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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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dochraigh br in úsáid/in use
téigh br chun dochair do in úsáid/in use
Más dóigh leis an mBreitheamh gur leasú é a d'fhéadfadh dochar a dhéanamh d'aon pháirtí sna himeachtaí i dtuillteanas chás an pháirtí sin, féadfaidh sé nó sí an leasú a dhéanamh agus, más gá, an cás a chur ar atráth nó féadfaidh sé nó sí diúltú d'aon leasú den sórt sin a dhéanamh agus, más gá, na himeachtaí a dhíbhe. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
If in the opinion of the Judge, the amendment is one which might prejudice any party to the proceedings in the merits of that party's case, he or she may make the amendment and, if necessary, adjourn the case or may refuse to make any such amendment and, if necessary, dismiss the proceedings.
*(AGUS DE BHRÍ gur léir don Chúirt, ag féachaint do stair íocaíochtaí an fhéichiúnaí cothabhála de bhun an ordaithe sin agus d’imthosca eile an cháis, nach ndochróidh urscaoileadh an ordaithe cothabhála sin na daoine ar dá gcothú a dhéanann sé socrú); FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997_leath 2
*(AND WHEREAS it appears to the Court, having regard to the maintenance debtor's record of payments pursuant to the said order and to the other circumstances of the case, that the persons for whose support the said maintenance order provides will not be prejudiced by the discharge thereof)
Más rud é nach gcomhlíonfaidh an Cléireach forálacha na rialach seo, nó go mbeidh aon ní ar lár nó aon mhíráiteas san fhógra, ní rachaidh sin chun dochair i slí ar bith d'eisiúint aon bharántais ag an gCúirt. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
The failure of the Clerk to comply with the provisions of this rule, or any omission from or misstatement in the notice shall not in any way prejudice the issue by the Court of any warrant.
(e) cion faoi alt 9 den Acht um Rúin Oifigiúla, 1963, nó cion faoi Chuid II den Acht sin a rinneadh ar dhóigh ba dhochar do shlándáil nó caomhnú an Stáit, FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
( e ) an offence under section 9 of the Official Secrets Act, 1963 or an offence under Part II of that Act committed in a manner prejudicial to the safety or preservation of the State
(b) aon ní a bheidh contrártha do dhlíthe aon Stáit den sórt sin nó dochrach don ord poiblí in aon Stát den sórt sin. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
( b ) anything contrary to the laws of, or prejudicial to public order in any such State
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
House Standing Committee on Refugees, Enclaved, Missing and Adversely Affected Persons
an Buanchoiste um Dhídeanaithe, Daoine atá in Iamhchríoch, Daoine atá ar iarraidh agus Daoine a ndearnadh Dochar dóibh
serious and irreparable damage
dochar tromchúiseach doleasaithe
without prejudice to ...
gan dochar do ...
the injured Member State
an Ballstát dá ndearnadh dochar; an Ballstát díobhálaithe
to be detrimental
dochar a dhéanamh
smoking can damage the sperm and decreases fertility
féadann an tobac dochar a dhéanamh don speirm agus laghdaíonn sé clannmhaireacht
debit; debtor side; liabilities side
damáiste; dochar
EIL; environmental impairment liability; environmental liability
dliteanas comhshaoil; dliteanas i leith dochar a dhéanamh ar an gcomhshaol
direct debit; direct debit payment
dochar díreach
deferral; deferred asset; deferred charge; deferred expenditure; prepaid expense; prepayments
caiteachas iarchurtha; dochar iarchurtha; iarchur; muirear iarchurtha; réamhíocaíocht; sócmhainn iarcurtha; speansas réamhíoctha
SDD; SEPA Direct Debit
DDS; Dochar Díreach SEPA
This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 (1999) and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.; This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
Ní dochar an t-ainmniú seo do sheasaimh ar stádas, agus tá sé ag teacht le UNSCR 1244 (1999) agus le tuairim CBI maidir le Dearbhú Neamhspleáchais na Cosaive.