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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAdáta fir4
gu dáta, iol dátaí
tráth fir3
gu trátha, iol tráthanna
ENdate s
dáta don chéad chruinniú eile
date for next meeting
ciallaíonn "dáta iomchuí", maidir le cairt choigiltis, cothrom ocht mbliana an dáta atá marcáilte uirthi mar dháta a heisiúna
“relevant date” means, in relation to a savings certificate, the eight anniversary of the date marked thereon as the date of issue thereof
suim is comhionann le luach, tráth an fhoirceanta nó dáta an diúltaithe (is é sin le rá, an dáta a thosódh an ceadúnas murach gur diúltaíodh é a dheonú), na stoc biotáille mhótair, ola bhealaithe mótarfheithic1e, agus earraí eile a sholáthair an soláthróir agus a bheidh i staid so-dhíolta sa stáisiún cuideachta sin a dúradh tráth an fhoirceanta nó an diúltaithe, de réir mar a bheidh.
a sum equal to the value, at the date of the termination or the date of the refusal (that is to say, the date upon which, if its grant had not been refused, the licence would have commenced), of stocks of motor spirit, motor vehicle lubricating oil, and other goods, supplied by the supplier and in merchantable condition at the company station aforesaid upon the date of the termination or the date of the refusal, as the case may be
faoi threoir a luach saothair inphinsin tráth an scoir, agus
his pensionable remuneration at the date of retirement, and
GAtráth fir3
gu trátha, iol tráthanna
ENtime s
(precise moment)
an tráth a chonacthas go deireanach é
an tráth a chonacthas go deireanach í
an tráth a chonacthas go deireanach iad
time last seen
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
(1) Féadfaidh oifigeach údaraithe gach tráth réasúnach dul isteach- FOINSE: I.R. 1980
(1) An authorised officer may at all reasonable times enter—
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
DA; decision altitude
airde tráth cinnidh; DA
decision height; DH
airde tráth cinnidh; DH
adjournment of the session
an seisiún a chur ar atráth
Question Time
Tráth na gCeisteanna
EHLASS; European Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance System
Córas Eorpach Faireachais maidir le tionóiscí sa bhaile agus tráth fóillíochta; EHLASS
maximum take-off weight; MTOW
uasmheáchan tráth turgabhála
NLT; not later than
tráth nach déanaí ná ...
to postpone...
cuir ar atráth
in due time
in am trátha
at the time of his intervention
tráth a idiragartha
in due time
in am trátha
loan repayable by instalments
iasacht is iníoctha i dtráthchodanna
go rialta; go tráthrialta
at any time later than this
tráth ar bith ina dhiaidh sin
adjournment of a debate
díospóireacht a chur ar atráth
When Member States adopt those measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such a reference shall be laid down by the Member Stat
Nuair a ghlacfaidh na Ballstáit na bearta sin, beidh iontu tagairt don Treoir sin nó gabhfaidh an tagairt sin leo tráth a bhfoilsithe oifigiúil. Is iad na Ballstáit a leagfaidh síos na modhanna ina ndéanfar an tagairt sin
Convention relative to the Status of Enemy Merchant Ships at the Outbreak of Hostilities
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Stádas Long Trádála Naimhdeach tráth Thionscnamh na Cogaíochta
in times of international crisis
tráth géarchéime idirnáisiúnta
in due time
i dtráth cuí
in due course
in am agus i dtráth; in am trátha
when the time comes
an tráth cuí; in am trátha
importation by instalment
allmhairiú i dtráthchodanna; allmhairiú ina thráthchodanna
schedule; schedule of due dates; timeframe; timetable
capacity to dispose of property upon death; capacity to make a disposition of property upon death
cumas maoin a dhiúscairt tráth báis
disposition of property upon death
maoin a dhiúscairt tráth báis
International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace, in a Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons; International Tracing Instrument; ITI
ionstraim idirnáisiúnta a chumasaíonn Stáit chun mionairm agus airm éadroma neamhcheadaithe a aithint agus a rianú go tráthúil agus go hiontaofa; ionstraim idirnaisiúnta rianaithe
period to be calculated from the moment at which an event occurs or an action takes place
