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laghdú €10
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laghdú €20 ar an gcéad cheannachán eile
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laghdú ar líon na gcoireanna a taifeadadh
reduction in the number of recorded crimes
(of legacies)
Ní bheidh rannpháirtí ar bith i dteideal aon laghdú a fháil ar ranníoc toisc gur fágadh aon ní ar lár nó go ndearnadh dearmad ar bith mar luaitear sa mhír roimhe seo den Rialachán seo. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
No subscriber shall be entitled to any abatement of subscription in respect of any omission or error mentioned in the foregoing paragraph of this Regulation
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driven axle with only one gear reduction, typically a bevel gear set with or without hypoid offset
deiseanna ar choireacht a laghdú
deiseanna ar choireanna a laghdú
reduce the opportunity for crime
an líon teagmhas/coireanna foréigean teaghlaigh a laghdú
to reduce the number of domestic violence incidents/crimes
líon na dteagmhas de chionta in aghaidh an duine a laghdú
to reduce the number of incidents of offences against the person
(at religious services)
Taispeántar méadú ar stoic mar uimhir dhiúltach agus laghdú ar stoic mar uimhir dhearfach.
A stock build is shown as a negative number and a stock draw is shown as a positive number.
(Prótacal Kyoto)
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
cost reduction
laghdú costais
waste avoidance
laghdú dramhaíola; seachaint diomailte
to allow (reduction)
ceadaigh (laghdú)
fight against poverty; poverty alleviation; poverty reduction
laghdú na bochtaineachta
Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Laghdú Líon na nDaoine gan Stát
Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and on Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality
an Coinbhinsiún um Laghdú Cásanna Ilnáisiúntachta agus um Oibleagáidí Míleata i gCásanna Ilnáisiúntachta
Convention to reduce the number of cases of statelessness
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Laghdú Líon na nDaoine gan Stát
START; Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
Cainteanna faoi Laghdú Arm Straitéiseach; STARTanna
reduction of capacity
laghdú acmhainne
the degressive effect of those prices
an éifeacht atá le céimlaghdú na bpraghsanna sin; éifeacht chéimlaghdaitheach na bpraghsanna sin
to absorb the variation
an difríocht a laghdú; athrúchán a laghdú
the successive reductions
laghdú comhleanúnach
increase or decrease in the value
méadú nó laghdú luacha
Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work to Forty a Week; Forty-Hour Week Convention, 1935
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le huaireanta oibre a laghdú go daichead uair an chloig in aghaidh na seachtaine
Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work in Glass-Bottle Works; Reduction of Hours of Work (Glass-Bottle Works) Convention, 1935
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Laghdú Uaireanta Oibre i Monarchana Buidéal Gloine
Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work on Public Works; Reduction of Hours of Work (Public Works) Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Laghdú Uaireanta Oibre ar Oibreacha Poiblí
Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work in the Textile Industry; Reduction of Hours of Work (Textiles) Convention, 1937
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Laghdú Uaireanta Oibre sa Tionscal Teicstíle
exceptionally large reduction
laghdú as cuimse; laghdú thar cuimse
reduction in labour requirements
laghdú ar cheanglais oibre; laghdú ar cheanglais shaothair
the duty thus reduced
dleacht arna laghdú amhlaidh
reduce indebtedness
féichiúnas a laghdú
1994 Oslo Protocol on Further Reduction of Sulphur Emissions; CLRTAP Sulphur Protocol; Protocol on Further Reduction of Sulphur Emissions; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on Further Reduction of Sulphur Emissions
Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 ar Thruailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin maidir le Laghdú Breise ar Astaíochtaí Sulfair; Prótacal Osló 1994 maidir le Laghdú Breise ar Astaíochtaí Sulfair
Protocol Amending the Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún um laghdú cásanna ilnáisiúntachta agus um oibleagáidí míleata i gcásanna ilnáisiúntachta
Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún um Laghdú Cásanna Ilnáisiúntachta agus um Oibleagáidí Míleata i gCásanna Ilnáisiúntachta
Second Protocol amending the Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality
