses; factory overhead expenses; works overhead expenses
speansais i dtaca le forchostais mhonarchan
finished goods; finished manufactures; finished products; manufactured goods
táirge críochnaithe
cannery; tinning factory
monarcha cannadóireachta
residues of starch manufacture; residues of the starch industry
iarmhair ón tionscal stáirse
calibration factor
fachtóir calabrúcháin
sugar manufacturer
monaróir siúcra
reciprocal giving up of manufacture
tarscaoileadh cómhalartach déantúsaíochta
GnRF; GnRH; gonadotrophin releasing factor; gonadotrophin-releasing hormone; gonadotropin-hormone releasing factor
GnRH; hormón scaoilte gónadatróifine
blade activity factor
comhéifeacht éifeachtúlachta na lainne
confidence coefficient; confidence factor
fachtóir muiníne
convergence factor
fachtóir coinbhéirseachta
correlation factor
fachtóir comhghaolaithe; fachtóir comhghaolúcháin
gust alleviation factor
fachtóir maolaithe séideáin
height power factor
fachtóir cumhachta airde
load factor
load factor
lódfhachtóir oibriúcháin
confounder; confounding factor; confounding variable
mearbhlaitheoir; toisc inbhréagnaithe
turnkey factory
monarcha lándéanta
absorptance; absorption factor; absorption ratio
distortion factor; harmonic distortion; harmonic factor; total harmonic distortion
díchumadh armónach
PF; power factor
fachtóir cumhachta; FC
utilisation factor; utilization factor
fachtóir úsáide
blackening factor; blackening index; dusty factor
innéacs dúchana
position factor
toisc shuímh
inspection in the factory
cigireacht sa mhonarcha
model environment conditions; pilot environment factors
treoirthosca timpeallachta
manufacturing franchise
saincheadúnas monaraíochta
leverage factor; profitability increase factor
toisc ghiarála
air factor; excess air factor; excess air ratio
cóimheas aeir iomarcaigh
corn factor; grain broker
mórdhéileálaí arbhair
GCSF; G-CSF; granulocyte colony stimulating factor; granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
toisc spreagtha coilíneachtaí granalaicítí
GMP; good manufacturing practice
dea-chleachtas déantúsaíochta; dea-chleachtas monaraíochta
decontamination factor
fachtóir dí-éilliúcháin
factory outlet
asraon monarchan
surface active agent; surfactant
dromchlaghníomhaí; gníomhaí dromchlach
production in progress-manufactured goods
táirgeacht idir lámha
sales of manufactured finished goods
díolacháin earraí críochnaithe monaraithe
coagulation factor III; factor III; thrombokinase; tissue factor; tissue thromboplastin
olfactory bulb
bleib bholtanach
extumescence; swelling; tumefaction; tumescence; turgescence
growth factor model
samhail na dtosca fáis
guideway utilization factor
fachtóir na húsáide treoir-raoin
load factor
seat load factor
lódfhachtóir suíochán
vehicle occupancy factor
cóimheas paisinéirí is spásanna
weight; weighting factor
toisc ualúcháin
finished manufacture
monaraíocht chríochnaithe
cost factor
fachtóir costais
raw materials; raw materials and supplies; raw materials for further manufacturing
manufacture of other food products
monarú táirgí eile bia
manufacturing authorisation
údarú monaraíochta
co-factor supplemented post-mitochondrial fraction; cofactor supplemented post-mitochondrial fraction; S9; S9 fraction
codán iar-mhiteacoindreach ina bhfuil comhfhachtóir forlíontach
distribution by manufacturers' salesmen
dáileachán arna dhéanamh ag díoltóirí na monaróirí
senior manufacturing accountant
cuntasóir monaraíochta sinsearach
capacity factor
fachtóir toillte
multifactor capital asset pricing model; multifactor CAPM
ilfhactóir um shamhail phraghsála i leith sócmhainní caipitiúla
two-factor model
samhail dhá fhachtóir
