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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
ENbenefit s
pl benefits
(business advantage)
GAbuntáiste fir4
gu buntáiste, iol buntáistí
(buntáiste gnó)
the benefits outweigh the costs
is troime ar na buntáistí ná ar an gcostas
ENbenefit s
pl benefits
GAleas fir3
gu leasa, iol leasanna
He had the benefit of previous experience.
Bhain sé leas as an taithí a bhí aige cheana féin.
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
GAanailís bain2 costais is tairbhe
ai anailísí costais is tairbhe
Computers, Computer Science A method for providing an objective comparison between options. The costs of developing and operating each proposed system are calculated, and set off against the benefits of installing that system. It is the key supporting document for the options, both BSO and TSO, and will usually carry most weight with the project board who will make the selection.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Modh chun comparáid oibiachtúil a dhéanamh idir roghanna. Déantar costais forbartha agus oibriúcháin gach córais atá molta a ríomh, agus fritháirítear iad i gcoinne na mbuntáistí a bhaineann leis an gcóras sin a shuiteáil. Is é an príomhdhoiciméad tacaíochta é do gach rogha, BSO agus TSO san áireamh, agus de ghnáth is é is mó a rachaidh i gcion ar an mbord tionscadail a dhéanfaidh an rogha.
ENdiminishing marginal social benefit s
pl diminishing marginal social benefits
GAsochar fir1 imeallach sóisialta laghdaitheach
ai sochair imeallacha shóisialta laghdaitheacha
Finance Method used to determine a participant's benefits in a defined benefit plan by multiplying months of service by a flat monthly benefit.
Airgeadas Modh a úsáidtear chun sochair rannpháirtí i bplean sainithe sochar a dhearbhú trí mhíonna seirbhíse a mhéadú faoi shochar comhréidh míosúil.
A health policy decision often requires a balancing of risks, costs, and benefits. In this paper we illustrate that there is no uniform answer in the United States to the question of who decides the risk-benefit balance.
Finance Method used to determine a participant's benefits in a defined benefit plan by multiplying years of service by the percentage of salary.
Airgeadas Modh a úsáidtear chun sochar rannpháirtithe i bplean sainithe sochair a chinntiú trí bhlianta seirbhíse a iolrú faoi chéatadán den tuarastal.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
social assistance benefits in cash
sochair chúnaimh shóisialta in airgead tirim
social contributions and benefits
ranníocaíochtaí sóisialta agus sochair shóisialta
social security benefits in cash
sochair slándála sóisialta in airgead tirim
social benefits other than social transfers in kind
sochair shóisialta seachas aistrithe sóisialta comhchineáil
assessable profit; taxable benefit; taxable profit
brabús inmheasúnaithe; ioncam incháinithe
healthcare benefit; sickness benefit in kind
sochar breoiteachta comhchineáil
for the purpose of acquiring and retaining the right to benefit
d'fhonn an ceart chun sochair a fháil agus a choinneáil
disability allowance; disability benefit
sochar míthreorach
deserted wife's benefit (IRL)
sochar banchéile thréigthe
pay related benefit
sochar pá-choibhneasa
benefit society
cumann comhshochair
benefit theory
teoiric an tsochair
treatment benefit (IRL)
sochar cóireála
child allowance; child benefit; children's allowance
liúntas leanaí; liúntas linbh; sochar linbh
to be in receipt of; to benefit from; to qualify for
tairbhigh de
accommodation allowance; housing benefit
liúntas cóiríochta; sochar cóiríochta
early old-age benefit
sochar seanaoise luath
non-contributory benefit
sochar neamhranníocach
Convention ensuring Benefit or Allowances to the Involuntarily Unemployed; Unemployment Provision Convention, 1934
an Coinbhinsiún a áirithíonn Sochair nó Liúntais dóibh siúd atá Dífhostaithe dá nAinneoin
Convention concerning Benefits in the case of Employment Injury; Employment Injury Benefits Convention, 1964
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sochair i gcás Díobháil Fostaíochta
Convention concerning Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors' Benefits; Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors' Benefits Convention, 1967
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sochair Easláine, Seanaoise agus Marthanóra
widower's benefit; widower's pension
pinsean baintrí fir
benefit of inventory
beneficium inventarii
financial obligations and benefits
oibleagáidí agus sochair airgid
to waive the benefit of
tarscaoil buntáiste; tarscaoil sochar
Convention concerning Medical Care and Sickness Benefits; Medical Care and Sickness Benefits Convention, 1969
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cúram Leighis agus le Sochair Bhreoiteachta
provident and mutual benefit institutions
institiúidí coigiltis agus comhshochair
family benefit
sochar teaghlaigh
reduced-rate unemployment benefit; unemployment assistance
cúnamh dífhostaíochta
Convention for the Exemption of Hospital Ships, in Time of War, from The Payment of all Dues and Taxes Imposed for the Benefit of the State; Hague Convention on Hospital Ships
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le díolúine longa ospidéil le linn cogaidh ó íocaíochtaí dleachtanna agus cánacha a gearradh ar mhaithe leis an stát; Coinbhinsiún na Háige i dtaobh Longa Ospidéil
special benefit
sochar speisialta
to reserve ... benefits to...
