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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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ENproxy s
A variable that can be used as an indirect estimate of another variable with which it is correlated; (more generally) a property used as an estimate or indicator of another with which it is associated
(act as representative for)
Beidh ar an gComhairle na comhaltaí tofa agus féadfaidh toscairí eile iad a ionadú.
The Council shall consist of the elected members who may be represented by other delegates.
rinne sé ionadaíocht do Liam ar an gCoiste
he represented Liam on the Committee
GAionadaí fir4
gu ionadaí, iol ionadaithe
De rogha air sin, féadfar seirbheáil a dhéanamh ar chosantóir nó ar a ionadaí dlíthiúil in aon slí ar a mbeidh comhaontaithe, nó lena mbeidh toilithe, i scríbhinn ag an gcosantóir sin nó ag a ionadaí dlíthiúil. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
Alternatively, service may be effected upon a defendant or his legal representative in any manner which may have been agreed or consented to in writing by the said defendant or his legal representative.
De rogha air sin, féadfar seirbheáil a dhéanamh ar chosantóir nó ar a ionadaí dlíthiúil in aon slí ar a mbeidh comhaontaithe, nó lena mbeidh toilithe, i scríbhinn ag an gcosantóir sin nó ag a ionadaí dlíthiúil. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
Alternatively, service may be effected upon a defendant or his legal representative in any manner which may have been agreed or consented to in writing by the said defendant or his legal representative.
Éistfear imeachtaí faoin Acht ar bhealach seachas go poiblí agus ní thabharfar cead bheith i láthair ach amháin do na páirtithe, dá n-ionadaithe dlíthiúla agus d'fhinnéithe. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
Proceedings under the Act shall be heard otherwise than in public, and only the parties, their legal representatives and witnesses shall be permitted to be present.
aon rialacháin a dhéanfar chun críocha an fho-ailt seo féadfar ... foráil a dhéanamh iontu ... maidir leis na himthosca ... ina bhféadfaidh daoine lena mbaineann a gcásanna a chur i láthair ag an éisteacht sin trí ionadaithe (lena n-áirítear ionadaithe dlí) [Acht Uimh. 25 de 1990]
regulations for the purposes of this subsection may ... make provision ... for the circumstances ... in which persons concerned may present their cases at such hearing through representatives (including legal representatives)
(xxvi) Ordú ag tabhairt cead chun forghníomhú a eisiúint in ainm nó i gcoinne ionadaí pearsanta dlíthiúil páirtí éagtha. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
(xxvi) An order giving liberty to issue execution in the name of or against the legal personal representative of a deceased party
(2) Más rud é, de thoradh mhír (1) den Airteagal seo, nach dtabharfar dámhachtain faoin Scéim seo, déanfar iomlán na ranníocaí tréimhsiúla a bheidh íoctha ag an gcomhalta a thabhairt ar ais dá ionadaí pearsanta dlíthiúil agus ní bheidh feidhm ag Airteagal 10 ina chás-san. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
2) Where, arising from paragraph (1) of this Article, an award is not made under this Scheme, the whole of the periodic contributions paid by the member shall be returned to his legal personal representative and Article 10 of this Scheme will not apply in his case.
Tá Riail 3 (c) den Ordú seo gan dochar do chumhacht na Cúirte chun ordú a dhéanamh le haghaidh seirbheála ionadaí. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
Rule 3 (c) hereof is without prejudice to the power of the Court to make an order for substituted service
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
vicarious liability
dliteanas ionadach
actual carrier; performing carrier; substitute carrier
iompróir iarbhír; iompróir ionadach
DCS; direct credit substitute
DCS; ionadach creidmheasa díreach
proxy; proxy indicator; proxy variable
athróg ionadach
cereal substitute
ionadach gránach
emergency signal; substitute signal
comhartha ionadach
surrogate accident data
sonraí ionadacha tionóiscí
substitute retail investment product
táirge infheistíochta miondíola ionadach
athróg ionadach
surrogate measure
tomhas ionadach
substitute Judge
breitheamh ionadach
substitute transaction
idirbheart ionadach
marriage by proxy
pósadh trí ionadach
substitute judge
breitheamh ionadach
surrogate parent entity
máthaireintiteas ionadach