liquefaction; liquefying
artefact; biasing effect
déantán; gó-chruth
manufactured article
earra monaraithe
cheese dairy; cheese factory
déirí cáise; monarcha cáise
olfactometric analysis
anailís bholtanaimhéadrach
interaction factor
toisc idirghníomhaíochta
olfactometry method
modh boltanaimhéadrachta
certainty factor; CF; confidence factor; plausibility value
fachtóir deimhneachta
manufacturing period
tréimhse monaraíochta
manufacturing risk
riosca déantúsaíochta
de facto insolvency; insolvency de facto
dócmhainneacht de facto
accident causation; causation factors
cúisíocht tionóisce
accident contributory factor; CF; contributory factor
toisc rannpháirteach tionóisce
accident factor
toisc tionóisce
PF; precipitating factor
toisc bhrostaitheach
manufacturer's representative; representative of the manufacturer
ionadaí don mhonaróir
response factor; Rf
fachtóir freagartha
olfactory mark
International Organisation of Automobile Manufacturers
Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta na Monaróirí Gluaisteán
push and pull factors
tosca brú agus tarraingthe
toll manufacturing agreement; toll processing agreement; tolling agreement; tolling contract
conradh dolaphróiseála
CF; conversion factor
fachtóir coinbhéartachta; fachtóir comhshóch
multiplication factor
fachtóir iolrúcháin
stress factor
fachtóir struis
lambda-shift factor; Sλ; λ-shift factor
fachtóir aistrithe lambda; fachtóir aistrithe λ; Sλ
manufacturer's statutory plate; statutory plate
pláta reachtúil
maturity factor
toisc aibíochta
scaling factor
fachtóir scálúcháin
oxidation factor
toisc ocsaídiúcháin
cyclical factor
toisc thimthriallach
market risk factor
toisc riosca margaidh
systematic risk factor
toisc riosca chórasach
risk-free discount factor
fachtóir lascaine saor ó riosca
Lamp Lumen Maintenance Factor; LLMF
fachtóir cothabhála an lumáin lampa
Lamp Survival Factor; LSF
fachtóir marthanacht lampaí
LMF; Luminaire Maintenance Factor
fachtóir cothabhála an aonaid solais; fachtóir cothabhála an fhearais solais; fachtóir cothabhála an fheistithe solais; fachtóir cothabhála aonad solais
fact-finding mission
misean bailithe eolais
engineered nanomaterial; ENM; manufactured nanomaterial
ENM; nana-ábhar monaraithe
coverage factor
fachtóir cuimsiúcháin
Multilingual Communication in European Car Manufacturing
Cumarsáid Ilteangach i leith Monaraíocht Carr san Eoraip
stimulating growth factor
toisc spreagtha fáis; tosca spreagtha fáis
TEF; Toxic Equivalency Factor
Fachtóir Tocsaineachta Coibhéisí; TEF
induction factor
fachtóir ionduchtaithe
manufacturing method; manufacturing process; manufacturing route; method of manufacture
modh monaraíochta
bovine serum factors; BSF
fachtóir séirim bhuaibhigh
BF; brake factor
fachtóir coscáin
IIFFMCG; independent international fact-finding mission on the conflict in Georgia
misean neamhspleách idirnáisiúnta chun fíricí a aimsiú maidir leis an gcoimhlint sa tSeoirsia
capacity factor; capacity ratio; retention factor
fachtóir coinneála
Temporal adjustment factors
fachtóirí coigeartaithe ama
Spatial adjustment factors
fachtóirí coigeartaithe spáis
human factor
gné dhaonna
State of Manufacturing
Stát a mhonaraithe
fat (consumption) reduction factor; Fat Consumption Reduction Factor; fat reduction factor; FRF
toisc laghdaithe an chaithimh saille
time-weighting factor
toisc ualúcháin ama
to manufacture gains
gnóthachain a mhonarú
conversion factor
fachtóir coinbhéartachta
factory production control
rialú ar tháirgeadh monarchan
Warning! Contains cadmium. Dangerous fumes are formed during use. See information supplied by the manufacturer. Comply with the safety instructions.
