Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
The President may appear before the committee in order to be heard by it.
Féadfaidh an tUachtarán láithriú os comhair an choiste d'fhonn éisteacht a fháil.
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
FÓGRA ÉISTEACHTA FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997_leath 2
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
after hearing the other parties
tar éis na páirtithe eile a éisteacht
examination of witnesses; hearing of witnesses
ceistiú finné; éisteacht finné
the hearing in court shall be public
is i gcúirt oscailte a éistfear cásanna
the hearing by the Court of witnesses
an Chúirt d'éisteacht finnéithe
the court addressed; the court applied to; the court hearing the action; the court in which the claim is pending; the court seised
an chúirt a bhfuiltear os a comhair
minutes of the hearing
miontuairiscí na héisteachta
Judge hearing applications for interim measures
breitheamh ag éisteacht le hiarratais ar bhearta eatramhacha
declare the oral procedure closed at the end of the hearing
dearbhaigh ag deireadh na héisteachta go bhfuil clabhsúr curtha ar an nós imeachta ó bhéal
report for the hearing
tuarascáil na héisteachta
AFIL; Audio Frequency Induction Loop; audio induction loop; hearing loop; induction loop
clos-lúb ionduchtaithe
preparation of a case for hearing
ullmhú cáis le haghaidh éisteachta
examination of witnesses and experts; hearing of witnesses and experts
ceistiú finnéithe agus saineolaithe; éisteacht finnéithe agus saineolaithe
nerve deafness; perceptive deafness; sensorineural deafness; sensorineural hearing loss; sensori-neural hearing loss; SNHL
bodhaire aireachtála; bodhaire néarógach
hearing level; hearing threshold level
leibhéal éisteachta
hearing impairment; hearing loss
lagú éisteachta
hearing aid
áis éisteachta
resistance to shear; shear strength; shearing strength
neart fiartha
shear force; shearing force
fórsa fiartha
hard of hearing
hearing threshold
tairseach na héisteachta
hearing officer; hearing officer for competition proceedings
oifigeach éisteachta
conduct of the hearing
seoladh na héisteachta; stiúradh na héisteachta
responsible for the proper conduct of the hearing
freagrach as reáchtáil chuí na héisteachta
hearing of the parties contracting the marriage
Éisteacht na lánúine atá geallta le pósadh
ascertaining the views and wishes of the child; hearing of the child
chumhacht na cúirte chun a fháil amach cad is mian leis an bpáiste; Éisteacht an pháiste
hearing by videoconference
éisteacht a dhéanamh trí fhíschomhdháil
Army Hearing Loss Section
an Rannóg um Chaillteanas Éisteachta san Arm (bain2)
cúléisteacht (bain3, gu: cúléisteachta)