an Dara Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún um laghdú cásanna ilnáisiúntachta agus um oibleagáidí míleata i gcásanna ilnáisiúntachta
IDNDR; International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
Deichbhliain Idirnáisiúnta um Laghdú Tubaistí Nádúrtha
QELRC; QELRO; Quantified Emission Limitation and Reduction Commitment; Quantified Emission Limitation and Reduction Objective; quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment
Gealltanas Cainníochtaithe maidir le hAstaíochtaí a Theorannú agus a Laghdú
START I; Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
an Conradh idir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá agus Aontas na bPoblachtaí Sóivéadacha Sóisialacha ar Laghdú agus Teorannú na nArm Ionsaitheach Straitéiseach; an Conradh um Laghdú Arm Straitéiseach; START I
START II; Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty II; Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
an Conradh idir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá agus Cónaidhm na Rúise ar Airm Ionsaitheacha Straitéiseacha a Laghdú agus a Theorannú a Thuilleadh; Conradh II um Laghdú Arm Straitéiseach; START II
CER; certified emission reduction; certified emission reduction unit
CER; laghdú astaíochtaí deimhnithe
World Conference on Disaster Reduction
Comhdháil Dhomhanda maidir le Laghdú Tubaistí
International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
Lá Idirnáisiúnta um Laghdú Tubaistí Nádúrtha
1999 Gothenburg Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone; Gothenburg Protocol; Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution to abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone
Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 ar Thruailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin chun laghdú a dhéanamh ar an Aigéadú, ar an Eotrófú agus ar an Ózón ar Leibhéal na Talún; Prótacal Gothenburg
poverty reduction strategy paper; PRSP
páipéar straitéise um laghdú bochtaineachta
debt reduction
laghdú an fhiachais
emission reduction; emissions abatement; emissions reduction
laghdú ar astaíochtaí
EWC; International Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural Disasters
an Chomhdháil Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Córais Réamhrabhaidh le haghaidh Tubaistí Nádúrtha a Laghdú; EWC
additionality; emissions reduction additionality
breisíocht; breisíocht a bhaineann le hastaíochtaí a laghdú
reduction of the company's capital
laghdú ar chaipiteal na cuideachta
technical reduction in value
laghdú teicniúil ar luach
acoustic attenuation; attenuation; sound attenuation
laghdú torainn
to curtail expenses; to limit expenses; to reduce expenses
costais a laghdú
share capital reduction
laghdú ar scairchaipiteal; laghdú ar stoc caipitil
provision for a permanent diminution in value
soláthar in aghaidh buanlaghdú ar luach
depletion allowance
liúntas i leith ídiú; liúntas i leith laghdú
rundown on inventories
laghdú ar fhardail
Capital impairment
laghdú ar an gcaipiteal; laghdú caipitil
aonad slaodlaghdúcháin
order for a reduction in prices
ordú maidir le laghdú ar phraghsanna
first stage of tariff cuts
an chéad chéim de na laghduithe taraifí
emission reduction credit; ERC
creidmheas maidir le laghdú astaíochtaí; ERC
reduction of economic relations
laghdú ar an gcaidreamh eacnamaíoch
to reduce the minimum percentage
an céatadán íosta a laghdú; an t-íoschéatadán a laghdú
wage reduction
laghdú pá
to reduce the difference by successive amounts of 20 %
an difríocht a laghdú le méideanna comhleantacha 20%
load alleviation
laghdú na n-ualaí; laghdú ualaigh
decrease; decrease in assets
laghdú ar shócmhainní
decrease; decrease in liabilities
laghdú ar dhliteanais
sound insulation; sound reduction index; transmission loss
innéacs maidir le laghdú torainn
linear reduction
laghdú líneach
reduction in hours
laghdú ar uaireanta oibre
reduction in salary due to age
laghdú tuarastail de bharr aoise
manning level reduction; shake-out of labour
laghdú ar líon na foirne
reduction in pay
laghdú pá
pollutant emission reduction
laghdú astuithe truailleán
depreciation, depletion and amortization
dímheas, laghdúchán agus amúchadh
declining balance method of depreciation; diminishing instalment system; reducing balance method; reducing instalment method; written down value method
córas tráthchodanna laghdaitheacha; modh comhardaithe laghdaithigh; modh comhardaithe laghdaithigh maidir le luachlaghdú; modh dímheasa maidir le hiarmhéid céimlaghdaitheach; modh dímheasa mhuirir laghdaithe; modh dímheasa muirear laghdaithe; modh luacha arna thabhairt anuas
