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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
GAsceideal fir1
gu sceidil, ai sceidil, gi sceideal
The schedules to these Rules shall be taken to be part of the Rules and all forms therein contained shall be deemed valid and sufficient in law,...
Measfar gur cuid de na Rialacha na Sceidil a ghabhann leis na Rialacha seo agus measfar na foirmeacha go léir atá iontu a bheith bailí agus leordhóthanach de réir dlí,... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
The following Schedule is hereby substituted for Schedule 1 to the Regulations of 1979:
Cuirtear leis seo an Sceideal seo a leanas in ionad Sceideal I a ghabhann le Rialacháin 1979: FOINSE: I.R. 1980
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
a comprehensive document that identifies and describes an organisation’s records, usually at the series level, indicating the length of time each series should be retained and the point at which records should be permanently preserved as archives or destroyed
doiciméad cuimsitheach ina sainaithnítear agus ina dtuairiscítear taifid eagraíochta, ar leibhéal sraithe de ghnáth, agus léiriú á thabhairt ar an bhfad ama ar lena linn is ceart gach sraith a choimeád agus ar an tráth ar ceart í a chur i mbuanchoimeád seasta mar ábhar cartlainne nó a scriosadh
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
scheduled substance
substaint sceidealaithe
International Agreement on the Procedure for the Establishment of Tariffs for Scheduled Air Services
an Comhaontú Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Nós Imeachta um Bhunú Taraifí d’Aersheirbhísí Sceidealta
Multilateral Agreement on Commercial Rights of Non-scheduled Air Services in Europe
an Comhaontú Iltaobhach maidir le Cearta Tráchtála Aersheirbhísí Neamhsceidealta san Eoraip
the scheduled date
an dáta sceidealta
co-ordination of schedules
comhordú sceideal
International Agreement on the Procedure for the Establishment of Tariffs for Intra-European Scheduled Air Services
an Comhaontú Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Nós Imeachta um Bhunú Taraifí d’Aersheirbhísí Sceidealta laistigh den Eoraip
schedule; schedule of due dates; timeframe; timetable
unscheduled landing
tuirlingt neamhsceidealta
non-scheduled precursor chemical; non-scheduled substance
ceimiceán réamhtheachtach neamhsceidealaithe
scheduled service
seirbhís sceidealaithe
amortization scheme; amortization table; redemption plan; redemption schedule
sceideal amúchta
dosage regimen; dose regimen; dosing regime; dosing regimen; dosing schedule
réim dháileogach
schedule of charges
sceideal na muirear
schedule of repurchases
sceideal athcheannachán
Aging schedule
sceideal de réir aoise
goods schedule; schedule of concessions; Schedule of Concessions and Commitments
Sceideal Lamháltas agus Ceangaltas
List of Specific Commitments; schedule of specific commitments; services schedule
sceideal de cheangaltais shonracha
advertising schedule
sceideal fógraíochta
performance and schedule milestones
garspriocanna feidhmíochta agus sceidil
best climb schedule
sceideal an ardaithe is fearr
tender form; tender schedule
sceideal tairisceana
work schedule
sceideal oibre
generation schedule
sceideal giniúna
compulsory stop; scheduled stop
stad sceidealaithe
duty schedule
sceideal dualgas
on-schedule performance
feidhmíocht de réir sceidil
schedule adherence
cloí le sceideal
schedule efficiency
éifeachtúlacht sceidil
schedule line time
aga líne sceidealaithe
schedule reliability
iontaofacht sceidil
schedule speed
meánluas de réir sceidil
scheduled arrival time
am teachta sceidealaithe
scheduled mode; scheduled service
seirbhís sceidealaithe
form; questionnaire; schedule
UDS; unscheduled DNA synthesis
sintéis DNA neamhsceidealta
milestone schedule
sceideal na ngarspriocanna
DELFOR; delivery schedule message
teachtaireacht sceideal seachadta
Dalit; scheduled caste; untouchable
an t-aos seachanta; na Dalataigh
scheduled amortisation
amúchadh sceidealaithe
cash flow schedule
sceideal an tsreabhaidh airgid
loading schedule
sceideal lódála
autoradiographic test for unscheduled DNA synthesis; autoradiographic UDS test
tástáil uathradagrafach le haghaidh sintéis DNA neamhsceidealta; tástáil uathradagrafach UDS
Central American Tariff Schedule
Sceideal Taraifí Mheiriceá Láir
EC Schedule CXL; EC Schedule CXL annexed to the GATT 1994; EC Schedule CXL annexed to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (GATT 1994)
Sceideal CXL CE; Sceideal CXL CE atá i gceangal leis an CGTT 1994; Sceideal CXL CE atá i gceangal leis an gComhaontú Ginearálta um Tharaifí agus Thrádáil 1994 (CGTT 1994)
scheduled tribe
treibh sceidealaithe
aggregated netted external schedule
sceideal seachtrach glan-chomhiomlánaithe
consumption schedule
sceideal ídiúcháin
external commercial trade schedule
sceideal don trádáil sheachtrach tráchtála
external TSO schedule
sceideal OCT seachtrach
internal commercial trade schedule
sceideal den trádáil tráchtála inmheánach
scheduled exchange
malartú sceidealaithe
Schedule of meetings Service
An tSeirbhís um Sceideal na gCruinnithe
electricity exchange schedule
sceideal malartaithe leictreachais
coverage schedule
sceideal cumhdaigh
scheduled area
líomatáiste sceidealta (fir4)
operating schedule
sceideal oibrithe (fir1)
machinery and plant schedule
sceideal sásra agus gléasra (fir1)
schedule of damage
sceideal damáiste (fir1)
scheduled offence
cion sceidealta (fir4)
stocktaking schedule
sceideal stocáirimh (fir1)
the allowances specified in the second schedule
na liúntais a shonraítear sa dara sceideal