Torthaí beachta
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réimsí agus gníomhaíochtaí a shainaithint ina bhféadfadh comhar níos dlúithe rannchuidiú le...
to identify areas and activities where closer cooperation could contribute to...
déanfaidh an Coimisiún i gcomhar le húdaráis na mBallstát moltaí a chur ar fáil
the Commission, in cooperation with the authorities of the Member States, shall provide recommendations
Torthaí gaolmhara
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Airgeadas Eagraíocht idirnáisiúnta a gcuimsíonn a ballraíocht don chuid is mó na tíortha is forbartha ó thaobh eacnamaíochta ar domhan. Soláthraíonn an OECD fóram rialta d'airí airgeadais agus trádála na rialtas éagsúil chun ceisteanna eacnamaíochta a fhearann ar a leasanna frithpháirteacha a phlé, go háirithe maidir le fás eacnamaíoch agus trádáil idirnáisiúnta a chur chun cinn, agus comhordaíonn sé soláthar Cúnaimh Eacnamúil do thíortha tearcfhorbartha. Is príomhfhoinse sonraí eacnamúla idirnáisiúnta é an OECD agus tiomsaíonn agus foilsíonn sé staitisticí caighdeánaithe idirthíre go rialta.
Finance An international organization whose membership comprises mainly the economically advanced countries of the world. The OECD provides a regular forum for discussions among government finance and trade ministers on economic matters affecting their mutual interests, particularly the promotion of economic growth and international trade, and it coordinates the provision of Economic Aid to the less developed countries. The OECD is a main source of international economic data and regularly compiles and publishes standardized inter-country statistics.
(an Spáinn)
moltaí i réimsí an chomhair póilíneachta agus bhreithiúnaigh in ábhair choiriúla
recommendations in the fields of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters
ENeconomic, financial and technical cooperation s with third countries▼ CFAE/Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
ENcooperation s with third countries and humanitarian aid▼ CFAE/Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
ENcooperation s in the field of Union research, technological development and demonstration▼ CFAE/Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Comhaontú chun earraí a aistriú ó dhíoltóir go ceannaitheoir ar íocaíocht de chineál inghlactha
A contract for the transfer of goods from a seller to a buyer for an accepted form of payment
ó dháta an chonartha i gcomhair díolacháin [Acht Uimh. 3 de 1998]
from the date of the contract for sale
nó féadfar an t-ábhar a chur síos i gcomhair trialach FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 510 de 2001
or the matter may be set down for trial
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
matchmaking platform for businesses
comhar-ardán do ghnólachtaí