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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAsaineolaí fir4
gu saineolaí, iol saineolaithe
Beidh saineolaithe comhlachaithe san obair.
Experts shall be associated with the work.
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
Independent Expert
saineolaí neamhspleách
bridging study; toxicological bridging study
staidéar eachtarshuímh; staidéar eachtarshuímh tocsaineolaíoch
Working Party of Veterinary Experts (Animal Husbandry)
Meitheal na Saineolaithe Tréidliachta (Feirmeoireacht Ainmhithe)
Working Party of Veterinary Experts
Meitheal na Saineolaithe Tréidliachta
text finalised by the legal/linguistic experts; text finalised by the Working Party of Legal/Linguistic Experts
téacs ar chuir meitheal na saineolaithe dlí/teanga bailchríoch air; téacs ar chuir na saineolaithe dlí/teanga bailchríoch air
Working Party of Veterinary Experts (Public Health)
Meitheal na Saineolaithe Tréidliachta (Sláinte Phoiblí)
Working Party of Veterinary Experts (Animal Welfare)
Meitheal na Saineolaithe Tréidliachta (Leas na nAinmhithe)
JECFA; Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
an Comhchoiste Saineolaithe maidir le Breiseáin i mBia; JECFA
veterinary expert
saineolaí tréidliachta
Working Party of Legal/Linguistic Experts
Meitheal na Saineolaithe Dlí/Teanga
Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
an Coiste Saineolaithe maidir le hIompar Earraí Contúirteacha
Working Party of Veterinary Experts (Fishery Products)
Meitheal na Saineolaithe Tréidliachta (Táirgí Iascaigh)
Working Party of Veterinary Experts (Potsdam Group)
Meitheal na Saineolaithe Tréidliachta (Meitheal Potsdam)
Money Laundering Experts Group; Money Laundering Experts' Group
Grúpa Saineolaithe um Sciúradh Airgid
Article 133 Committee - Experts (STIS, Services, Mutual Recognition); TPC - Experts; Trade Policy Committee - Experts (STIS, Services and Investment); Trade Policy Committee - Experts (STIS, Services and Investment, Mutual Recognition)
an Coiste um an mBeartas Trádála - Saineolaithe (STIS, Seirbhísí agus Infheistíocht); an Coiste um an mBeartas Trádála - Saineolaithe (STIS, Seirbhísí agus Infheistíocht, Aitheantas Frithpháirteach); Coiste Airteagal 133 - Saineolaithe (STIS, Seirbhísí, Aitheantas Frithpháirteach)
Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism; MONEYVAL; Select Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures
MONEYVAL; Roghchoiste saineolaithe chun bearta frithsciúradh airgid a mheas
International Organisation of Experts; ORDINEX
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta Saineolaithe
Expert Group on Export Credit
an Grúpa Saineolaithe um Chreidmheas Onnmhairiúcháin
expert's opinion
tuairim saineolaí
expert's progress in carrying out his task
dul chun cinn an tsaineolaí i gcomhlíonadh a chúraim
expert's report
tuarascáil saineolaí
costs of the expert's report
costais thuarascáil an tsaineolaí
expert's fees
táillí saineolaí
expert's task
cúram an tsaineolaí
making of the expert's report
cur i láthair thuarascáil an tsaineolaí
expert's report
tuarascáil saineolaí
object to a witness or an expert
déan agóid i gcoinne finné nó saineolaí
Permanent Group of Experts
Buanghrúpa Saineolaithe
seconded national expert; SNE
saineolaí náisiúnta ar iasacht; SNI
environmental toxicology; ETOX
tocsaineolaíocht chomhshaoil
examination of witnesses and experts; hearing of witnesses and experts
ceistiú finnéithe agus saineolaithe; éisteacht finnéithe agus saineolaithe
UNGEGN; United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names
Grúpa Saineolaithe na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le hAinmneacha Geografacha
adman; advertising expert; advertising man
gníomhaire fógraíochta; saineolaí fógraíochta
medical expert
saineolaí míochaine
medical expert
saineolaí leighis
TPEG; Transport Protocol Experts Group
an Grúpa Saineolaithe maidir le Prótacal Iompair
Experts Group on Trafficking in Human Beings; Group of Experts on Trafficking in Human Beings
Grúpa saineolaithe maidir le gáinneáil ar dhaoine
Security Committee (GNSS experts)
Coiste Slándála (saineolaithe GNSS)
linguistic expert
saineolaí teanga
scientific expert
saineolaí eolaíoch; saineolaí eolaíochta
research expert
saineolaí taighde
financial expert
saineolaí airgeadais
audit expert
saineolaí iniúchóireachta
economic expert
saineolaí eacnamaíoch
legal expert
saineolaí dlí
Security Committee (Information Assurance - experts); Security Committee (Information Assurance - Implementation Tempest Task Force)
an Coiste Slándála (ráthú faisnéise- saineolaithe Tempest: ITTF); an Coiste Slándála (ráthú faisnéise-saineolaithe Tempest: tascfhórsa chur chun feidhme Tempest)
Expert group on customer mobility in relation to bank accounts
