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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAdualgas fir1
gu dualgais, ai dualgais, gi dualgas
ENduty s
pl duties
téigh ar ais ar dualgas
resume duty
GAdualgas fir1
gu dualgais, ai dualgais, gi dualgas
oibleagáid bain2
gu oibleagáide, iol oibleagáidí
ceanglas fir1 in úsáid/in use
gu ceanglais, ai ceanglais, gi ceanglas
Ní oibreoidh aon ní san Ordú seo chun an Bord a shaoradh ón oibleagáid atá air na fógraí dá bhforáiltear in alt 4 den Railway Regulation Act, 1842, arna leasú, a thabhairt don Aire i scríbhinn maidir leis an gcrosaire. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
Nothing in this Order shall operate to relieve the Board of its obligation to give to the Minister the notices in writing in relation to the crossing provided for in section 4 of the Railway Regulation Act, 1842, as amended
(i) gur mhainnigh sé nó gur fhailligh sé aon dualgais reachtúla a chomhlíonadh a forchuireadh air (de bhua an cheadúnais nó ar shlí eile) maidir leis an stáisiún cuideachta nó lena oibriú, FOINSE: I.R. 1981
(i) has failed or neglected to carry out any statutory obligations imposed on him (whether by virtue of the licence or otherwise) in relation to the company station or its operation
Is é is cuspóir do na Rialacháin seo a shocrú go gcuirfear ar ceal an ceanglas go gcaithfear athbhreithnithe ar mhuirir teileafóin a chur in iúl leis an bpost do gach rannpháirtí ar leithligh, agus a shocrú ina ionad sin go gcuirfear athbhreithnithe den sórt sin in iúl trí fhógraí sna nuachtáin. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
The purpose of these Regulations is to provide for the abolition of the obligation to notify subscribers individually by post of revisions in telephone charges, and to provide in lieu for notification by newspaper advertisement.
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
An dualgas atá ann a chruthú gur fíor an cúiseamh atá curtha i leith an pháirtí cosanta
The obligation of proving that the charge laid before the defending party is true
Más rud é, nuair a ghlaofar cás sa Chúirt, go láithreoidh an gearánaí, agus nach láithreoidh an cosantóir, féadfaidh an gearánaí a éileamh a chruthú sa mhéid gur airsean a luífidh an dualgas cruthúnais. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
If, when a case is called in Court, the plaintiff appears, and the defendant does not appear, the plaintiff may prove his claim so far as the burden of proof lies upon him
Ní rachaidh an uastréimhse i gcomhair dualgais leata thar 14 huaire a chloig aon lá
The maximum period for spreadover duty shall not exceed 14 hours in any day
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
standby duty
dualgas fuireachais
burden of proof; onus of proof; onus probandi
dualgas cruthúnais
reversal of the burden of proof; reverse onus
aisiompú an dualgais cruthúnais; dualgas cruthúnais a aistriú
the Deputy Chairman shall ex officio replace the Chairman in the event of his being prevented from attending to his duties
Gabhfaidh an Leas-Chathaoirleach ionad an Chathaoirligh ar bhealach ex-officio mura mbíonn an Cathaoirleach in ann freastal ar a chuid dualgas
the duties devolving upon them
dualgas a thitfidh orthu
principle of segregation of duties
prionsabal dheighilt na ndualgas
duty to behave with integrity and discretion
dualgas chun bheith ionraic discréideach; dualgas chun bheith ionraic stuama
duty to notify
dualgas maidir le fógra a thabhairt
fiduciary duty; fiduciary obligation
dualgas muiníneach
burden sharing
comhroinnt dualgas
solidarity in burden-sharing
dlúthpháirtíocht i gcomhroinnt dualgas
duty to refuse to testify; to be prohibited from giving evidence,
cosc a chur ar dhuine fianaise a thabhairt; dualgas chun diúltú fianaise a thabhairt
BSA; burden-sharing agreement
comhaontú comhroinnte dualgas
reverse the burden of proof; reverse the onus
dualgas cruthúnais a aistriú
duty to behave with integrity and discretion
dualgas chun bheith ionraic discréideach
hours on duty
uaireanta ar dualgas
conveyance obligation
dualgas iompair
duty schedule
sceideal dualgas
duty sheet
bileog dualgas
split turn
dualgas dhá sheal
compulsory disclosure; disclosure; duty of disclosure
dualgas nochta
affirmative duty; positive obligation
dualgas dearfach; oibleagáid dhearfach
duty of an expert to carry out his task conscientiously and impartially
dualgas an tsaineolaí a chúram a chomhlíonadh go coinsiasach neamhchlaon
duty of assistance; duty of support; duty to support
dliteanas an teaghlach a chothabháil; dualgas cothaithe
responsibilty to maintain and protect a child; responsibilty to safeguard and promote child's health development and welfare
dualgas cúraim leanaí
duty to provide help and comfort
dualgas cúnaimh
duty to adhere; duty to cohabit
dualgas chun chomhchónaigh
duty of fidelity
dualgas dílseachta sa phósadh; dualgas na dílseachta
General Duties Section [Units and Sub-units: Naval Service]
an Rannóg Dualgas Ginearálta (bain2)
dereliction of duty
faillí i ndualgas (bain4)
dualgas (fir1, gu: dualgais, ai: dualgais, gi: dualgas)
duty in aid of the Civil Power
dualgas i gcabhair ar an gCumhacht Shibhialta (fir1)
light duty
dualgas éadrom (fir1)
orderly duty
dualgas sealaíochta (fir1)
week-end duty
dualgas deireadh seachtaine (fir1)
field security duty
dualgas díonachta machaire (fir1)
on escort duty
ar dualgas coimhdeachta (fr.r.)
fatigue duty
dualgas giotamála (fir1)
faithful discharge of duty
dualgas a chomhlíonadh go dílis (fir1)
guard duty
dualgas garda (fir1)
during non-duty hours
le linn gan bheith ar dualgas (fr.r.)
manual of staff duties
lámhleabhar dualgas foirne (fir1)
medicine on duty
íoc ar dualgas (bain2)
miscellaneous duty
dualgas ilghnéitheach (fir1)
neglect of duty
faillí i ndualgas (bain4)
nursing duty
dualgas altranais (fir1)
pilotage duty
dualgas piolótaíochta (fir1)
onus of proof
dualgas cruthúnais (fir1)
range duty
raondualgas (fir1, gu: raondualgais, ai: raondualgais, gi: raondualgas)
duty roster
uainchlár dualgas (fir1)
sand duty
dualgas sláintíochta (fir1)
police duty
dualgas póilíneachta (fir1)
staff duty
dualgas foirne (fir1)
presidential duty
dualgas uachtaráin (fir1)
probationary duty
dualgas promhaidh (fir1)
discharge a duty
comhlíon dualgas (br)
be on duty
bí ar dualgas (br)
call out the Reserve for duty in aid of the Civil Power
gair amach an Cúltaca ar dualgas i gcabhair ar an gCumhacht Shibhialta
duties of officer superintending firing point
dualgas oifigigh a bheidh ag maoirseacht ag an bpointe lámhaigh
absence from duty through illness permissible under subparagraph (i)
neamhláithreacht ó dualgas de dheasca breoiteachta, is incheadaithe faoi fhomhír (i)
report his arrival for temporary duty
a theacht ar dualgas sealadach a chur in iúl