reduction in the values of individual assets
laghdú ar luachanna sócmhainní aonair
fare reduction
laghdú táillí
social fare reduction
laghdú ar an táille atá níos saoire
traffic decrease
laghdú tráchta
money-off coupon; reduction voucher
dearbhán laghdúcháin; dearbhán praghasghearrtha
noise abatement; noise attenuation; noise control; noise mitigation; noise reduction; sound abatement; sound control
laghdú torainn
capital decrease; capital reduction
laghdú ar chaipiteal
asset depreciated on a straight line basis
sócmhainn arna luachlaghdú de réir méid chothroim; sócmhainn luachlaghdaithe de réir méid chothroim
lCER; long-term CER; long-term certified emission reduction
CER fadtéarmach; laghdú astaíochtaí deimhnithe fadtéarmach
tCER; temporary CER; temporary certified emission reduction
laghdú astaíochtaí deimhnithe sealadach
disaster reduction; disaster risk reduction; DRR
laghdú rioscaí tubaiste; laghdú tubaistí
reduction in risk-weighted exposure amounts
laghdú ar shuimeanna neamhchosanta ualaithe ó thaobh riosca
Action Programme for Reducing Administrative Burdens in the European Union; Administrative Burden Reduction Programme
an Clár Gníomhaíochta chun Ualaí Riaracháin san Aontas Eorpach a laghdú
capital alleviation
laghdú ar riachtanas caipitil
High level group of independent stakeholders on administrative burdens; High level group on administrative burden reduction
Grúpa ardleibhéil de gheallsealbhóirí neamhspleácha um ualaí riaracháin; Grúpa ardleibhéil um laghdú ar an ualach riaracháin
REDD; reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries
astaíochtaí a laghdú a leanann dífhoraoisiú agus díghrádú foraoisí i dtíortha i mbéal forbartha; REDD
reduction in fair value
laghdú ar luach cóir
VER; verified emission reduction; verified emissions reduction unit
laghdú fíoraithe astaíochtaí; VER
Decision No 406/2009/EC on the effort of Member States to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to meet the Community’s greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments up to 2020; effort sharing decision; ESD
cinneadh maidir le comhroinnt díchill; Cinneadh Uimhir 406/2009/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 23 Aibreán 2009 maidir le dícheall na mBallstát a n-astaíochtaí gáis ceaptha teasa a laghdú chun freastal do cheangaltais an Chomhphobail maidir le hastaíochtaí gáis ceaptha teasa a
United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries; UN-REDD
Clár comhoibríoch na Náisiún Aontaithe chun astaíochtaí a laghdú a leanann dífhoraoisiú agus díghrádú foraoise i dtíortha i mbéal forbartha; UN-REDD
European Week for Waste Reduction; EWWR
EWWR; Seachtain Eorpach faoi choinne laghdú dramhaíola
refund or a reduction in future contributions
aisíoc nó laghdú ar ranníocaíochtaí todhchaí
data minimisation
íoslaghdú sonraí
demand reduction
laghdú ar éileamh
harm reduction
laghdú dochair
risk reduction
laghdú riosca
supply reduction
laghdú soláthair
CCAC; Climate and Clean Air Coalition; Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants
Comhghuaillíocht Aeráide agus Aer Glan chun Truailleáin Aeráide Ghearrshaolacha a Laghdú
UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction; UNISDR; United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
Oifig na Náisiún Aontaithe um Laghdú Rioscaí Tubaiste; UNISDR
Inter-Agency Task Force for Disaster Reduction; ITAF/DR
an Tascfhórsa Idirghníomhaireachta um Laghdú Tubaistí
Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
an tArdán Domhanda um Laghdú Rioscaí Tubaistí
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
Creat Sendai um Laghdú Rioscaí Tubaiste 2015-2030
wet abatement
burden reduction implementation mechanism
sásra chun laghdú an ualaigh a chur chun feidhme
double counting; double counting of emissions reductions
áireamh dúbailte; áireamh dúbailte laghduithe astaíochtaí
tax minimisation; tax optimisation
íoslaghdú cánach
SAVE FOOD Initiative; SAVE FOOD: Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction
an Tionscnamh SAVE FOOD; SAVE FOOD: Tionscnamh Domhanda maidir le Caillteanas Bia agus Cur Amú Bia a Laghdú
closing space; shrinking space
laghdú spáis
new START; new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
an Conradh idir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá agus Cónaidhm na Rúise ar Bhearta chun Airm Ionsaitheacha Straitéiseacha a Laghdú agus a Theorannú a Thuilleadh; an Conradh Nua um Laghdú Arm Straitéiseach; START nua
family decrease
laghdú clainne (fir)
strength decrease
laghdú lín (fir)
derogation of power
laghdú cumhachta (fir)
laghdú (fir, gu: laghdaithe, ai: laghduithe, gi: laghduithe)