sochar a fhorchoimeád do ...
continuing dynamic benefit
sochar dinimiciúil leantach
misapplication of a legally obtained benefit
sraonadh sochair arna fháil go dlíthiúil
benefit system
córas sochar
export of benefits
onnmhairiúchán sochar; sochair a onnmhairiú
employment-conditional benefits; in-work benefits; IWB
sochair ag brath ar an bhfostaíocht; sochair laistigh den fhostaíocht
tax benefit
sochar cánach
ABS; access and benefit-sharing
rochtain agus comhroinnt tairbhí
lump-sum benefit
sochar cnapshuime
pro-rata benefit
sochar pro rata
SNCB; special non-contributory cash benefit
sochar airgid speisialta neamhranníocach
independent benefit
sochar neamhspleách
benefits system; social security scheme; social security system
córas slándála sóisialta; scéim slándála sóisialta
credit benefiting from official support
creidmheas ag a bhfuil tacaíocht oifigiúil
net benefit investment ratio
cóimheas glansochar/infheistíochta
acceptance <I>sub beneficio inventarii</I>; acceptance under benefit of inventory
glacadh sub beneficio inventarii
denial of benefits
diúltú sochar
scheme of social security benefits
scéim um shochair slándála sóisialta
benefit in kind
sochar comhchineáil
sickness benefit
sochar breoiteachta
retention of the entitlement to benefits; retention of the right to benefits
teidlíocht chun sochar a choinneáil
benefit; benefit payment; national insurance benefit; social allowance; social benefit; social insurance benefit; social security benefit; social security payment; welfare benefit
íocaíochtaí slándála sóisialta; sochair leasa shóisialta; sochair slándála sóisialta
acquisition of the right to benefits
ceart chun sochar a fháil
provision for employee benefits
soláthar le haghaidh sochair fostaithe
proposed allocation to employee benefits
leithdháileadh a bheartaítear ar mhaithe le sochair fostaithe
allocation to employee benefits; allocation to pension funds; allocation to personel welfare institution; allocation to staff welfare funds
leithdháileadh do chistí leasa foirne
fringe benefits; wage supplements
sochair imeallacha
jobseeker's allowance; JSA; unemployment benefit
liúntas cuardaitheora poist; sochar dífhostaíochta
partial unemployment benefit; short-time working benefit
sochar dífhostaíochta páirtí
wage benefit
sochar pá
strike benefit; strike pay
pá stailce; sochar stailce
social security and other benefits
slándáil shóisialta agus sochair eile
award of benefits
dámhachtain sochar
benefit in cash; cash benefit; pecuniary benefit
sochar airgid thirim
maternity benefits
sochar máithreachais
invalidity allowance; invalidity benefit
liúntas míchumais; sochar éagumais; sochar easláine
death pension; dependants' pension; survivor's benefit; survivors' pension
pinsean marthanóra
survivor’s benefit; survivors' benefit
sochar marthanóra
lone parent's allowance; one-parent benefit
liúntas tuismitheora aonair; sochar teaghlaigh aontuismitheora
social benefit
CBA; cost/benefit appraisal; cost-benefit analysis; cost-benefit assessment
measúnú costais is tairbhe
benefit for independent old people
sochar do dhaoine scothaosta neamhspleácha
costs and benefits accounting
cuntasaíocht chostas agus sochar
defined benefit plan
plean sochair shainithe
parental leave allowance; parental leave benefit
sochar um shaoire tuismitheoirí
annuity benefit
sochar blianachta
Benefit Restrictions(Foreign Residence)Act
an tAcht um Shrianadh Sochar (Cónaí Eachtrach)
pension benefit
sochar pinsin
deferred pension; deferred retirement pension; dormant pension; frozen pension; paid-up pension; preserved benefits
pinsean iarchurtha; pinsean iarchurtha scoir
contributory benefit
sochar ranníocach
environmental benefits
sochair chomhshaoil
benefit dependency
spleáchas ar shochair
pre-retirement benefit
sochar réamhscoir
invalidity benefits
sochar easláine
comhthairbhe; tairbhe indíreach
future discretionary benefits; future discretionary bonus
sochair lánroghnacha todhchaí
out-of-work benefit
sochar dífhostaíochta
benefits in kind principle; principle of benefits-in-kind
prionsabal na sochar comhchineáil
share compensation benefits; stock compensation benefits
sochair i bhfoirm cúiteamh scaireanna
