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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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ENtitle s
GAteideal fir1
gu teidil, ai teidil, gi teideal
Establishing questions of title to land
Ceisteanna faoi theideal chun talún a shuíomh, FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
( d ) for the registration of title under section 17 of the Act
(d) ar theideal a chlárú faoi alt 17 den Acht, FOINSE: I.R. 1981
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
GAleath-theideal fir1
gu leath-theidil, ai leath-theidil, gi leath-theideal
fortheideal fir1
gu fortheidil, ai fortheidil, gi fortheideal
A rectangular area which is far enough in from the four edges, such that text or graphics show neatly: with a margin and without distortion
Réimse dronuilleogach, píosa isteach ó na ceithre himeall, ar a léirítear ábhar téacsúil nó graificí go slachtmhar: imeall thart air agus gan aon díchumadh le feiceáil.
The formal name used when a piece of primary legislation is cited
An teideal foirmiúil a úsáidtear nuair a dhéantar píosa reachtaíochta príomha a lua
All documents intended for filing shall be properly indorsed with the short title of the proceeding upon a page left blank for that purpose.
Déanfar gearrtheideal an imeachta a fhormhuiniú go cuí, ar leathanach a fhágfar bán chuige sin, ar gach doiciméad a bheartófar a chomhdú. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001.
A person entitled to succeed to the property or property rights of another
Duine atá i dteideal teacht i ndiaidh duine eile i seilbh maoine nó cearta maoine
(a) the house shall, unless the housing authority otherwise allow, be occupied as a normal place of residence by the purchaser or the purchaser's successor in title or by a member of the purchaser's family or the family of his successor in title
(a) déanfar, mura gceadaíonn an t-údarás tithíochta a mhalairt, an teach a áitiú, mar ghnátháit chónaithe ag an gceannaitheoir nó ag comharba i dteideal an cheannaitheora nó ag comhalta de theaghlach an cheannaitheora nó de theaghlach a chomharba i dteideal; FOINSE: I.R. 1980
The certificate shall be granted to the holder of the basic patent or his successor in title.
Deonófar an deimhniú do shealbhóir na paitinne bunúsaí nó dá chomharba i dteideal. Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 469/2009
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
title transfer collateral arrangement; title transfer financial collateral arrangement; TTCA
socrú comhthaobhachta airgeadais aistrithe teidil
assignee; successor in title
comharba i dteideal; sannaí
dividend entitlement; entitlement to dividends
teideal dibhinne
matters governed by this Title
cúrsaí lena mbaineann an Teideal seo
legal predecessor; predecessor in title
réamhtheachtaí i dteideal
to be entitled to; to qualify for
a bheith i dteideal
Convention on the Law Governing Transfer of Title in International Sale of Goods
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Dlí is Infheidhme ar Aistriú Teidil i nDíolachán Idirnáisiúnta Earraí
entitlement; payment entitlement
teidlíocht íocaíochta
Office for the Administration and Payment of Individual Entitlements; Paymaster Office; PMO
an Oifig um Riar agus Íoc Teidlíochtaí Indibhidiúla; Oifig an Phámháistir
budget title; title
heir entitled under a will; testamentary heir
oidhre tiomnach
forced heir; heir who cannot be totally disinherited; person entitled to a reserved share
oidhre dochealaithe
retention of the entitlement to benefits; retention of the right to benefits
teidlíocht chun sochar a choinneáil
ownership reservation; retention of title
