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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
(rules, etc.)
GAcomhlíon br
abr comhlíonadh, aidbhr comhlíonta
x observes the rules
comhlíonann x na rialacha
(to act in accordance with rules, regulations, covenants etc)
GAurramaigh br
abr urramú, aidbhr urramaithe
cloígh br le in úsáid/in use
déan br de réir in úsáid/in use
comhlíon br in úsáid/in use
abr comhlíonadh, aidbhr comhlíonta
To act according to, or to fulfil something; to remain within, or to follow something (eg, rules)
Gníomhú de réir ruda, nó rud a chomhlíonadh; fanacht laistigh de rud, nó rud a leanúint (msh, rialacha)
The said accused failed to observe the last mentioned condition...
Níor urramaigh an cúisí sin an coinníoll sin is déanaí a luadh ... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997
(v) fails, in the operation of the station, to observe the standards required by the supplier to be observed by those operating company stations under licences granted by the supplier, or
go mainneoidh sé, agus an stáisiún á oibriú aige, cloí leis na caighdeáin a n-éilíonn an soláthróir ar na daoine sin a bheidh ag oibriú stáisiúin chuideachta faoi cheadúnais a dheonaíonn sé, cloí leo, nó FOINSE: I.R. 1981
(3) Where a person is failing to observe a condition subject to which, by virtue of Regulation 8 (1) of these Regulations, he has access to the reserve, a member of the Garda Síochána or an authorised officer may require him to observe the condition.
(3) I gcás ina mainneoidh duine coinníoll a chomhlíonadh ar faoina réir, de bhua Rialachán 8 (1) de na Rialacháin seo, atá rochtain aige ar an anaclann, féadfaidh comhalta den Gharda Síochána nó oifigeach údaraithe a cheangal air an coinníoll a chomhlíonadh. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
Leis an Rialachán seo, urramaítear na cearta bunúsacha agus comhlíontar na prionsabail a aithnítear le hAirteagal 6(2) den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach...
This Regulation respects the fundamental rights and observes the principles recognised by Article 6(2) of the Treaty on European Union...
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
debarment; loss of rights for failing to observe a time-limit
to observe the principles
urramaigh na priosabail
provided that the conditions are observed
ar chuntar go n-urramaítear na coinníollacha
ECOMOG; ECOWAS Ceasefire Monitoring Group; ECOWAS Military Observer Group; ECOWAS Monitoring Group; Military Observer Group of ECOWAS; Military Observer Group of the Economic Community of West African States
ECOMOG; Grúpa Breathnóireachta Míleata i gComhphobal Eacnamaíoch Stáit na hAfraice Thiar
organise statistical work at appropriate administrative levels and duly observe the need for statistical confidentiality
obair staidrimh a eagrú ar leibhéil riarthacha iomchuí agus riachtanas na rúndachta staidrimh a urramú go cuí
observer (WEU)
breathnóir (AIE)
NAFO pilot observer scheme
scéim phíolótach breathnóirí NAFO
air observer
automatic observer
taifeadán uathoibríoch
lowest observed frequency
an mhinicíocht bhreathnaithe is ísle
no observed effect concentration; NOEC
NOEC; tiúchan nach mbreathnaítear aon iarmhairt ina leith
NOE; non-observed economy
geilleagar neamhbhreathnaithe; NOE
photometric observer
breathnóir fótaiméadrach
observed interest rate
ráta úis breathnaithe
observed market price
margadhphraghas breathnaithe; praghas margaidh breathnaithe
Invitation to lodge a claim. Time limits to be observed.
Cuireadh chun éileamh a thaisceadh. Teorainneacha ama atá le hurramú.
procedures to be observed prior to marriage
réamhriachtanais an phósta
non-member observer State
neamh-Bhallstát breathnóireachta
enhanced observer status
stádas breathnóra breisithe
citizen election observer group; citizen observer group; domestic nonpartisan monitoring group
toghghrúpa faireacháin saoránach
air observer
aerbhreathnadóir (fir3, gu: aerbhreathnadóra, ai: aerbhreathnadóirí, gi: aerbhreathnadóirí)
unobserved fire
lámhach dobhreathnaithe (fir1)
Observer Corps
an Cór Breathnadóirí (fir1)
observed fire
lámhach sobhreathnaithe (fir1)
forward observer bombardment
tuairgneáil tulbhreathnadóireachta (bain3)
ground observer centre
airmheán breathnadóirí talún (fir1)
ground observer team
foireann breathnadóirí talún (bain2)
mean observed range
meánraon breathnaithe (fir1)
mean observed reading [Range Finder]
meánléamh breathnaithe (fir1)
breathnadóir (fir3, gu: breathnadóra, ai: breathnadóirí, gi: breathnadóirí)
procedure to be observed in trials
nós imeachta is inleanta i dtrialacha
to observe air discipline
déanamh de réir aeraraíonachta
observe orders
lean orduithe
observe intervals
coimeád eatraimh
observe a day as an army holiday
coimeád lá ina lá saoire airm
snipe observers
dean naoscaireacht ar bhreathnadóir