accounting and reporting by retirement benefit plans
cuntasaíocht agus tuairisciú na bpleananna sochair scoir
actuarial present value of promised retirement benefits
luach láithreach achtúireach ar shochar scoir geallta
assets held by a long-term employee benefit fund
sócmhainní atá i seilbh ag ciste sochar fadtéarmach d'fhostaithe
benefit obligation
oibleagáid sochair
benefit to users
an tairbhe d'úsáideoirí
death benefit
sochar báis
defined benefit liability
dliteanas sochair shainithe
defined benefit obligation
oibleagáid sochair shainithe
present value of a defined benefit obligation; present value of defined benefit obligation
luach láithreach oibleagáide sochar sainithe
defined benefit plans
pleananna sochar sainithe
economic benefits
leas eacnamaíoch; tairbhí eacnamaíocha
employee benefits
sochair fostaithe
equity compensation benefits
sochair chúiteamh cothromais
future economic benefit
leas eacnamaíoch a bheidh ann amach anseo; leas geilleagrach a bheidh ann amach anseo
group administration (employee benefit) plans
pleananna grúpriartha (sochar fostaithe)
interest cost (for an employee benefit plan)
costas úis (le haghaidh plean sochair fostaithe)
long-term employee benefits
sochair fhadtéarmacha fostaithe; sochair fhadtréimhseacha fostaithe
multi-employer benefit plans; multi-employer plans
plean ilfhostóirí; plean sochair ilfhostóirí
multi-employer plans for an employee benefit plan
plean ilfhostóirí le haghaidh plean sochair fostaithe
other long-term employee benefits
sochair fhadtéarmacha eile fostaithe; sochair fhadtréimhseacha eile fostaithe
plan assets of an employee benefit plan
sócmhainní plean ar cuid de phlean sochair fostaithe iad; sócmhainní plean sochar fostaithe
post-employment benefit plans
pleananna sochair iarfhostaíochta
post-employment benefits
sochair iarfhostaíochta
retirement benefit plans
pleananna maidir le sochar scoir
return on plan assets of an employee benefit plan
toradh ar na sócmhainní plean ar cuid de phlean sochair fostaithe iad; toradh ar shócmhainní plean ó phlean sochair fostaithe
settlement of employee benefit obligations
oibleagáidí sochair fostaithe a shocrú
short-term employee benefits
sochair ghearrthéarmacha fostaithe
termination benefits
sochair foirceanta; sochair i dtaca le foirceannadh
vested employee benefits
sochair fostaithe dhílsithe
the limit on a defined benefit asset, minimum funding requirements and their interaction
an teorainn ar shócmhainn sochair shainithe, na híoscheanglais chistiúcháin agus a n-idirghníomhaíocht
ABS Protocol; Nagoya Protocol; Nagoya Protocol on ABS; Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing
Prótacal Nagoya; Prótacal Nagoya maidir le rochtain ar acmhainní géiniteacha agus na tairbhí a bhaineann leis na hacmhainní sin mar aon lena n-úsáid a roinnt go cóir agus go cothromasach
discretionary pension benefits
sochair phinsin lánroghnacha
defined benefit pension fund
ciste pinsin le sochar sainithe
benefit-risk balance; risk/benefit balance; risk-benefit balance
cothromaíocht idir riosca agus tairbhe
harm-benefit analysis
anailís díobhála/buntáiste
benefit fraud; benefit theft
calaois sochar
hot start benefit; HSB
tairbhe teodhúiseachta
tax for the benefit of the European Communities
cáin chun tairbhe na gComhphobal Eorpach
PBS; Pension Benefit Statement
ráiteas sochar pinsin
foreign nationals' entitlement to social security benefits; foreign nationals' recourse to public funds
cosaint shóisialta eachtrannach
benefit payment product
táirge íocaíochta sochair
Pay for Success Bond; PFS; SIB; social benefit bond; social bond; social impact bond; Social Investment Bond
banna infheistíochta sóisialta
aggregation benefit
tairbhe comhshuimithe
tax and benefits database; tax and benefits indicators database
bunachar sonraí cánach agus sochar
beneficiary Member State; benefiting Member State; Member State benefiting from relocation
Ballstát is tairbhí
core benefit
cash sickness benefit; sickness benefit in cash
sochar airgid thirim i leith breoiteachta; sochar breoiteachta airgid thirim
sickness or disablement benefit
sochar breoiteachta nó míchumais (fir1)
cost benefit analysis
anailís chostsochair (bain2)