Rabhadh! Caidmiam ann. Cruthaítear múch chontúirteach le linn a úsáide. Féach an fhaisnéis atá curtha ar fáil ag an monaróir. Cloígh leis na treoracha sábháilteachta.
primary energy factor
fachtóir fuinnimh phríomhúil
BCFss; steady-state bioconcentration factor
fachtóir tiúchana bithí foistine
BCF<sub>k</sub>; BCFK; concentration factor; kinetic concentration factor
fachtóir tiúchana cinéiteach
Factories of the Future
Monarchana na Todhchaí
risk factor
toisc riosca
matters of fact
ábhair fíoras; ceisteanna fíorais
photo-irritation factor; Photo-Irritation-Factor; PIF
fachtóir fótaghreannaithe
correction factor; cross-sectoral correction factor; CSCF; uniform cross-sectoral correction factor
fachtóir ceartúcháin; fachtóir ceartúcháin trasearnála
de facto separation
idirscaradh de facto
de facto care; de facto custody
caomhnóireacht de facto
small volume manufacturer
monaróir ísealtáirgeachta
cascade of connecting factors; scale of connecting factors
easghluaiseacht nascfhachtóirí
chocolate factory
monarcha seacláide
PEGbG-CSF; pegylated bovine granulocyte colony stimulating factor
toisc spreagtha coilíneachtaí granalaicítí peigealáitithe buaibheacha
S<sub>CF4</sub>; SEF<sub>CF4</sub>; slope coefficient; slope emission factor
comhéifeacht an chlaonta
single factor stress test
tástáil struis aontoisce
multiple-factor stress test
tástáil struis ilfhachtóir
manufactured housing loan
iasacht le haghaidh tithíocht réamhdhéanta
active substance as manufactured
substaint ghníomhach mar a mhonaraítear í
counterfactual; counterfactual scenario
cás frithfhíorasach
ambient correction factor; ambient correction term
fachtóir ceartúcháin comhthimpeallachta
exogenous factor
toisc eisginiúil
SCF; smart control factor
fachtóir rialaitheora chliste; SCF
flood risk factor
fachtóir riosca tuilte
OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials; WPMN
Meitheal an ECFE um Nana-Ábhair Mhonaraithe
virulence factor
fachtóir nimhneachta
biotic factor
toisc bhitheach
factory overrun; overrun
rótháirgeadh neamhúdaraithe
manufacturing port
calafort monaraíochta
particle concentration reduction factor; pcrf
fachtóir laghdaithe comhdhlúthúcháin cáithníní
availability factor
fachtóir infhaighteachta
SME supporting factor
fachtóir tacaíochta FBM
Student factor; Student t-factor; t-factor
t-fhachtóir Student
fact-finding visit
cuairt aimsithe faisnéise
correction factor for butterfat adjustment; fat correction coefficient
comhéifeacht cheartúcháin saille
Compact for Continuous Improvements in Labour Rights and Factory Safety in the Ready-Made Garment and Knitwear Industry in Bangladesh; Global Sustainability Compact; Sustainability Compact
Comhshocrú Inbhuanaitheachta Domhanda; Comhshocrú maidir le Feabhsuithe Leanúnacha ar Chearta Saothair agus Sábháilteacht Monarchan sa Tionscal Éadaí Réamhdhéanta agus Éadaí Cniotáilte sa Bhanglaidéis
Material factors to substantiate the asylum claim; Reasons for making an asylum claim
forais ar a bhfuil iarratas ar thearmann bunaithe; forais iarratais ar thearmann
ground factor
fachtóir talún
SHGF; solar heat gain factor
neartfhachtóir grianteasa
sky view factor; SVF
fachtóir infheictheachta na spéire
Central African Convention for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons, their Ammunition and all Parts and Components that can be used for their Manufacture, Repair and Assembly; Kinshasa Convention
