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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Nóchá · nochta · ocht · ócht · nacho
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GAnocht br
láith nochtann, abr nochtadh, aidbhr nochta
Nochtadh an tuairim sin ag an gcruinniú.
That opinion was expressed at the meeting.
GArúisc br
abr rúscadh, aidbhr rúiscthe
lom br
abr lomadh, aidbhr lomtha
scamh br
abr scamhadh, aidbhr scafa
nocht br
láith nochtann, abr nochtadh, aidbhr nochta
scoith br
láith scoitheann, abr scoitheadh, aidbhr scoite
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
The following voluntary codes have now been agreed with advertisers, advertising agencies and the relevant media suppliers. The objective is to limit the placement and weight of exposure of alcohol advertising, thereby reducing its exposure to young people (young people are defined as those under eighteen years). It is intended that these voluntary codes will be implemented from January 2005.
surface construction technique which combines a random surface texture pattern with good initial skidding performance, with a smooth longitudinal profile at megatexture amplitudes
Any deliberate exposure of humans for imaging purposes where the primary motivation for the exposure is not related to the health or well-being of the individual being exposed.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament; ENDC
Coiste na nOcht Náisiún Déag um Dhí-Armáil
emergency exposure
nochtadh éigeandála
indoor exposure to radon
nochtadh do radón laistigh
exposed face
aghaidh nocht
freedom of expression
saoirse cainte; saoirse tuairimí a nochtadh
potential exposure
nochtadh féideartha
dietary exposure
nochtadh cothúcháin
accidental exposure
nochtadh tionóisceach
external exposure
nochtadh seachtrach
internal exposure
nochtadh inmheánach
bastard sturgeon; fringebarbel sturgeon; fringe-barbel sturgeon; ship; ship sturgeon; spiny sturgeon; thorn sturgeon
bradán fearna bolgnocht
appraisal of exposure; exposure assessment
measúnú nochta
to disclose information
faisnéis a nochtadh
maximum permissible level of exposure
uasleibhéal nochta incheadaithe
breach of professional secrecy; disclosure of professional secrets
nochtadh rún gairmiúil
information the disclosure of which would be contrary to public policy
faisnéis a mbeadh a nochtadh in aghaidh an bheartais phoiblí
ELV; exposure limit value
teorainnluach nochta
Northern naked-tailed armadillo
armadailín earrnocht tuaisceartach
eleven-banded or broad-banded armadillo
armadailín mór earrnocht
Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression; Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
an Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le cur chun cinn agus cosaint an chirt chun saoirse tuairimíochta agus saoirse tuairimí a nochtadh; Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le saoirse tuairimíochta
final disclosure
nochtadh deiridh
freedom of expression and information
an tsaoirse chun tuairimí a nochtadh agus faisnéis a fháil
exposure pathway; site exposure pathway
conair nochta
declared reserves; published(disclosed)reserves
cúlchistí fógartha; cúlchistí nochta
challenge exposure
nochtadh dúshláin
medical exposure
nochtadh leighis; nochtadh míochaine
single exposure
aon nochtadh amháin
disclosure of confidential information
faisnéis faoi rún a nochtadh; nochtadh faisnéise atá faoi rún
protection of undisclosed information
cosaint faisnéise neamhnochta
dry gas; stripped gas
gás nochta; gás tirim
biological marker of exposure; biomarker of exposure
bithchomhartha sóirt den nochtadh
disclosure of professional secret
nochtadh rúin ghairmiúil; rún gairmiúil a nochtadh
disclosed reserves
cúlchiste nochta
anti-exposure suit; exposure suit; immersion suit; survival suit
culaith chosantach; culaith fhrithnochta; forchulaith shábháilteachta; tumchulaith
occupational exposure
nochtadh ceirde
systemic exposure
nochtadh sistéamach
exposure; exposure to radiation; radiation exposure
nochtadh; nochtadh don radaíocht
radiant exposure
nochtadh radanta
occupational exposure limit value; OELV
luach teorann nochta ceirde; uasluach ceirde teagmhas faoi lé
unauthorised disclosure of data
nochtadh neamhúdaraithe sonraí
to expose
full disclosure
dlí um nochtadh iomlán
chronic exposure
nochtadh ainsealach
intermittent exposure
nochtadh uaineach
continuous exposure
nochtadh leanúnach
disclosure meeting
cruinniú um nochtadh
EAC; exposed aggregate concrete; whisper concrete
coincréit thathagaithe nochta
exposed-aggregate concrete surfacing
dromchlú coincréite nocht-tathagaithe
compulsory disclosure; disclosure; duty of disclosure
dualgas nochta
Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits; Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits for Chemical Agents; SCOEL
an Coiste Eolaíoch um Theorainneacha Nochta Ceirde; an Coiste Eolaíoch um Theorainneacha Nochta Ceirde d'Oibreáin Cheimiceacha
acute exposure
retrieval lamp
lampa nochtúcháin
quantitative risk assessment disclosure
nochtadh measúnaithe riosca cainníochtúil
public disclosure
nochtadh poiblí
cord separation
nochtadh cordaí
exposure time; time of exposure
aga nochta
exposed area
limistéar nocht
exposed side
taobh nocht
ultraviolet radiant exposure
nochtadh radanta ultraivialait
accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance
cuntasaíocht um dheontais rialtais agus um nochtadh cúnamh rialtais
additional disclosure
nochtadh breise
disclosure and presentation
nochtadh agus cur i láthair
disclosure of government assistance
cúnamh rialtais a nochtadh
disclosure requirement
riachtanas maidir le nochtadh; riachtanas nochta
disclosures in the financial statements of banks and similar financial institutions
nochtadh i ráitis airgeadais ó bhainc agus ó institiúidí airgeadais comhchosúla
disclosure—service concession arrangements
nochtadh - socruithe maidir le lamháltas seirbhíse
enhanced disclosure
nochtadh feabhsaithe
financial instruments: disclosure and presentation
ionstraimí airgeadais: nochtadh agus cur i láthair
initial disclosure event (for a discontinuing operation)
teagmhas nochta tosaigh (maidir le hoibríocht atá le scoradh)
quantitative disclosures
nochtuithe cainníochtúla
related party disclosures
faisnéis a nochtadh maidir le páirtithe gaolmhara
Catches fire spontaneously if exposed to air.
