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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
ENfood reserve s
pl food reserves
GAtaisce bain4 bhia le faomhadh/for approval
ai taiscí bia
ENofficial reserve s
pl official reserves
GAcúlchiste fir4 oifigiúil
ai cúlchistí oifigiúla
Finance Government owned international assets that include convertible foreign currencies, gold and Special Drawing Rights.
Airgeadas Sócmhainní idirnáisiúnta i seilbh rialtais ar a n-áirítear airgeadraí eachtracha inmhalartaithe, ór agus Cearta Speisialta Tarraingthe.
GAforchoimeád br
abr forchoimeád, aidbhr forchoimeádta
x reserves judgment
forchoimeádann x breithiúnas
ENreserve asset s
pl reserve assets
GAcúlsócmhainn bain2
gu cúlsócmhainne, iol cúlsocmhainní
Finance Foreign currency held by a central bank for the purposes of exchange intervention and the settlement of intergovernmental claims.
Airgeadas Airgeadra eachtrach a bhíonn i seilbh bainc cheannais chun idirghabháil a dhéanamh i rátaí malairte agus chun socraíocht a dhéanamh ar éilimh idir-rialtas.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
reserved portion; reserved share
cuid forchoimeádta
grape must with fermentation arrested; muté; preserved must
úrfhíon fíonchaor agus é coiscthe ó choipeadh
indefeasible interest; right to a reserved share
leas dochloíte
actively and unreservedly
go gníomhach agus gan chuntar
airspace reservation; reserved airspace
aerspás forchoimeádta; forchoimeád aerspáis
reserved contract
conradh forchoimeádta
preserved egg
ubh leasaithe
preserved by sugar
leasaithe i siúcra
non-disposable part of an estate; portion of the estate to devolve compulsorily upon the heirs; reserved portion of the estate; reserved share of the estate
scair fhorchoimeádta an eastáit
forced heir; heir who cannot be totally disinherited; person entitled to a reserved share
oidhre dochealaithe
reserved liquid funds
cistí leachtacha forchoimeádta
reserved capital increase
méadú ar an gcaipiteal forchoimeádta
deferred pension; deferred retirement pension; dormant pension; frozen pension; paid-up pension; preserved benefits
pinsean iarchurtha; pinsean iarchurtha scoir
explicit and unreserved statement of compliance
ráiteas comhlíontachta atá sainráite agus gan chuntar
optional reserved term; optional term; reserved term
téarma roghnach forchoimeádta
reserved concession
lamháltas forchoimeádta
reserved activities
gníomhaíochtaí forchoimeádta
reserved demolition
scartáil choinníollach (bain3)
reserved enclosure
ionad forchoimeádta (fir1)