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An luach airgid atá fágtha i bpacáiste pinsin nuair a fhaigheann sealbhóir an phinsin bás roimh dháta aibíochta an phinsin agus atá iníoctha le tairbhithe a h/eastáit
The monetary value remaining in a pension package when the pension holder has died before the pension has matured and which is payable to the beneficiaries of his/her estate
Aon chomhalta a scoireann a chomhaltas ar aon chúis eile agus nach bhfuil i dteideal pinsean agus/nó aisce nó pinsean caomhnaithe agus/nó aisce chaomhnaithe a fháil ... FOINSE: I.R. 1980
A member whose membership ceases for any other reason and who is not eligible to receive a pension and/or gratuity or a preserved pension and/or a preserved gratuity ...
Suim iníoctha le hionadaí dlíthiúil pearsanta an duine a bhí i dteideal sochar caomhnaithe a fháil ach a bhásaigh sular tháinig an tráth go n-íocfaí an tsuim.
A sum payable to the legal personal representative of one who had been entitled to preserved benefits but who died before such benefits became payable.
ciallaíonn "aisce bháis chaomhnaithe" aisce is iníoctha ar bhás de bhua mhír 15 den Phríomh-Scéim;FOINSE: I.R. 1981
“preserved death gratuity” means a gratuity payable on death by virtue of paragraph 15 of the Main Scheme;
An aois ag a mbíonn duine i dteideal pinsean a fháil.
The age at which a pension benefit is deemed payable.
ciallaíonn "aois scoir", ach amháin san abairt "aois scoir íosta", seachtó bliain "d'aois i gcás duine a shealbhaíonn Oifig an Ard-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste, seacht mbliana is seasca i gcás duine ar Coimisinéir de Choimisiún Talún na hÉireann é a ceapadh de bhun alt 4 den Acht Dlí Thalmhan (Coimisiún), 1923 (Uimh. 27 de 1923), agus cúig bliana is seasca i gcás daoine eile;FOINSE: I.R. 1980
"retiring age", except in the expression "minimum retiring age", means seventy years of age in the case of a person holding the Office of Comptroller and Auditor General, sixty-seven years of age in the case of a person who is a Commissioner of the Irish Land Commission appointed pursuant to section 4 of the Land Law (Commission) Act, 1923 (No. 27 of 1923), and sixth-five years of age in the case of other persons;
Cosúil le gnáth-chnapshuim, ach cuimsíonn sí arduithe pá de réir mar is cuí.
Similar to a normal lump sum, but it includes pay increases as appropriate.
ciallaíonn "cnapshuim", ach amháin san abairt "cnapshuim chaomhnaithe", aisce faoi mhír 11 den phríomh-Scéim;FOINSE: I.R. 1981
“lump sum”, except in the expression “preserved lump sum”, means a gratuity under paragraph 11 of the Main Scheme;
B an figiúr a fhaightear tríd an luach saothair inphinsin, mar a mhínítear i mír 6, a mhéadú ar dháta an éirí as faoi threoir méaduithe ar phinsin a deonaíodh faoi mhír 9.3 san idirlinn idir dáta an éirí as agus an dáta a shlánaíonn an duine aois a 60. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
B is the figure arrived at by increasing the pensionable remuneration, as defined in paragraph 6, at date of resignation by reference to pensions increases granted under paragraph 9.3 in the interval between the date of resignation and the date on which the person attains the age of 60.
(b) de dheasca scor ar phinsean nó éirí as oifig agus é i dteideal pinsean caomhnaithe a fháil, FOINSE: I.R. 1980
( b ) retirement on pension or resignation with entitlement to a preserved pension
(viii) Ordú chun fianaise a thógáil, ar coimisiún. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
(viii) An order for the taking of evidence on commission
Conradh a thugtar d'oibrí nach gnáthfhostaí de chuid an chonraitheora é.
A contract which is offered to a worker who is not a regular employee of the contractor.
(e) Daoine a bhí ag obair de réir fochonartha saothair amháin. [foinse: TSL]
( e ) Persons working on a labour-only subcontract basis.