Coinbhinsiún na hAfraice Láir maidir le Mionairm agus Armáin Éadroma a Rialú chomh maith lena nArmlón agus gach Páirt agus Comhpháirt is féidir a úsáid agus iad á Monarú, á nDeisiú agus á gCóimeáil
FATCA Agreement; FATCA IGA; FATCA Intergovernmental Agreement
Comhaontú Idir-Rialtasach FACTA
payment factory
lárionad íocaíochtaí
hydrocarbon response factor
fachtóir freagartha do hidreacarbón
dynamic olfactometry
boltanaimhéadracht dhinimiciúil
static olfactometry
boltanaimhéadracht statach
gateway criterion; gateway factor
critéar cinntitheach
cooking factor
fachtóir cócaireachta
self-heating factor
fachtóir féintéimh
food industry factory lime
aol ó mhonarcha i dtionscadal an bhia
counterfactual impact evaluation
meastóireacht tionchair fhrithfhíorasach
CRF; crime relevant factor
fachtóir ábhartha coireachta
risk-adjustment factor
toisc coigeartaithe riosca
conformity factor
fachtóir comhréireachta
supervisory duration factor
fachtóir na marthanachta maoirseachta
broad risk factor category
catagóir fachtóra riosca leathan
hedging set supervisory factor coefficient
comhéifeacht fachtóra maoirseachta tacair fálúcháin
principle of the primacy of facts
prionsabal thosaíocht na bhfíricí
international toxic equivalency factor; I-TEF
fachtóir tocsaineachta coibhéisí idirnáisiúnta; I-TEF
2FA; two-factor authentication
fíorú dhá chéim; fíorú dhá fhachtóir
Fact Sheets on the European Union
Bileoga eolais ar an Aontas Eorpach
accessory before the fact
cúlpháirtí roimh an ngníomh (fir4)
ammunition repair factory
monarcha dheisiúcháin lón lámhaigh (bain5)
attenuating factors
tosca maolaithe (bain)
based on facts
bunaithe ar fhíorais (aidbhr)
based on facts
bunaithe ar fhírinní (aidbhr)
factory chimney
simléar monarchan (fir1)
manufacturing variation
éagsúlacht déantóireachta (bain3)
míshásamh (fir1, gu: míshásaimh, ai: míshásaimh, gi: míshásamh)
evidence as to facts
fianaise i dtaobh fíoras (bain4)
established fact
fírinne bhunaithe (bain4)
time and space factor
ceist ama is spáis (bain2)
limiting factor
toisc theorann (bain2)
material fact
fíoras ábhartha (fir1)
ceist (bain2, gu: ceiste, ai: ceisteanna, gi: ceisteanna)
coibhneas (fir1, gu: coibhnis, ai: coibhneasa, gi: coibhneas)
fachtóir (fir3, gu: fachtóra, ai: fachtóirí, gi: fachtóirí)
toisc (bain2, gu: toisce)
safety factor
coibhneas sábhála (fir1)
armament factory
monarcha armála (bain5)
repair factory
monarcha dheisiúcháin (bain5)
factual knowledge
eolas fíorasach (fir1)
fíoras (fir1, gu: fíorais, ai: fíorais, gi: fíoras)
fírinne (bain4, gu: fírinne, ai: fírinní, gi: fírinní)
limiting factor
toisc theorainneach (bain2)
déantóireacht (bain3)
munition factory
monarcha muinisin (bain5)
satisfactory service
seirbhís shásúil (bain2)
statement of fact
ráiteas fíorais (fir1)
shielding factor
toisc chumhdaigh (bain2)
fíorasach (a1)
power factor
fachtóir cumhachta (fir3)
monarcha (bain5, gu: monarchan, ai: monarchana, gi: monarchana)
faction fighting
faicseanaíocht (bain3, gu: faicseanaíochta)
2 & 5 are the factors of 10
is iad 2 agus 5 factóirí a 10
the terrain is the most important factor
is é an tír-raon an toisc is tábhachtaí
the terrain is the most limiting factor
is é an tír-raon an toisc theorann
factors affecting the mission
tosca a mbeadh éifeacht acu ar an misean
procedure where evidence as to facts given for defence by witnesses (other than accused) but not by the accused
nós imeachta i gcás finnéithe (seachas an cúisí) ach gan an cúisí féin a thabhairt fianaise maidir le fíorais ar son na cosanta