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oversight process approach in AI-based (3571274) systems in which humans can intervene during the design cycle and monitor the operation of the system, taking over control only for unexpected events or failures
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht In innealtóireacht córais bhogearraí (tástáil), an próiseas a bhaineann le ríomhchláir atá eagraithe go hordlathach a sheiceáil, go forásach, ó bhun go barr, trí thiománaithe bogearraí a úsáid le comhpháirteanna uasleibhéil a ionsamhladh.
Computers, Computer Science In software system engineering (testing), the process of checking out hierarchically-organized programs, progressively, from bottom to top, by using software drivers to simulate top level components.