Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
Read the referee's report.
Léigh tuairisc an réiteora.
I move the adoption of the referee's report.
Molaim go nglacfar le tuairisc an réiteora.
(cur síos gearr ar ócáid, ar chruinniú)
we have to give a report every Monday morning
bíonn orainn tuairisc a chur ar fáil gach maidin Luain
(formal written account over given period of time)
every committee must prepare a report for the annual seminar
bíonn ar gach coiste tuarascáil a ullmhú don sheimineár bliantúil
the official reported on
an t-oifigeach is ábhar don tuarascáil
reports to committee
tugann tuairisc do choiste
tuairiscíonn do choiste
reports progress
tuairiscíonn go bhfuil dul chun cinn déanta
reports a Bill
tuairiscíonn Bille
reports a meeting
tugann tuairisc ar chruinniú
tuairiscíonn cruinniú
reports to committee
tuairiscíonn do choiste
report further developments in course please
déan forbairtí breise a thuairisciú le do thoil
It was reported recently that sea waters off the coast of this area are polluted.
Tuairiscíodh le déanaí go bhfuil uiscí farraige ar chósta an cheantair seo truaillithe.
stock-taking exercise to identify how integrating human rights and gender have been included into CSDP planning and implementation highlighting progress made and showcasing examples of good practice
All visitors to report to the general office
Iarrtar ar chuairteoirí teacht ar dtús chuig an oifig ghinearálta