an tréimhse atá le háireamh ón tráth a dtarlaíonn teagmhas nó a ndéantar gníomhaíocht
case as it is found at the time of the intervention
an cás mar a fhaightear é tráth na hidiragartha
expectation of life at birth; life expectancy at birth
ionchas saoil tráth breithe
annual instalment
tráthchuid bhliantúil
opening times for retail sales
tráthanna oscailte le haghaidh miondíola
annual repayment; annuity
tráthchuid bhliantúil
instalment debt
fiachas tráthchoda
instalment; instalment payment; tranche
goods imported on the occasion of a marriage
earraí arna n-allmhairiú tráth bainise
loan repayable in instalments
iasacht inaisíoctha ina tráthchodanna
capital reserve arising on consolidation
culchiste caipitil a eascraíonn tráth comhdhlúthúcháin
arrangement with creditors for extension of time of payment; attermining composition; letter of respite
socrú le creidiúnaithe maidir leis an tráth íocaíochta a fhadú; tréimhse faoisimh
declining balance method of depreciation; diminishing instalment system; reducing balance method; reducing instalment method; written down value method
córas tráthchodanna laghdaitheacha; modh comhardaithe laghdaithigh; modh comhardaithe laghdaithigh maidir le luachlaghdú; modh dímheasa maidir le hiarmhéid céimlaghdaitheach; modh dímheasa mhuirir laghdaithe; modh dímheasa muirear laghdaithe; modh luacha arna thabhairt anuas
fixed cycle operation
oibríocht timthrialla tráthrialta
good-till-cancelled order; GTC; open order
ordú atá bailí go dtí tráth a chealaithe; ordú GTC
extrathoracic convention
gnás eachtarthóracsach
extrathoracic fraction
codán eachtarthóracsach
Instalment Shipments/Drawings
lastais/tarraingtí tráthchoda
peak commute congestion period
tráth ardbhrú trácht comaitéireachta
Berlin Declaration; Declaration on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the signature of the Treaties of Rome
Dearbhú Bheirlín; Dearbhú tráth chomóradh caoga bliain shíniú Chonarthaí na Róimhe
Action Plan on Adult learning - It is always a good time to learn
an Plean Gníomhaíochta um Fhoghlaim Aosach - Is tráthúil am ar bith tabhairt faoin bhfoghlaim
postponement of principal
bunairgead a chur ar atráth
point prevalence
leitheadúlacht an mheandair; leitheadúlacht trátha
ensure timeliness of cashflows to investors
áirithigh tráthúlacht sreabha airgid chuig infheisteoirí
cur ar atráth
declaration in the form of a disposition of property upon death; statement in the form of a disposition of property upon death
dearbhú i bhfoirm diúscairt maoine tráth báis; ráiteas i bhfoirm diúscairt maoine tráth báis
working timetable period
tréimhse bhailíochta an tráthchláir oibre
Latest Debit Time Indicator
Táscaire maidir leis an Tráth Dochair is Déanaí
Earliest Debit Time Indicator
Táscaire maidir leis an Tráth Dochair is Luaithe
harvest time
tráth buainte
adjourn a sitting
suí a chur ar atráth
times of stress
tráth struis
Windhoek Declaration; Windhoek declaration on the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Transition Assistance Group
Dearbhú Windhoek; Dearbhú Windhoek tráth chomóradh deich mbliana Ghrúpa Cúnaimh Idirlinne na Náisiún Aontaithe
repayment instalment
tráthchuid aisíocaíochta
Strategic Agenda; Strategic agenda for the Union in times of change
Clár oibre straitéiseach don Aontas i dtráth an athraithe
at-the-open order
ordú tráth oscailte
well-timed attack
ionsaí tráthúil (fir4)
adjourn a court
cuir cúirt ar atráth (br)
early warning
rabhadh tráthúil (fir1)
timely directive
treorán tráthúil (fir1)
traffic diversion
tráchtchlaonadh (fir, gu: trachtchlaonta, ai: trachtchlaontaí, gi: trathchlaonta)
periodic intelligence report
tráth-thuarascáil faisnéise (bain3)
at regular intervals
go tráthrialta (fr.dob.)
periodical intelligence report
tráth-thuarascáil faisnéise (bain3)
tráth (fir3, gu: trátha, ai: tráthanna, gi: tráthanna)
tráthú (fir, iol: tráthuithe)
timing of halts
tráthú stadanna (fir)
suitable timing
tráthú oiriúnach (fir)
time an attack
ceap tráth ionsaí (br)
timed programme
tráthchlár (fir1, gu: tráthchláir, ai: tráthchláir, gi: tráthchlár)
tráthúil (a2)
tráthúil (a2)
in due course
in am trátha (fr.r.)
in times of national emergency
i dtrátha éigeandála náisiúnta
adjournment for insufficient number of officers
dul ar atráth toisc gan dóthain oifigeach a bheith i láthair