10E. "(1) Beidh feidhm ag an airteagal seo maidir le duine árachaithe, a bhí i rith cúrsa oideachais lánaimsire nó i rith eatraimh idir dhá chúrsa den sórt sin, ag gabháil d'fhostaíocht inárachaithe agus, ar scor dó de bheith ag freastal ar chúrsa den sórt sin, a théann athuair i mbun fostaíochta inárachaithe a bhfuil ranníocaí fostaíochta ináirithe le haghaidh pinsin (ranníocaigh) seanaoise iníoctha ina leith. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
10E. (1) This article shall apply to an insured person who, during a course of full-time education or an interval between two such courses, was engaged in insurable employment and who, when he ceases to attend such a course, re-enters insurable employment in respect of which employment contributions reckonable for old age (contributory) pension are payable.
'tuilleamh ó fhostaíocht inárachaithe nó ó fhostaíocht inárachaithe [Acht Uimh. 32 de 2010]
earnings derived from insurable employment or insurable (occupational injuries) employment
Fostaíocht inar lú na gnáthuaireanta oibre ná na gnáthuaireanta oibre a bhíonn i bhfostaíocht lánaimseartha inchomparáide
A state of employment where the normal hours of work are less than the normal hours of work of full-time comparable employment
Oibrithe Páirtaimseartha nó Ócáideacha [ Ionstraimí Reachtúla: 1981 · Statutory Instruments: 1981]
Part-Time or Casual Workers
(a) I gcás fostaíocht ó lá go lá agus fostaíocht pháirtaimsire, ní foláir don fhostaí, chun bheith i dteideal saoire faoin alt seo, 120 uair a chloig ar a laghad (nó 110 n-uaire a chloig i gcás é a bheith faoi bhun 18 mbliana d'aois) a bheith oibrithe aige don fhostóir sna cúig sheachtain dar chríoch an lá roimh an lá saoire poiblí. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
( a ) In the case of day to day and part-time employments, the employee must, for entitlement under this section, have worked for the employer for at least 120 hours (or 110 hours if under 18 years of age) during the five weeks ending on the day before the public holiday
An aois ar gnách le duine éirí as obair.
The regular age at which one will retire.
"21 (7) (a) Comhalta a mbeidh 10 mbliana de chomhaltas inphinsin aige nó aici agus a gcuirfear a s(h)eirbhísí ar ceal an dáta feidhme nó dá éis agus roimh an 1ú lá de Mhárta, 1982 mar gheall ar iomarcaíocht a thiocfaidh as scéim ar bith chun aon roinn de ghnó an Bhoird a atheagrú nó a dhéanamh níos tíosaí, féadfar, i gcás é nó í a bheith idir aois 55 bliana agus 60 bliain (nó idir 50 bliain agus 55 bliana i gcás banchomhalta nár roghnaigh gnáthaois scoir de 60 go 65 bliana) an liúntas aoisliúntais a dheonú dó nó di dá bhforáiltear faoi Chlásal (1) den Riail seo, i gcás go gcomhaontóidh an Bord ina thaobh sin. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
"21 (7) ( a ) A member having 10 years' pensionable membership whose services are dispensed with on or after the operative date and before the 1st day of March, 1982 because of redundancy arising from any scheme for the re-organisation or more economical operation of any department of the Board's undertaking, he or she then being between the age of 55 years and 60 years (or between the ages of 50 years and 55 years in the case of a female member who has not opted for a normal retiring age of 60 to 65 years) may, if the Board so agrees, be granted the superannuation allowance provided for under Clause (1) of this Rule.
Fostaí atá 15 bliana d'aois ar a laghad
An employee who is at least 15 years old
Is é is críoch do na Rialacháin seo cead a thabhairt oibrithe aosacha a fhostú ar uaineacha oibre 12 uair an chloig ar oibriúchán easbhrú plaistigh ... FOINSE: I.R. 1981
The purpose of these Regulations is to permit the employment of adult workers on 12 hour shifts on a plastic extrusion operation...
