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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAtaifead fir1
gu taifid, ai taifid, gi taifead
(Teirmiméadair, baraiméadair, etc.)
(thermometers, barometers, etc.)
GAtaifead br
abr taifeadadh, aidbhr taifeadta
(láithreas a thaifeadadh; breithniúnas a thaifeadadh)
ENenter v
(enter an appearance in Court; enter judgement)
Ar bhreithiúnas a thaifeadadh sa Phríomh-Oifig d'éagmais láithris nó pléadála.
On entering judgement in the Central Office in default of appearance or of pleading.
GAtaifead fir1
gu taifid, ai taifid, gi taifead
Faisnéis arna cruthú, fáil agus cothabháil mar fhianaise agus faisnéis ag eagraíocht nó ag duine de bhun oibleagáidí dlíthiúla nó le linn gnó a sheoladh.
Information created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by an organisation or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of business.
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
carachtar sainiúil taifid atá inaitheanta trí na saintréithe uathúla a bhaineann leis agus a idirdhealaíonn é ó thaifid eile
the distinct character of a record, identifiable through the attributes that uniquely characterise it and distinguish it from other records
duine ar a bhfuil freagracht i ndáil le riaradh clár a bhaineann le láimhseáil, cosaint agus diúscairt éifeachtúil tíosach taifead ar fud a saolré
an individual responsible for the administration of programmes for the efficient and economical handling, protecting and disposing of records throughout their life cycle
an réimse bainistíochta tá freagrach i ndáil le rialú éifeachtúil córasach a dhéanamh ar chruthú, ar fháil, ar chothabháil, ar úsáid agus ar chur de láimh taifead, lena n-áirítear próisis a bhaineann le fianaise ar ghníomhaíochtaí agus idirbhearta gnó, i bhfoirm taifead, agus le faisnéis faoin méid sin, a ghabháil agus a chothabháil
the field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records, including processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of, and information about, business activities and transactions in the form of records
cruthú córasach, úsáid chórasach, cothabháil chórasach agus diúscairt chórasach taifead chun riachtanais agus freagrachtaí de chineál riaracháin, cláir, dlí agus airgeadais a chomhlíonadh
the systematic creation, use, maintenance and disposition of records to meet administrative, programmatic, legal and financial needs and responsibilities
carnadh nádúrtha ghrúpa taifead a bhfuil gaol acu lena chéile, cosúil le comhad, sainchomhad, sraith nó fonds, ar toradh é ar an gcaoi a dtugann cruthaitheoir taifead faoina ghníomhaíochtaí nó feidhmeanna
a natural accumulation of an interrelated group of records, such as a file, dossier, series or fonds, which results from the way in which a records creator carries out its activities or functions
is é atá i gcontanam taifead ná an fad iomlán atá taifead ar marthain. Baineann sé le córas comhsheasmhach comhleanúnach próiseas bainistíochta ó thráth cruthaithe na dtaifead (agus roimh chruthú na dtaifead, i ndearadh na gcóras coimeádta taifead) go dtí tráth diúscartha na dtaifead nó go dtí tráth a mbuanchoimeád mar ábhair chartlainne
the records continuum is the whole extent of a record’s existence. It refers to a consistent and coherent regime of management processes from the time of the creation of records (and before creation, in the design of recordkeeping systems), through to their disposal or preservation and use as archives
beartais chomhordaithe agus nósanna imeachta comhordaithe trína gcumasaítear taifid a bhailiú, a chur in eagar agus a chatagóiriú d’fhonn bainistíocht na dtaifead a chumasú, lena n-áirítear buanchoimeád, aisghabháil, úsáid agus cur de láimh na dtaifead lena mbaineann
coordinated policies and procedures that enable records to be collected, organised and categorised to facilitate their management, including preservation, retrieval, use and disposition
na rialacha go léir lena rialaítear cruthú, cothabháil, úsáid agus cur de láimh thaifid an chruthaitheora agus lena soláthraítear dóchúlacht imthoisceach maidir le barántúlacht taifead, agus na huirlisí agus na sásraí a úsáidtear chun na rialacha sin a chur i bhfeidhm
the whole of the rules that control the creation, maintenance, use and disposition of the records of the creator and provide a circumstantial probability of the authenticity of the records, and the tools and mechanisms used to implement those rules
sraith rialacha lena rialaítear déanamh agus coimeád taifead, de réir mar a rialaítear le feidhm bainistíochta taifead an chruthaitheora, agus na huirlisí agus na sásraí a úsáidtear chun na rialacha sin a chur i bhfeidhm
a set of rules governing record-making and recordkeeping, as controlled by the creator’s records management function, and the tools and mechanisms used to implement these rules
cruthaitheoir fir3
gu cruthaitheora, iol cruthaitheoirí
an ghníomhaireacht, comhlacht corparáideach nó duine aonair atá freagrach as cruthú, cnuasú nó cothabháil taifead.
the agency, corporate body or individual that is responsible for the creation, accumulation or maintenance of records.
