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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
(record information)
GAcláraigh br
abr clárú, aidbhr cláraithe
(faisnéis a thaifeadadh)
Please record preferences on ballot paper.
Cláraigh do roghanna ar an pháipéar ballóide.
Record the main points.
Breac síos na príomhphointí.
(best performance)
GAcuriarracht bain3
gu curiarrachta, iol curiarrachtaí
to set a new record
gnóthaigh curiarracht nua
bain curiarracht nua amach
to break a record
sáraigh curiarracht
bris curiarracht
to ratify a record officially
curiarracht a dheimhniú go hoifigiúil
to hold a world record
curiarracht a bheith agat
GAtaifead fir1
gu taifid, ai taifid, gi taifead
Information created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by an organisation or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of business.
Faisnéis arna cruthú, fáil agus cothabháil mar fhianaise agus faisnéis ag eagraíocht nó ag duine de bhun oibleagáidí dlíthiúla nó le linn gnó a sheoladh.
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
a form or log that summarises the terms and conditions of a deposit of records at an institution
foirm nó logleabhar ina ndéantar achoimre ar na téarmaí agus coinníollacha a bhaineann le taifid a thaisceadh le hinstitiúid
an analogue document that is treated and managed as a record
doiciméad analógach a chaitear leis agus a bhainistítear mar thaifead
a record that is what it purports to be and that is free from tampering or corruption
taifead ar léir ina leith gurb ionann é agus an méid a airbheartaítear ina leith agus go bhfuil sé saor ó chrioscaíl nó ó éilliú
an entry in an authority file that contains information about the preferred form of a name or subject heading
iontráil i gcomhad údaráis a bhfuil eolas ann faoin bhfoirm inmhianaithe d’ainm nó teideal ábhair
records regularly used for the conduct of the current business; active records
taifid a úsáidtear go rialta chun críche sheoladh an ghnó reatha; taifid ghníomhacha
GAdáta fir4 taifid
ai dátaí taifid
Finance Date on which holders of record in a firm's stock ledger are designated as the recipients of either dividends or stock rights.
Airgeadas An dáta ar a sainítear sealbhóirí, atá ar taifead i mórleabhar stoic gnólachta, mar fhaighteoirí díbhinní nó cearta stoic.
a document that includes content taken from external sources that changes as those external sources change
doiciméad a n-áirítear leis ábhar arna thógáil ó fhoinsí seachtracha a mbíonn athruithe ag teacht air de réir mar a athraíonn na foinsí seachtracha sin
a document, especially a web page, that changes content through periodic transactions between the client and server
doiciméad, go háirithe leathanach gréasáin, a dtagann athrú air trí idirbhearta tréimhsiúla idir an cliant agus an freastalaí
a record that is stored electronically, regardless of the media or whether it is in the original format in which it was created, as opposed to stored in hard copy (i.e. on paper)
taifead a stóráiltear go huathoibríoch, beag beann ar na meáin atá i gceist nó gan spleáchas ar an bhformáid bhunaidh inar cruthaíodh é, seachas é a bheith stóráilte i gcóip chrua (i.e. ar pháipéar)
GAdáta fir4 na sealbhóirí taifid
ai dátaí na sealbhóirí taifid
Finance Date on which holders of record in a firm's stock ledger are designated as the recipients of either dividends or stock rights.
Airgeadas An dáta ar a sainítear go bhfaighidh sealbhóirí, atá ar taifead i mórleabhar stoic gnólachta, díbhinní nó cearta stoic.