Téann trí thine go spontáineach má nochtar don aer.
Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.
Déanann damáiste d’orgáin trí nochtadh fada nó ilnochtadh.
May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.
D’fhéadfadh sé damáiste a dhéanamh d’orgáin trí nochtadh fada nó ilnochtadh.
Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.
D’fhéadfadh tirimeacht chraicinn nó scoilteadh craicinn a bheith mar thoradh ar ilnochtadh.
Do not subject to grinding/shock/…/friction.
Ná nocht do mheilt/do thurraing/…/do fhrithchuimilt.
IF exposed:
I gCÁS nochta:
IF exposed or concerned:
I gCÁS nochta nó má mheastar a bheith nochtaithe:
IF exposed or if you feel unwell:
I gCÁS nochta nó má bhraitear tinn:
IF exposed: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.
I gCÁS nochta: Cuir glao ar IONAD NIMHE nó ar dhoctúir/lia.
IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention.
I gCÀS nochta nó má mheastar a bheith nochtaithe: Faigh comhairle/cúram liachta.
IF exposed or if you feel unwell: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.
I gCÀS nochta nó má bhraitear tinn: Cuir glao ar IONAD NIMHE nó ar dhoctúir/lia.
Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/ 122°F.
Ná nocht do theocht níos airde ná 50°C/122°F.
Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/ 122°F.
Cosain ó sholas na gréine. Ná nocht do theocht níos airde ná 50°C/122°F.
exposure phase; uptake phase
tréimhse an nochta
PDR; proportionate disclosure regime
córas nochta comhréirigh
ex ante disclosure; ex ante disclosure of licensing terms
nochtadh ex ante téarmaí ceadúnúcháin
area of exposure
achar nochta
individual whole body chamber exposure
nochtadh coirp iomláin i gcuasán aonair
cutaneous exposure
nochtadh craicneach
banks' disclosure
nochtadh faisnéise na mbanc
route of exposure
bealach nochta
existing exposure situation
staid nochta reatha
planned exposure situation
staid nochta phleanáilte
normal exposure
non-medical imaging exposure
nochtadh d’íomháú chun críocha neamhliachta
emergency exposure situation
staid nochta éigeandála
public exposure
nochtadh an phobail
emergency occupational exposure
nochtadh éigeandála oibre
unintended exposure
nochtadh neamhbheartaithe
protracted accumulated exposure
nochtadh carntha fadtréimhseach
exposure-response relationship
gaol idir nochtadh agus freagairt
cumulative subject exposure
nochtadh carnach an duine is ábhar don tástáil
cumulative exposure
nochtadh carnach
cumulative patient exposure
nochtadh carnach othair
interval patient exposure
nochtadh eatramhach othair
gross pathological finding
nochtadh macrascópach paiteolaíoch
sensory effects ELV; sensory effects exposure limit value
teorainnluach nochta maidir le héifeachtaí céadfacha
health effects ELV; health effects exposure limit value
teorainnluach nochta maidir le héifeachtaí sláinte
transitional disclosure template; transitional own funds disclosure template
teimpléad nochta idirthréimhseach; teimpléad nochta idirthréimhseach maidir le cistí dílse
general own funds disclosure template
teimpléad nochta ginearálta maidir le cistí dílse
time-integrated radon exposure data; time-integrated radon exposure value
luach am-shuimeáilte an nochta do radón; sonraí am-shuimeáilte an nochta do radón
gain exposure
nochtadh a fháil
pinna unfolding
nochtadh cleiteoige
disclosure order
ordú um nochtadh
disclosure of information
faisnéis a nochtadh
fully disclosed account
cuntas arna nochtadh go hiomlán
disclosing market participant
rannpháirtí margaidh a dhéanann an nochtadh
DBS; Disclosure and Barring Service
an tSeirbhís um Nochtadh agus Urchosc
disclosed order; DQ
ordú nochta
simplified disclosure regime
córas nochta simplithe
FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures; Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures; TCFD
Tascfhórsa FSB um Nochtuithe Airgeadais a bhaineann leis an Aeráid
vulnerability disclosure
nochtadh leochaileachta
bare skin
craiceann nocht (fir1)
nochta (a3)
injurious disclosure
nochtadh díobhálach (fir)
drawn sword
claíomh ar nochtadh (fir1)
free exposure
saornochtadh (fir, gu: saornochta)
use the minimum of exposure
úsáid an íosmhéid nochta (br)
exposed flank
cliathán nochta (fir1)
exposed to radiation
nochta do raidíocht (aidbhr)
exposed skin
craiceann nochta (fir1)
timed exposure of a target
amnochtadh targaide (fir)
free exposure
réamhnochtadh (fir, gu: réamhnochta)
gamma exposure
gammanochtadh (fir, gu: gammanochta)
naked light
solas nocht (fir1)
start exposure
tosaigh an nochtadh (br)
stripping to the waist
nochtadh go coim (abr)
draw swords
nocht claimhte (br)
nocht (a1)
rónochtadh (fir, gu: rónochta, ai: rónochtaí)
draw a sword partially from the scabbard
leathnocht claíomh as an truaill
disclose the number of military forces
nocht líon na bhfórsaí míleata