(rud a thaifeadadh i gclár)
ENenter v
(enter in a register)
Leis na Rialacháin seo forordaítear na sonraí i dtaobh gach tástáil agus scrúdú ar dheiseanna chun rabhadh a thabhairt i gcás dóiteáin a bheidh le cur i dtaifead sa Chlár Ginearálta agus na sonraí i dtaobh gach druil dóiteáin a dhéanfar a bheidh le cur i gceangal leis an gClár Ginearálta.
These Regulations prescribe the particulars of every test and examination on means of giving warning in case of fire to be entered in the General Register and the particulars of every fire drill carried out to be attached to the General Register.
GAdáta fir4 na sealbhóirí taifid
ai dátaí na sealbhóirí taifid
Airgeadas An dáta ar a sainítear go bhfaighidh sealbhóirí, atá ar taifead i mórleabhar stoic gnólachta, díbhinní nó cearta stoic.
Finance Date on which holders of record in a firm's stock ledger are designated as the recipients of either dividends or stock rights.
GAdáta fir4 taifid
ai dátaí taifid
Airgeadas An dáta ar a sainítear sealbhóirí, atá ar taifead i mórleabhar stoic gnólachta, mar fhaighteoirí díbhinní nó cearta stoic.
Finance Date on which holders of record in a firm's stock ledger are designated as the recipients of either dividends or stock rights.
Clár oifigiúil a choinníonn Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha na hÉireann de na linbh a bheirtear thar lear do shaoránaigh Éireannacha
The Foreign Births Register is an official register maintained by the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs, of foreign births to Irish citizens living abroad
Sé phunt déag an táille a ghearrfar as clárú i leabhar taifeadta breitheanna coigríche. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
The fee to be charged for registration in a foreign births entry book shall be sixteen pounds
saintréith sainmhínitheach de chuid taifid nó eilimint taifid (e.g. ainm an údair)
a defining characteristic of a record or of a record element (e.g., the name of the author)
carachtar sainiúil taifid atá inaitheanta trí na saintréithe uathúla a bhaineann leis agus a idirdhealaíonn é ó thaifid eile
quality of being whole and unaltered from loss, tampering or corruption
athrú deiridh ar gach líne comhaid, a léiríonn de ghnáth an leasú, an t-údar agus an t-am
last modification to each line of a file, which generally displays the revision, author and time
doiciméad analógach a chaitear leis agus a bhainistítear mar thaifead
an analogue document that is treated and managed as a record
taifead ar léir ina leith gurb ionann é agus an méid a airbheartaítear ina leith agus go bhfuil sé saor ó chrioscaíl nó ó éilliú
a record that is what it purports to be and that is free from tampering or corruption
Ar bhreithiúnas a thaifeadadh sa Phríomh-Oifig d'éagmais láithris nó pléadála FOINSE: I.R. 1980
On entering judgement in the Central Office in default of appearance or of pleading
féadfaidh an tomhaltóir éagóraithe breithiúnas a thaifeadadh sa Chúirt Dúiche nó, de réir mar is cuí, sa Chúirt Chuarda tríd an ordú a chomhdú leis an gcúirt sin sa dúiche Cúirte Dúiche nó, de réir mar is cuí, sa chuaird inar taifeadadh an ciontú. [Acht Uimh. 19/2007]
Comhchordacht: the aggrieved consumer may enter judgment in the District Court or, as appropriate, the Circuit Court by filing the order with that court in the District Court district or, as appropriate, the circuit where the conviction was entered
Where the claim has been satisfied (save as to costs), judgment may be entered in the Office for costs only. I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
Más rud é go mbeidh an t-éileamh sásaithe (ach amháin maidir le costais), féadfar breithiúnas a thaifeadadh san Oifig i leith na gcostas amháin
taifid atá fíorthábhachtach maidir le leanúnachas gnó i gcásanna éigeandála nó tar éis tubaiste
records vital to the continuity of business in cases of emergency or after a disaster
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
public record of proceedings
taifead poiblí ar na himeachtaí
criminal record
taifead coiriúil