a record no longer needed to conduct current business but preserved until it meets the end of its retention period
taifead nach bhfuil gá leis a thuilleadh chun gnó reatha a sheoladh ach ar taifead é atá á chaomhnú go dtí go sroicheann sé deireadh a thréimhse coimeádta
records in a medium or format that requires a mechanical device to make it intelligible to humans
taifid atá ann i meán nó i bhformáid a bhfuil gá le feiste mheicniúil chun iad a dhéanamh intuigthe do dhaoine
records that are no longer used in the day-to-day course of business, but which are preserved and occasionally used for legal, historical or operational purposes. See also: Current records, Semi-current records
taifid nach n-úsáidtear a thuilleadh i gcúrsa laethúil gnó ach ar taifid iad a chaomhnaítear agus a úsáidtear ó thráth go chéile ar mhaithe le cuspóirí dlí, staire nó oibríochta. Féach freisin: Taifid reatha, Taifid leathreatha
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
public record of proceedings
taifead poiblí ar na himeachtaí
price recorded on the markets
praghas arna thaifeadadh ar an margadh
criminal record
taifead coiriúil
off the record
i modh rúin
audit based on records
iniúchóireacht bunaithe ar thaifid
registration and recording charges
muirir chlárúcháin agus taifeadta
Convention concerning the issue of certain extracts from civil status records to be sent abroad; Convention on the Issue of Certain Extracts from Civil Status Records for Use Abroad
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEisiúint Sleachta Áirithe as Achtanna na gClár Breitheanna, Básanna agus Póstaí lena gCur Thar Lear
Convention on the Issue of Multilingual Extracts from Civil Status Records
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEisiúint Sleachta Ilteangacha as Taifid Stádais Shibhialta
Convention Extending the Competence of Authorities Qualified to Record the Affiliation of Illegitimate Children
an Coinbhinsiún a leathnaíonn inniúlacht na n-údarás atá cáilithe chun cleamhnacht leanaí neamhdhlisteanacha a thaifeadadh
Convention on the Indication of Surnames and Forenames in Civil Status Registers; Convention on the recording of surnames and forenames in civil status registers; lCCS Convention No 14 on the recording of surnames and forenames in civil status registers
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sonrú Sloinnte agus Réamhainmneacha i gCláir Stádais Shibhialta
Convention on the Introduction of an International Family Record
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Taifead Teaghlaigh Idirnáisiúnta a Bhunú
digital tachograph; recording equipment; tachograph
tacagraf digiteach
the Court shall record in writing...
déanfadh an Chúirt...a thaifeadadh i scríbhinn
to record (prices)
taifead (praghsanna)
to record (fishing vessel)
taifead (bád iascaigh)
to record that fact
taifead an fíoras sin
record of the proceedings
taifead ar na himeachtaí
operating record
taifead oibriúcháin
preparations for the moulding of gramophone records
ullmhóid chun ceirníní gramafóin a mhúnlú
time of day recording apparatus
tomhsaire ama
ceirnín; ceirnín gramafóin
written record
taifead i scríbhinn
criminal records departments
rannóg taifead coiriúil
Eurodac; European fingerprinting system; European system for the comparison of the dactyloscopic records of asylum seekers
Córas Eorpach chun comparáid a dhéanamh idir taifid dhachtalascópacha iarrthóirí tearmainn; Córas Eorpach méarlorgaireachta; Eurodac
to register or record
cláraigh nó taifead
Convention on Recognition and Updating of Civil Status Records
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAithint agus le Nuashonrú Taifead a bhaineann le Stádas Sibhialta
Convention on the recognition of decisions recording a sex reassignment
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cinntí a Aithint a bhaineann le hAthrú Gnéis
military service record; service record
taifead seirbhíse míleata
passenger name record; PNR
PNR; Taifead Ainmneacha Paisinéirí
FDR; flight data recorder
taifeadán sonraí eitilte
criminal record; criminal register
clár coiriúil
to record a loss; to show a loss
caillteanas a thaifeadadh; caillteanas a thaispeáint
to record a profit; to show a profit
brabús a thaifeadadh; brabús a thaispeáint
time of recording
am an taifeadta
official record
taifead oifigiúil
heliograph; sunshine recorder
day-after record
taifead an lá dár gcionn
goodwill; unrecorded book value
luach leabhar neamhthaifeadta
job card; job ticket; labor time record; labour time record; work slip
payroll accounting; payroll records; wages salaries record
cuntasaíocht phárolla
duplicate recording system; one-write system
córas taifeadta dúblach
preservation period for books and records; retention period
tréimhse choinneála
differences between financial accounts and costing records
difríochtaí idir cuntais airgeadais agus taifid chostála
machine time record
taifead meaisínama
cloud base recorder
taifeadán néal-airde
flight path recorder
taifeadán conair eitilte
altitude recorder; recording altimeter
airdemhéadar taifeadta
