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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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The force driving an electrical current in a circuit, e.g.electric battery in a radio. It is measured in volts.
An fórsa arb é faoi deara an sruth leictreachais i gciorcad, m.sh. an cadhnra leictreachais i raidió. Ina voltanna a thomhaistear é
amount of EMFs
méid na FLGanna
ENforce s
(group of armed combatants)
GAfórsa fir4
gu fórsa, iol fórsaí
(grúpa de throdaithe armtha)
(performance appraisal)
(Breithmheas Feidhmíochta)
requires managers to place a fixed proportion of employees in different performance categories or grades e.g. the best performing 10% as 'Excellent', the next best 20% as 'Good', the next 40% as 'Satisfactory' etc
tugtar ar bhainisteoirí líon áirithe de na fostaithe a ghrádú i gcatagóirí éagsúla, an 10% is fearr a áireamh faoi 'Sárfheidhmíocht' m.sh., 20% eile faoi 'Feidhmíocht Mhaith', 40% faoi 'Feidhmíocht Shásúil' srl
A person whom the testator or donor cannot disinherit because the law reserves part of the estate for that person.
a form of testate partible inheritance whereby a deceased's estate is separated into (1) an indefeasible portion (indefeasible = that cannot be annulled or made void: an indefeasible claim; indefeasible rights), the forced estate, passing to the deceased's next-of-kin, and (2) a discretionary portion, or free estate, to be freely disposed of by will
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
emergency landing; forced landing
tuirlingt éigeandála
displacement; forced displacement; forced displacement of the population; forced migration
easáitiú éigeantach an phobail
forced pregnancy
toircheas éigeantais
coerced confession; forced confession
admháil faoi iallach
Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957; Convention concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le saothar éigeantach a chur ar ceal
reinforced qualified majority
tromlach cáilithe treisithe
Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour; Forced Labour Convention, 1930
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hObair Éigeantais nó Éigeantach
enforced prostitution; forced prostitution
striapachas éigeantais
prohibition of slavery and forced labour
toirmeasc ar sclábhaíocht agus ar obair éigeantais
forced migrant
imirceach éigeantais
Community Civil Protection Mechanism; Community mechanism to facilitate reinforced cooperation in civil protection assistance interventions; EU Civil Protection Mechanism; EU CPM; Union Civil Protection Mechanism
an Sásra Aontais um Chosaint Shibhialta
enforced disappearance; forced disappearance
fuadach forfheidhmithe
glass-reinforced structural plastic; GRSP
plaisteach struchtúrach gloinethreisithe
compulsory liquidation; compulsory winding-up; forced liquidation
leachtú éigeantach
distraint; distress; forced sale of collaterals
RC; reinforced concrete
coincréit threisithe
forced heir; heir who cannot be totally disinherited; person entitled to a reserved share
oidhre dochealaithe
forced sale
díol éigeantach
enforcement; forced execution
compulsory slaughter; forced slaughter
marú éigeantach
forced outage
éaradh seirbhíse d'éigean
compulsory labour; forced labour; forced or compulsory labour
obair éigeantais; saothar éignithe
fibreglass; glass reinforced plastic; GRP
GRP; plaisteach gloinethreisithe; snáithínghloine
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
an Coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta maidir leis an uile dhuine a chosaint ón bhfuadach
forced marriage
pósadh éigeantais
forced menu
roghchlár éigeantach; roghchlár forsáilte
Reinforced Point of Contact meeting; RPOC; RPOC meeting
Cruinniú an Phointe Teagmhála Threisithe
extra load tyre; high load capacity tyre; reinforced tyre
bonn breisualaigh; bonn treisithe
forced technology transfer
aistriú éigeantach teicneolaíochta
forced marriage
pósadh éigeantais
forced heirship
oidhreacht dhochealaithe
Committee on Enforced Disappearances
Coiste um Daoine a Fuadaíodh
forced commercial sexual exploitation
dúshaothrú gnéasach éigeantais chun críocha tráchtála
forced begging
déircíneacht éigeantais
enforced return; forced return
filleadh éigeantach
child, early and forced marriage; early and forced marriage
pósadh leanaí, luathphósadh agus pósadh éigeantais
forced return monitor
duine den lucht faireacháin don fhilleadh éigeantach
forced return escort
tionlacaí don fhilleadh éigeantach
reinforced concrete
coincréit threisithe (bain2)
forced whisper
ardchogar (fir1, gu: ardchogair, ai: ardchogair, gi: ardchogar)
forced march
máirseáil éigeantach (bain3)
reinforced concrete
coincréit athneartaithe (bain2)
reinforced concrete
coincréit threisithe (bain2)
make a forced landing field
déan tuirlingt éigeantach