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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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European Agreement on the Abolition of Visas for Refugees
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Deireadh a chur le Víosaí do Dhídeanaithe
re-entry visa
víosa athiontrála
common policy on visas; common visa policy; visa policy
beartas víosaí
exemption from the visa requirement; visa waiver
díolúine ón gceanglas víosa; tarscaoileadh víosa
subject to a visa requirement
faoi réir ceanglais víosa
single-entry visa
víosa dul isteach aonuaire
entry visa
víosa iontrála
visa ban
toirmeasc víosa
Schengen C visa; Schengen visa; short term visa; short-stay visa
víosa ghearrchónaithe; víosa ghearrfhanachta
visa holder
sealbhóir víosa
valid visa
víosa bhailí
uniform visa
víosa chomhionann
long-stay visa; long-term visa
víosa fadfhanachta
(an) agreement envisaged
comhaontú atáthar ag brath a dhéanamh
to contemplate; to envisage
MEV; multiple entry visa
víosa dul isteach iolrach
visa requirement
ceanglas víosa
Visa Working Party
an Mheitheal um Víosaí
LCC; local consular cooperation regarding visas; local Schengen cooperation
comhar áitiúil Schengen; comhar consalach áitiúil maidir le viosaí
Visa Waiver Program; VWP
Clár Tarscaoilte Víosa
Schengen Consultation Network; Visa Inquiry Open-Border Network; Vision
Líonra Comhairliúcháin Schengen; Vision
VIS; Visa Information System
an Córas Faisnéise Víosaí; VIS
central VIS; Central Visa Information System; CS-VIS
Córas Lárnach Faisnéise Víosaí; CS-VIS
uniform format for visas
formáid chomhionann do víosaí
contract with firm,non revisable price; firm price contract
conradh praghais sheasta
Article 6 Committee; Committee on a uniform format for visas; Committee on the introduction of a uniform format for visas
an Coiste um fhormáid chomhionann do víosaí a thabhairt isteach
visa reciprocity
cómhalartacht víosa
visa application
iarratas ar víosa
Community Code on Visas; EU Visa Code; European Visa Code; Union Code on Visas; Visa Code
Cód Comhphobail maidir le Víosaí
CAC; common application centre; common application centre for visas; common visa application centre
lárionad coiteann um iarratais; lárionad coiteann um iarratais ar víosaí
visa liberalisation
léirscaoileadh víosaí
short-stay visa waiver
tarscaoileadh ar víosa ghearrfhanachta
visa-free regime; visa-free travel regime
córas taistil gan víosa
VFA; visa facilitation agreement
comhaontú um éisiúint víosaí a éascú
Directorate 1 - Asylum, Visas, Immigration, Borders, Schengen; Directorate 1 - Home Affairs; Directorate for Asylum, Visas, Immigration, Borders and Schengen
Stiúrthóireacht 1 - Tearmann, Víosaí, Inimirce, Teorainneacha
national visa information system; N-VIS
an Córas Náisiúnta Faisnéise Víosaí; N-VIS
scientific visa
víosa eolaíochta
double-entry visa; dual-entry visa; two-entry visa
víosa dul isteach dúbáilte
SIS-VIS committee; the second generation Schengen Information System and Visa Information System committee
an coiste um an dara glúin de Chóras Faisnéise Schengen agus den Chóras Faisnéise Víosaí; Coiste CFS-VIS
visa to seek employment
víosa chuardaigh fostaíochta
student visitor visa
víosa ghearrfhanachta staidéir; víosa staidéar C
Visa for stay between 3 and 6 months
víosa fhadfhanachta sealadaí
annulment of visa
neamhniú víosa
revocation of visa
cúlghairm víosa
tourist visa
víosa thurasóireachta
short-stay multiple-entry visa; short-term multiple entry visa
víosa gearrfhanachta dul isteach iolrach
courtesy visa
víosa chúirtéise
visa shopping
siopadóireacht víosa
requirement to possess a visa
ceanglas víosa
short-stay visa; visit entry clearance; visit visa
víosa gearrchónaithe; víosa gearrfhanachta
student visa; Tier 4 student visa
víosa fhadfhanachta staidéir
work and residence visa
víosa oibre agus cónaithe
transit visa; visitor in transit visa
víosa idirthurais
airport transit visa
víosa idirthurais aerfoirt
Schengen visa; uniform visa
víosa aonfhoirmeach; víosa Schengen
visa with limited territorial validity
víosa a bhfuil bailíocht chríochach theoranta aige
long term visa; long-stay visa
víosa fhadfhanachta
multi-entry visa; multiple entry visa
víosa dul isteach iolrach; víosa il-iontrála
group visa
víosa chomhchoiteann
visa issued at the border
víosa eisithe ag pointe trasnaithe teorann
visa exemption
tarscaoileadh víosa
diplomatic visa; exempt vignette
víosa thaidhleoireachta
refusal of a visa; refusal of entry clearance
diúltú víosa
issue of visa
eisiúint víosa
UK Visas and Immigration; UKVI
Víosaí agus Inimirce na Ríochta Aontaithe
visa exempt national
náisiúnach atá díolmhaithe ó cheanglas víosa
start-up visa
víosa thionscnaimh
Handbook for the processing of visa applications and the modification of issued visas; Visa Code Handbook; Visa Handbook
an Treoirleabhar chun iarratais ar víosaí a phróiseáil agus chun víosaí a eisíodh a mhodhnú; Lámhleabhar ar Víosaí
mechanism for the temporary suspension of the exemption from the visa requirement; suspension mechanism; visa waiver suspension mechanism
sásra chun an díolúine ón gceanglas víosa a fhionraí go sealadach; sásra fionraíochta; sásra lena gcuirtear tarscaoileadh víosaí ar fionraí
short-term multiple-entry visa
víosa gearrthéarmach do dhul isteach iolrach