teideal a choinneáil
account heading; account title
teideal cuntais
insurable title
teideal inárachais
marketable title
teideal indíolta
cash entitlement
teidlíocht airgid
title search
cuardach teidil
pension entitlement
teidlíocht pinsin
to entitle to payment
tabhair ceart ar íocaíocht do dhuine
guaranteed rights relating to title to commodities
cearta faoi ráthaíocht a bhaineann le teideal chun tráchtearraí
credit entitlement
teidlíocht chreidmheasa
unused credit entitlement
teidlíocht creidmheasa nár úsáideadh
entitlement to future goods and services on an exclusive basis
teidlíocht i leith earraí agus seirbhísí todhchaí ar bhonn eisiach
Directorate for Members' Financial and Social Entitlements
An Stiúrthóireacht um Theidil Airgeadais agus Shóisialta na bhFeisirí
Members' Salaries and Social Entitlements Unit
An tAonad um Thuarastal agus Theidil Shóisialta na bhFeisirí
Individual Entitlements Unit
An tAonad um Theidil Aonair
foreign nationals' entitlement to social security benefits; foreign nationals' recourse to public funds
cosaint shóisialta eachtrannach
employment of a foreign national not entitled to work; illegal employment of a third country national
earcaíocht eachtrannach gan cead fostaíochta
entitlement to sponsor a worker
údarú maidir le fostú
fixed-period residence entitlement
cead cónaithe ar théarma seasta
indefinite duration residence entitlement
cead cónaithe neamhiata
single copyright title; single European copyright title
teideal aonair Eorpach cóipchirt
protected professional title
teideal gairmiúil faoi chosaint
appointment title
teideal ceapacháin (fir1)
battalion quartermaster-sergeant [Rank Titles]
ceathrúsháirsint bataire (fir4)
battalion quartermaster-sergeant [Rank Titles]
CSC (gior)
warrant officer [Rank Titles]
OB (gior)
warrant officer [Rank Titles]
oifigeach barántais (fir1)
brigadier general [Rank Titles]
Br Gin (gior)
brigadier general [Rank Titles]
briogáidireghinearál (fir1, gu: briogáidireghinearáil, ai: briogáidireghinearáil, gi: briogáidireghinearál)
wireless appointment title
teideal ceapachán raidió (fir1)
cadet [Rank Titles]
Dal. (gior)
cadet [Rank Titles]
dalta (fir4, gu: dalta, ai: daltaí, gi: daltaí)
code titles
códteidil (fir)
colonel [Rank Titles]
coirnéal (fir1, gu: coirnéil, ai: coirnéil, gi: coirnéal)
colonel [Rank Titles]
Cor. (gior)
colonel [Rank Titles]
cornal (fir1)
commandant [Rank Titles]
ceannfort (fir1, gu: ceannfoirt, ai: ceannfoirt, gi: ceannfort)
commandant [Rank Titles]
Cft. (gior)
commodore [Rank Titles]
C. sóir. (gior)
commodore [Rank Titles]
ceannasóir (fir3, gu: ceannasóra, ai: ceannasóirí, gi: ceannasóirí)
company quartermaster sergeant [Rank Titles]
CC (gior)
company quartermaster sergeant [Rank Titles]
ceathrúsháirsint complachta (fir4)
company sergeant [Rank Titles]
Sáir Comp (gior)
company sergeant [Rank Titles]
sáirsint complachta (fir4)
dár teideal (fr.r.)
cion (fir4, gu: cion)
title heading
mírcheann teidil (fir1)
lieutenant general [Rank Titles]
leifteanantghinearál (fir1, gu: leifteanantghinearáil, ai: leifteanantghinearáil, gi: leifteanantghinearál)
lieutenant general [Rank Titles]
Lt Gin (gior)
lieutenant [Rank Titles]
leifteanant (fir1, gu: leifteanaint, ai: leifteanaint, gi: leifteanant)
lieutenant [Rank Titles]
Lt (gior)
second lieutenant [Rank Titles]
2/Lt (gior)
second lieutenant [Rank Titles]
dara leifteanant (fir1)
sergeant major [Rank Titles]
maorsháirsint (fir4, gu: maorsháirsint, ai: maorsháirsintí, gi: maorsháirsintí)
sergeant major [Rank Titles]
MS (gior)
flight sergeant [Rank Titles]
Sáir Eit (gior)
flight sergeant [Rank Titles]
sáirsint eitleoige (fir4)
flight quartermaster sergeant [Rank Titles]
C Eit (gior)
flight quartermaster sergeant [Rank Titles]
ceathrúsháirsint eitleoige (fir4)
sergeant [Rank Titles]
Sáir. (gior)
sergeant [Rank Titles]
sáirsint (fir4, gu: sáirsint, ai: sáirsintí, gi: sáirsintí)
corporal [Rank Titles]
ceannaire (fir4, gu: ceannaire, ai: ceannairí, gi: ceannairí)
corporal [Rank Titles]
Cre. (gior)
private [Rank Titles]
saighdiúir singil (fir3)
private [Rank Titles]
SS (gior)
airwoman [Rank Titles]
Ban. Eit. (gior)
airwoman [Rank Titles]
baneitleoir (fir3, gu: baneitleora, ai: baneitleoirí, gi: baneitleoirí)
airman [Rank Titles]
Eit. (gior)
airman [Rank Titles]
eitleoir (fir3, gu: eitleora, ai: eitleoirí, gi: eitleoirí)
apprentice [Rank Titles]
printíseach (fir1, gu: printísigh, ai: printísigh, gi: printíseach)
apprentice [Rank Titles]
Prt. (gior)
lieutenant commander [Rank Titles]
leifteanantcheannasaí (fir4, gu: leifteanantcheannasaí, ai: leifteanantcheannasaithe, gi: leifteanantcheannasaithe)
lieutenant commander [Rank Titles]
Lt. Ceann. (gior)
sub lieutenant [Rank Titles]
Fo Lt. (gior)
sub lieutenant [Rank Titles]
foleifteanant (fir1, gu: foleifteanaint, ai: foleifteanaint, gi: foleifteanant)
ensign [Rank Titles]
Meir. (gior)
ensign [Rank Titles]
meirgire (fir4, gu: meirgire, ai: meirgirí, gi: meirgirí)
senior chief petty officer [Rank Titles]
A/MO Sin. (gior)
senior chief petty officer [Rank Titles]
ard-mhionoifigeach sinsearach (fir1)
leading seaman [Rank Titles]
mairnéalach ceannais (fir1)
leading seaman [Rank Titles]
MC (gior)
able seaman [Rank Titles]
mairnéalach inniúil (fir1)
able seaman [Rank Titles]
MI (gior)
ordinary seaman [Rank Titles]
GM (gior)
ordinary seaman [Rank Titles]
gnáthmhairnéalach (fir1)
head chaplain [Rank Titles]
A/Séip. (gior)
head chaplain [Rank Titles]
ardséiplíneach (fir1, gu: ardséiplínigh, ai: ardséiplínigh, gi: ardséiplínigh)
assistant matron [Rank Titles]
Matrún C. (gior)
assistant matron [Rank Titles]
mátrún cúnta (fir1)
radiographer [Rank Titles]
radagrafaí (fir4, gu: radagrafaí, ai: radagrafaithe, gi: radagrafaithe)
petty officer [Rank Titles]
mionoifigeach (fir1, gu: mionoifigigh, ai: mionoifigigh, gi: mionoifigeach)
petty officer [Rank Titles]
MO (gior)
staff sister [Rank Titles]
B. Foirne (gior)
staff sister [Rank Titles]
banaltra foirne (bain4)
descriptive title
teideal tuairisciúil (fir1)
code title
códteideal (fir1, gu: códteidil, ai: códteidil, gi: códteideal)
captain [Rank Titles]
captaen (fir1, gu: captaein, ai: captaein, gi: captaen)
chief petty officer [Rank Titles]
ard-mhionoifigeach (fir1, gu: ard-mhionoifigigh, ai: ard-mhionoifigigh, gi: ard-mhionoifigeach)
commander [Rank Titles]
ceannasaí (fir4, gu: ceannasaí, ai: ceannasaithe, gi: ceannasaithe)
chaplain [Rank Titles]
Séip. (gior)
chaplain [Rank Titles]
séiplíneach (fir1, gu: séiplínigh, ai: séiplínigh, gi: séiplíneach)
lieutenant colonel [Rank Titles]
leifteanantchornal (fir1, gu: leifteanantchornail, ai: leifteanantchornail, gi: leifteanantchornal)
lieutenant colonel [Rank Titles]
Lt. Cor. (gior)
lieutenant-colonel [Rank Titles]
leifteanantchornal (fir1, gu: leifteanantchornail, ai: leifteanantchornail, gi: leifteanantchornal)
lieutenant-colonel [Rank Titles]
Lt. Cor. (gior)
major general [Rank Titles]
Maor Gin (gior)
major general [Rank Titles]
maorghinearál (fir1, gu: maorghinearáil, ai: maorghinearáil, gi: maorghinearál)
major-general [Rank Titles]
Maor Gin (gior)
major-general [Rank Titles]
maorghinearál (fir1, gu: maorghinearáil, ai: maorghinearáil, gi: maorghinearál)
matron [Rank Titles]
mátrún (fir1, gu: mátrúin, ai: mátrúin, gi: mátrún)
person beneficially entitled to receive a gratuity
duine atá i dteideal go tairbheach chun aisce a fháil
a soldier entitled to discharge
saighdiúir i dteideal a urscaoilte