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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Torthaí beachta Exact matches
GAainmnigh br
abr ainmniú, aidbhr ainmnithe
ceap br in úsáid/in use
abr ceapadh, aidbhr ceaptha
( b ) any other state or jurisdiction which is declared by order of the Minister for Foreign Affairs to be a designated jurisdiction for the purposes of Part III of the Act of 1994;
(b) aon stát nó dlínse eile a ndearbhaíonn an tAire Gnóthaí Eachtracha le hordú gur dlínse ainmnithe chun críche Chuid III d'Acht 1994 é nó í; FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
These Regulations designate an area of seven miles radius from the General Post Office Limerick as a taximeter area ...
Leis na Rialacháin seo, ceaptar limistéar, ar seacht míle a gha, ó Ard-Oifig an Phoist, Luimneach mar limistéar tacsaiméadair ...FOINSE: I.R. 1980
Articles 7 and 8 designate the Dental Board to be the competent authority or body in the State for the purposes of the functions listed in those Articles.
Ainmnítear, le hAirteagail 7 agus 8, Bord na bhFiaclóirí chun bheith ina údarás nó ina chomhlacht inniúil sa Stát chun críocha na bhfeidhmeanna a liostáiltear sna hAirteagail sin. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Where, upon hearing the application, the Court makes an order for the enforcement of the order of the court in the designated jurisdiction...
Más rud é, ar an iarratas a éisteacht, go ndéanfaidh an Chúirt ordú chun an t-ordú ón gcúirt a fhorghníomhú sa dlínse ainmnithe... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
GAoifigeach fir1 idirchaidrimh ainmnithe
gu oifigigh idirchaidrimh ainmnithe, ai oifigigh idirchaidrimh ainmnithe, gi oifigeach idirchaidrimh ainmnithe
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
to designate
a chamber designated by the court for that purpose
dlísheomra arna ainmniú chuige sin ag an gcúirt
to designate (State)
ainmnigh (Stát)
designated product
táirge ainmnithe
aeromedical examiner; aero-medical examiner; AME; aviation medical examiner; CAME; civil aviation medical examiner; DAME; designated aviation medical examiner; ME; medical examiner
scrúdaitheoir aeraileighis
designated employment; protected job
post ainmnithe; post cosanta
Coimisnéir ainmnithe
designated and effective hedging instrument
ionstraim fálaithe atá sainithe agus éifeachtach
NANDO Information System; NANDO system; New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations Information System
córas faisnéise NANDO
designated national macroprudential authority
an t-údarás náisiúnta macrastuamachta ainmnithe
legally designated representative
ionadaí arna ainmniú de réir dlí
designated point
pointe ainmnithe (fir4)
designate a road
ainmnigh bóthar