registration and recording charges
muirir chlárúcháin agus taifeadta
Convention on the Introduction of an International Family Record
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Taifead Teaghlaigh Idirnáisiúnta a Bhunú
to record (prices)
taifead (praghsanna)
to record (fishing vessel)
taifead (bád iascaigh)
to record that fact
taifead an fíoras sin
breacadh; taifead
breacadh; taifead
record of the proceedings
taifead ar na himeachtaí
operating record
taifead oibriúcháin
written record
taifead i scríbhinn
criminal records departments
rannóg taifead coiriúil
to register or record
cláraigh nó taifead
audit log
taifead iniúchóireachta
Convention on Recognition and Updating of Civil Status Records
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAithint agus le Nuashonrú Taifead a bhaineann le Stádas Sibhialta
military service record; service record
taifead seirbhíse míleata
passenger name record; PNR
PNR; Taifead Ainmneacha Paisinéirí
FDR; flight data recorder
taifeadán sonraí eitilte
time of recording
am an taifeadta
official record
taifead oifigiúil
entry in the register; registration of document
taifead sa chlár
heliograph; sunshine recorder
day-after record
taifead an lá dár gcionn
duplicate recording system; one-write system
córas taifeadta dúblach
machine time record
taifead meaisínama
automatic observer
taifeadán uathoibríoch
cloud base recorder
taifeadán néal-airde
flight path recorder
taifeadán conair eitilte
altitude recorder; recording altimeter
airdemhéadar taifeadta
health records; medical records; patient records
taifead leighis; taifead liachta
audit log; audit trail
taifead iniúchóireachta
black box; flight recorder
taifeadán eitilte
VCR; videocassette recorder
fístaifeadán caiséid; VCR
ráiteas neamhíocaíochta; taifead neamhíocaíochta
air check
taifeadadh meastóireachta
advertising record
taifead fógraíochta
EDR; Embedded Data Recorder
taifeadán sonraí leabaithe
NARS; NASA; National Archives and Record Service of South Africa; National Archives and Records Service; National Archives of South Africa
Cartlann Náisiúnta na hAfraice Theas; Cartlann Náisúnta agus Seirbhís Taifead na hAfraice Theas
metadata record
taifead meiteashonraí
Mentor; mobile electrical network testing, observation and recording
Mentor; tástáil, breathnóireacht agus taifeadadh líonraí leictreacha le linn gluaiseachta
mass spectrometric selected ion recording function
feidhm taifeadta buaiceanna il-ian ar mhais-speictriméadar
accounting record
taifead cuntasaíochta
coulometric recorder
taifeadán cúlóiméadrach
audiovisual record of proceedings
taifead closamhairc ar na himeachtaí
research record
taifead taighde
area records officer
oifigeach taifead líomatáiste (fir1)
brigade records officer
oifigeach taifead briogáide (fir1)
chronological record
taifead de réir dátaí (fir1)
command records officer
oifigeach taifead ceannasaíochta (fir1)
decentralisation of records
dílárú taifead (fir)
judging distance record
taifead fadmheasa (fir1)
kit replacement record
taifead athsholáthair feisteáin (fir1)
officer in charge Area Records
oifigeach i bhfeighil Taifead Líomatáiste (fir1)
officer in charge records
oifigeach i bhfeighil taifead (fir1)
assistant officer in charge records
oifigeach cúnta i bhfeighil taifead (fir1)
platoon record
taifead buíne (fir1)
circuit record
taifead timchuarda (fir1)
message centre record
taifead airmheáin teachtaireachta (fir1)
record of zeroing of light machine gun
taifead ar nialasú inneallghunna éadroim (fir1)
record of zeroing of rifle
taifead ar nialasú muscaeid (fir1)
records officer
oifigeach taifead (fir1)
route record
taifead bealaigh (fir1)
statistical record
taifead staidrimh (fir1)
total mileage record
taifead míleáiste iomláin (fir1)
mode of record
modh taifeadach (fir3)
recording equipment
trealamh taifeadta (fir1)
recruit record sheet
bileog taifead earcaigh (bain2)
officer's record
taifead oifigigh (fir1)
area officers in charge of records
oifigigh líomatáistí i bhfeighil taifead
average consumption record (petrol)
taifead ar an meánchaitheamh (peitreal)