Grúpa saineolaithe maidir le soghluaisteacht custaiméirí i ndáil le cuntais bhainc
Commission's Register of Expert Groups; Register of Commission Expert Groups and Other Similar Entities
an Clár de Ghrúpaí Saineolaithe an Choimisiúin; an Clár de Ghrúpaí Saineolaithe an Choimisiúin agus d'eintitis eile den saghas céanna
GRETA; Group of experts on action against trafficking in human beings
Grúpa saineolaithe um ghníomhaíocht i gcoinne gáinneála ar dhaoine
meitheal saineolaithe freagrach as staidéar a dhéanamh ar an meascán foinsí fuinnimh is fearr don Bheilg sa mheántéarma agus san fhadtéarma
High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition; HLPE; HLPE/FSN
an Painéal Ardleibhéil Saineolaithe maidir le Sábháilteacht an tSoláthair Bia agus Cothú
Expert Panel for the Review of the European Standardisation System
painéal saineolaithe chun an córas Eorpach um chaighdeánú a athbhreithniú
duty of an expert to carry out his task conscientiously and impartially
dualgas an tsaineolaí a chúram a chomhlíonadh go coinsiasach neamhchlaon
perjury on the part of a witness or expert
mionnú éithigh ar thaobh finné nó saineolaí
developmental toxicology
tocsaineolaíocht fhorbarthach
EMPEN; European medical and psychological experts' network for law enforcement
an Gréasán Eorpach saineolaithe míochaine agus síceolaíochta um fhorghníomhú an dlí; EMPEN
CCEG; Counterfeit Coin Experts Group
an Grúpa Saineolaithe um Monaí Góchumtha; GSMG
base-language JL; base-language legal/linguistic expert
saineolaí dlítheangeolaíoch ar an mbunteanga
support JL; support legal/linguistic expert
saineolaí tacaíochta dlítheangeolaíoch
Counter-Terrorism Experts Group; G8 Counter-Terrorism Experts Group; Roma Group
an Grúpa Roma; an Grúpa Saineolaithe um Fhrithsceimhlitheoireacht
EEM; Election Expert Mission
Misean Saineolaithe Toghcháin
Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent
Meitheal Saineolaithe i leith daoine de Shliocht Afracach
reverse vaccinology; RV
vacsaíneolaíocht bunaithe ar sheicheamh géanóim; vacsaíneolaíocht bunaithe ar thaighde in silico; vacsaíneolaíocht trí bhíthin faisnéis ghéiniteach
Group of Experts on Corruption
Grúpa Saineolaithe ar an Éillitheacht
radiation protection expert
saineolaí ar chosaint radaíochta
expert panel
painéal saineolaithe
Meijers Committee; Standing Committee of Experts on International Immigration, Refugee and Criminal Law
an Buanchoiste Saineolaithe maidir leis an dlí idirnáisiúnta a bhaineann leis an Inimirce, le Teifigh agus leis an Dlí Coiriúil; Coiste Meijers
Expert Group on Taxation of the Digital Economy
an Grúpa Saineolaithe um Chánachas ar an nGeilleagar Digiteach; an Sainghrúpa um Chánachas ar an nGeilleagar Digiteach
International Social Experts Meeting; ISEM
CISS; Cruinniú Idirnáisiúnta na Saineolaithe Sóisialta
Academic Network of European Disability experts; ANED
Gréasán Acadúil na Saineolaithe Eorpacha um Míchumas
DEU; document expert unit
aonad na saineolaithe doiciméad
EFE; European Firearms Experts Group; Firearms Expert Group
Grúpa Saineolaithe Arm Time na hEorpa
Group of Governmental Experts on Dementia
an Grúpa Saineolaithe Rialtais um Néaltrú
screening expert
saineolaí scagtha
High Level Group of Independent Experts on Monitoring Simplification for Beneficiaries of the European Structural and Investment Funds; High Level Group of Independent Experts on Monitoring Simplification of European Structural and Investment Funds
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil Saineolaithe Neamhspleácha maidir le Faireachán a dhéanamh ar an Simpliú do Thairbhithe Chistí Struchtúracha agus Infheistíochta na hEorpa
debriefer; debriefing expert
saineolaí faisnéisithe
document expert
saineolaí doiciméad
advanced-level document officer; ALDO
saineolaí doiciméad ardleibhéil
TAAEG; Type-Approval Authorities Expert Group
Grúpa Saineolaithe na nÚdarás Cineálcheadaithe; TAAEG
EGFA; Expert Group on Fisheries and Aquaculture
an Grúpa Saineolaithe um Iascach agus Dobharshaothrú
EPEC; European PPP Expertise Centre
an Lárionad Eorpach Saineolais maidir le CPPanna; an tIonad Eorpach Saineolais maidir le CPPanna; EPEC
Expert Group on Food Losses and Food Waste
an Grúpa Saineolaithe maidir le Caillteanas Bia agus Cur Amú Bia
Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen; Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts
Grúpa Saineolaithe Oirirce Idirnáisiúnta agus Réigiúnacha
specialist course
cúrsa saineolaí (fir4)
medical expert
saineolaí liachta (fir4)
service expert
saineolaí seirbhíse (fir4)
specialist qualification
cáilíocht saineolaí (bain3)
specialist personnel
pearsanra saineolaí (fir4)
a high average standard rather than the training of a few experts [Musketry]
meanchaighdeán ard in ionad beagán saineolaithe a thraenáil (fir1)