actual time; clock time; recorded time; time taken; time used
aga iarbhír
clocking-in card; time card; time record; time sheet
cárta ama
health records; medical records; patient records
taifead leighis; taifead liachta
black box; flight recorder
taifeadán eitilte
bin card; inventory card; inventory record; stock order card; stock record card
cárta stoic
VCR; videocassette recorder
fístaifeadán caiséid; VCR
advertising record
taifead fógraíochta
Traffic records
taifid Tráchta
cash handling/recording devices; cash handling/recording equipment
feiste um láimhsiú agus um thaifeadadh airgid thirim; trealamh um láimhsiú agus um thaifeadadh airgid thirim
EDR; Embedded Data Recorder
taifeadán sonraí leabaithe
NARS; NASA; National Archives and Record Service of South Africa; National Archives and Records Service; National Archives of South Africa
Cartlann Náisiúnta na hAfraice Theas; Cartlann Náisúnta agus Seirbhís Taifead na hAfraice Theas
ECRIS; European Criminal Records Information System
an Córas Faisnéise Eorpach um Thaifid Choiriúla; ECRIS
metadata record
taifead meiteashonraí
Mentor; mobile electrical network testing, observation and recording
Mentor; tástáil, breathnóireacht agus taifeadadh líonraí leictreacha le linn gluaiseachta
multiple ion monitoring; multiple ion peak monitoring; selected ion monitoring; selected ion recording
monatóireacht buaiceanna il-ian
mass spectrometric selected ion recording function
feidhm taifeadta buaiceanna il-ian ar mhais-speictriméadar
accounting record
taifead cuntasaíochta
coulometric recorder
taifeadán cúlóiméadrach
entry in the declarant's records
iontráil i dtaifid an dearbhóra
audiovisual record of proceedings
taifead closamhairc ar na himeachtaí
iARMS; INTERPOL Illicit Arms Records and tracing Management System
córas bainistithe INTERPOL do thaifid agus rianú arm aindleathach
Plenary Records Unit
An tAonad um Thaifid na Suíonna Iomlánacha
Convention on the issue of multilingual and coded extracts from civil-status records and multilingual and coded civil-status certificates
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le heisiúint sleachta ilteangacha códaithe agus teastas ilteangach códaithe as taifid stádais shibhialta
coded extract from civil-status record
sliocht códaithe ó thaifead stádais shibhialta
on the record
agus cead a fhoilsiú
research record
taifead taighde
Certificate of record of service on ships
deimhniú taifid seirbhíse ar longa
record-keeping; record-keeping of weapons; registration of weapons; weapons registration
clárú armán
ECRIS-TCN system; European Criminal Records Information System for third-country nationals
ammunition record book
leabhar taifid lón lámhaigh (fir1)
area records officer
oifigeach taifead líomatáiste (fir1)
vehicle history record
stairthaifead feithicle (fir1)
brigade records officer
oifigeach taifead briogáide (fir1)
medical record card
cárta taifid liachta (fir4)
chronological record
taifead de réir dátaí (fir1)
command records officer
oifigeach taifead ceannasaíochta (fir1)
decentralisation of records
dílárú taifead (fir)
dental record card
cárta taifid fiaclóireachta (fir4)
judging distance record
taifead fadmheasa (fir1)
kit replacement record
taifead athsholáthair feisteáin (fir1)
mess records
taifid bhialainne (fir)
officer in charge Area Records
oifigeach i bhfeighil Taifead Líomatáiste (fir1)
officer in charge records
oifigeach i bhfeighil taifead (fir1)
assistant officer in charge records
oifigeach cúnta i bhfeighil taifead (fir1)
platoon record
taifead buíne (fir1)
circuit record
taifead timchuarda (fir1)
message centre record
taifead airmheáin teachtaireachta (fir1)
record of zeroing of light machine gun
taifead ar nialasú inneallghunna éadroim (fir1)
record of zeroing of rifle
taifead ar nialasú muscaeid (fir1)
records officer
oifigeach taifead (fir1)
route record
taifead bealaigh (fir1)
statistical record
taifead staidrimh (fir1)
total mileage record
taifead míleáiste iomláin (fir1)
tradesmens' time record
amthaifead ceardaithe (fir1)
mode of record
modh taifeadach (fir3)
recording equipment
trealamh taifeadta (fir1)
insurance record slip
duilleoigín taifid árachais (fir4)
record sheet
bileog taifid (bain2)
recruit record sheet
bileog taifead earcaigh (bain2)
weapon training records
taifid traenála armán (fir)
officer's record
taifead oifigigh (fir1)
tape recorder
téipthaifeadán (fir1, gu: téipthaifeadáin, ai: téipthaifeadáin, gi: téipthaifeadán)
tape recording
téipthaifeadadh (fir, gu: téipthaifeadta, ai: téipthaifeadtaí, gi: téipthaifeadtaí)
records and returns
taifid agus tuairisceáin
safe disposal of records
taifid a chur i dtaisce go sábháilte
recording of dose received
an miosúr a fuarthas a bhreacadh síos
recording of information
eolas a thaifeadadh
recording the radiation
an radaíocht a thaifeadadh
record particulars
breac sonraí
safe disposal of records
taifid a chur i dtaisce go sábháilte
area officers in charge of records
oifigigh líomatáistí i bhfeighil taifead
average consumption record (petrol)
taifead ar an meánchaitheamh (peitreal)
record a miss (range practices)
breac síos urchar iomrallach