(i) D'oibrithe aosaithe seachas iad sin a shonraítear i Roinn 1 de Sceideal 1 atá ag gabháil do Scuaba Urláir Eadarshnaimh a mhonarú [foinse: TSL]
(i) For adult workers, other than those specified in Section 1 of Schedule 1, engaged in the manufacture of Bass Brooms
Fostaí a bhfuil na gnáthuaireanta oibre aige/aici níos lú ná na gnáthuaireanta oibre atá ag fostaí lánaimseartha inchomparáide
An employee whose normal hours of work are less than the normal hours of work of a full-time comparable employee
Oibrithe Páirtaimseartha nó Ócáideacha
Part-Time or Casual Workers
Foráiltear leis na Rialacháin dá réir sin go méadófar na rátaí reachtúla láithreacha maidir le pinsin seanaoise ranníocacha agus neamhranníocacha, ... FOINSE: I.R. 1981
The Regulations accordingly provide for increases in the existing statutory rates of old age contributory and non-contributory pension, ...
(b) pinsean seanaoise (neamhranníocach),FOINSE: I.R. 1981
(b) old age (non-contributory) pension,
Líon iarbhír na mblianta atá caite ag duine i bhfostaíocht áirithe, agus a chuirtear san áireamh i gcás éileamh íocaíochta pinsin, nó íocaíocht den chineál sin. Cuirtear blianta barúlacha, uaireanta, leis an tseirbhís iarbhír agus íocaíocht pinsin á áireamh
The actual number of years given to a particular employment, and parts thereof, that are taken into account in the case of a claim for pension payment or other such payment. Notional years are sometimes added to actual service in order to boost a pension payment
T x P x an mhír achtúireachta agus T = seirbhís iarbhír go dáta luathscoir FOINSE: I.R. 1981
T x P x actuarial factor where T = actual service to date of early retirement.
go mbeidh pé tréimhse … is oiriúnach leis an gComhairle sin … ináirithe chun críocha Achta 1898 mar sheirbhís iarbhír faoi na dintiúirí príntíseachta sin FOINSE: Acht Uimh. 18 de 1954
that … such period … as the said Council think fit … shall, for the purposes of the Act of 1898, be reckonable as actual service under the said indentures of apprenticeship
ciallaíonn "seirbhís ináirithe iarbhír" seirbhís ináirithe seachas seirbhís faoi alt 3 (3) den Superannuation Act, 1887 (a chuirtear isteach leis na Rialacháin seo); FOINSE: I.R. 1980
"actual reckonable service" means reckonable service other than service under section 3 (3) of the Superannuation Act, 1887 (inserted by these Regulations);
scéimeanna faoin alt seo faoi chomhair na sochar aoisliúntais a bhaineann le seirbhís ináirithe a tugadh roimh lá bunaithe Radio Éireann agus is féidir a dheonú do dhaoine, nó i leith daoine, a bhí, díreach roimh an lá sin, ina n-oifigigh' (Acht Uimh. 18 de 2009)
schemes under this section towards the superannuation benefits related to reckonable service given before the establishment day of Radio Éireann which may be granted to or in respect of persons
na Rialacháin Leasa Shóisialaigh (Rátaí Ranníoca agus Tuillimh Ináirimh Bhliantúla) (Daingniú agus Athrú), 1979
the Social Welfare (Rates of Contributions and Yearly Reckonable Earnings) (Confirmation and Variation) Regulations, 1979
Líon na mblianta, agus codanna de bhlianta, atá caite ag duine i bhfostaíocht áirithe, agus a chuirtear san áireamh i gcás éileamh iomarcaíochta, nó íocaíocht den chineál sin
The number of years given to a particular employment, and parts thereof, that are taken into account in the case of a claim for redundancy or other such payment
i gcás arb ionann A agus líon na laethanta, sa tréimhse sin trí bliana, a raibh an tuarastal bunaidh iníoctha lena linn, B agus an tuarastal a bheadh ag an duine ar an lá deireanach dá sheirbhís ináirithe iarbhír dá mba rud é nar athraíodh an tuarastal, C agus líon na laethanta, sa tréimhse sin trí bliana, a raibh an tuarastal athraithe i leith gach ceann díobh iníoctha agus D agus tuarastal an duine ar an lá deireanach dá sheirbhís ináirithe iarbhír: FOINSE: I.R. 1980
where A is the number of days, in the said period of three years, during which the original salary was payable, B is the salary which the person would have had on his last day of his actual reckonable service if the salary had not been changed, C is the number of days, in the said period of three years, in respect of each of which the changed salary was payable, and D is the salary on the last day of the person's actual reckonable service: