Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
Airgeadas An t-airgead a íocann cairtfhostóir le húinéir loinge i leith ligean na loinge nó ligean spáis sa long. Ní bhíonn an t-airgead iníoctha go dtí go seachadtar na hearraí chun na loinge.
Finance The money paid by a charterer to a shipowner in consideration of the latter letting the ship or space within the ship. The money is not payable until the goods are delivered to the ship.
fare structure in which the cost of a trip is a function of the distance travelled
An t-airgead a íoctar le fostaí as an obair a dhéanann sé/sí taobh amuigh de na gnáthuaireanta oibre.
The money paid to an employee for any work done outside regular work hours.
Ní foláir gealltanas chun na táillí breis-ama a íoc a bheith san iarratas.FOINSE: I.R. 1981
The application must include an undertaking to pay the overtime fees.
Nuair is gá freastal roimh 9 a.m. agus tar éis 5 p.m. an lá céanna, beidh an táille breis-ama iníoctha i leith gach tréimhse.FOINSE: I.R. 1981
When attendance is required before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m. on the same day the overtime fee will be payable in respect of each period.
Táille Imréitigh Chustam ar phaicéad poist isteach ar a bhfuil Dleacht Chustam dlite. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
Customs Clearance Fee on incoming postal packet liable to Customs Duty
An táille a ghearrtar as comhad/gníomhas a chóipeáil
The fee charged to copy a file or a deed
seachadfar na cóipeanna sin laistigh de sheacht lá tar éis an fógra sin a fháil ar na gnáth-tháillí scríobhaíochta a íoc FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
such copies shall be delivered within seven days after receipt of such notice on payment of the usual scrivenery charges